✎A Cursed Christmas✎

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Contest holder: Casting Call Club
Word Limit: 1,000 words
Prompt: Christmas Crash
Words: 678


Jenny sat in her room, staring at the snow outside as it twirled down from the sky. She was wrapped in a thick blanket, a cup of hot chocolate sitting beside her. In the other room, she could hear her mother talking to her cousin.

"Yeah, that will be great! Okay, we'll see you there. What? A blizzard? That's nothing to worry about! I'm sure it won't be so bad. Nothing bad's going to happen, no need to worry so much. I'll prove you wrong when we make it there."

Silence, and then a sigh.

Moments later her mother poked her head into Jenny's room. "Jenny? Are you ready to go?" She asked, stepping in and taking the blanket off of her shoulders.

Jenny nodded and shuddered from the loss of heat. "You can take your hot chocolate with you, just try not to spill it in the car. I'll meet you in there." Her mother then left, leaving Jenny alone.

Jenny looked out the window one last time before grabbing her jacket and walking outside. Snowflakes whipped into her face, making her squint as she hurried toward the car.

When she got in, she was greeted by warmth and the smell of lavender. Sinking down into her seat, she gave her mom a small smile as she started the car.

She smiled back, and started to drive. "We should get there in about three and a half hours if the weather's good." Jenny nodded in response, staring out the window. As they drove, Jenny noticed that the snow had started to come down harder, and the environment became more white as they went on.

Grabbing a pencil, she grabbed a piece of scrap paper and quickly wrote down a note. Then she tapped her mother on the shoulder and passed it to her.

'I overheard you and Kaylee talking. What did she mean about a blizzard? Why was she so worried?'

Her mom chuckled and ran a hand through her hair nervously, giving Jenny a glance. "Kaylee thinks that whenever the Christmas reunion is at her house, it's always cursed. One group dies every time, wether it be getting lost in a blizzard or a car crash. Obviously, I think she's overreacting. Nothing's going to happen!"

It seemed that she was trying to convince herself of that fact. Jenny nodded slowly, turning and resting her head against the window. She'd heard that story before. Some of her cousins had told her it during dinner. Back then she had figured that they had just been trying to scare her, but now she wasn't so sure.

What if they were right?


A couple of hours had passed, and they would make it to the house soon. Thankfully, nothing had happened during those hours, but the wind and snow did get alot stronger. Jenny hoped it was nothing to worry about.

Jenny was dozing by the window, eyes half-way closed as she watched the snow pelt down on them. Inside of a car, it was rather peaceful, watching the snow fall. Maybe she could get a nap in before she had to face her family-

Suddenly, the car swerved.


Wide awake now, Jenny groaned and rubbed the side of her head, feeling a wet liquid as she pulled her hand away. Blood. Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit her.

The car had swerved because of the ice and snow, and now they had crashed at the side of the road. Jenny trembled, turning toward the drivers' seat to see what had happened to her mom. Her head was ropped up on the steering wheel, her left elbow sticking out of the window. There was blood around both of those areas.

Jenny gave her a shake, her eyes clouding with worry. She can't be dead. Please don't let her be dead... After more shaking, she still didn't wake up. It was then that Jenny noticed that her mother wasn't breathing.

Tears escaped from her eyes, and then she cried out the first word she had spoken in years.


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