Ever After Contest - May 2019: Trials of Love

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All alone in a massive room, a young woman sits alone, a dirty cloth in her hand. Her older brothers are out at a pub, so that means one thing for a simple maid like her. Cleaning. 

All alone at a full pub, a young man sits next to his best friends. They all have a red cup full to the brim with beer in their hands, his is full of water. One of them announces that he's going home. He holds up a shaky hand, with a pair of car keys. The young man sighs and gets up with him. The drive home is going to be one thing. Long.

The woman wipes her sweat away in satisfaction. She did it. Cleaned the entire mansion in one day. She steps back to admire her work, the floor so clean it sparkled like diamonds reflecting on a lake. Now that she was done, she grabs her coat and her keys. It was time to go home in her bright red minivan.

The man and his drunk friend get into his friends bright blue car. He frowns as the friend sloshes his, still full, cup of beer all over the seat. Whatever, he wasn't dealing with this tonight. Just get him home. The man took off, driving just over the speed limit, certain that the cops were to busy watching the pub to catch a speeder.

The woman leaves a note on the door saying that she was done for the night, although she knew that her boss would hate her for it. Whatever, she wasn't dealing with this tonight. She took off in her car, not caring if she was caught speeding. The woman was too happy to finally be out of that blasted mansion. She came to a stop at an intersection, then decided she didn't care enough for this. She ran the red light, and the blue car across from her does the same.

The man sees the red light. The drunk friend then decides to tell him to run the red light. The man, officially done with tonight, does. And the red car across from him does the same.

The woman and the man come to stand beside each other, looking at the damage. The friend is passed out in the backseat. She and him talk a bit, exchange numbers, and move on. She didn't think of the night as anything special.

Two months later, the woman called him in tears. Her mother had just died and her boss refused to give her the day off. His family holds him back, after all, why should he care about some poor city girl? The man shakes them off, why? He does not know. Then, he immediately drove over to the mansion, where the woman was getting a lecture about priorities. The man in rage grabbed her and told her boss that he should learn some compassion before he try employing again. The boss and his sons are in shock, the woman is in shock. They leave, and the woman full on plants a kiss on his lips. The man almost reals back in surprise. But the kiss feels strangely, right. The woman, named Hannah, is his perfect match.

Hannah has been married to Fredrick for three years. She often retells her story to their three children in the voice of Cinderella. The children love it, the story of a poor maid and a rich city boy, so many people were against it it's almost funny. One day, she finds him. Shirtless. With another woman. Red flashes through her vision, and before she knows it, they're lying on the ground. Dead. In her hand was a knife. Oh Myles, Jane, Destiny," She calls, admiring the bloody knife in her hand, "did I ever tell you the story of the Queen of Hearts?" Her three children enter the room, horrified.

"No.." Myles says nervously.

"Really? Tell me big boy, did I ever tell you her favorite phrase?" Destiny widened her eyes and held up the kitchen knife that she had brought with her. She had always been the favorite of Hannah.

"Off with their head." Her children screamed as Destiny turned the blade on them.  

A woman stands alone in a pub, unable to fathom the story that her girlfriend is telling. Her destructive past could get her in jail, yet the woman refuses to do it. When Destiny asks why, the woman responds with something that would haunt her for years.

"Tell me Queen of Hearts, how much would you like to bet I have a Snow White corpse in my closet?" Destiny reeled back in shock, then laughed.

"Well my Evil Queen," Destiny planted her hand on the woman's waist, "I think it's time we started handing out candy apples."

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