Mystifying Memory

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W5: Yin and Yang 

It began in sunny April spring

Sunflowers were around the field, surrounding us like sprites of the forest

Memories were sweet and subtle that you bring

That smile of yours I loved and enjoyed ever like a crest

Everything about you was like a star

Like the gleam of the moon; I stopped walking to admire you, your expression

And the wind swept through your black curly hair, as if you were the center of this world bizarre

Holding my hand you kept me close, your eyes glittering with excitement in redemption,

You told me that I was like a strong woman who can handle any obstacle

My black hair swaying in the wind as you looked at my eyes with love and an unwritten statement

Running your hands through my hair, inhaling the sweet scent, memorizing the spectacle,

We then stood up from the grass and you walked me home from school, checking that I avoid stumbling upon the pavement.

All that became a habit in our everyday lives, eating together, walking home from school,

You always made sure that I didn't cut classes and focus on my class

I was a fuss when you tried to make me take back my words and me being a stubborn girl did not become my tool,

My restlessness became the epitome of me own self sass

Your own way of making me learn I appreciated yet I learned that I should not be dependent

Negativity is what can also make me learn not only the through other people

You made everything seem not okay and be a descendent

This was the downfall you had; I hated the way you became too protective to my able

Harsh words that made you look like the torturer

Each breath being the poison of my heart turning it unstable

Pride and Humbleness become distant

Lovely words became empty promises

You lost your kindness

To your own ego

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