Mythical Mirror

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I dwell in the deepest parts of the ocean.
I lure men with singing, for my voice is devine.
The sailors came running, offering devotion,
Unknowing of the lethal danger they'll find.

I drown them with pleasure, for they are just men,
Undeserving of my beauty unmatched.
I promise them riches, again and again,
But when they come seeking, they only get snatched.

Once they see my beauty, lured by my song
They can't fight my magic, it's already too late.
Once their ship is in sight, it won't be too long
I kill most of them quickly, for I cannot wait.

I let one survive, let him run away,
So he can tell others, warn them of my voice,
But they don't believe, so they come anyway,
But that not believing, is a fatal choice.

Some call me a story, some call me a myth,
A reason why sailors don't return from the sea.
But the truth behind the rumors is
I'm just as real as I can be.

Some people come seeking the truth of it all.
They want to know whether I'm real or a tale.
But that curiousity is their down fall.
For I'm no illusion, wind or a whale.

Remember this whenever you travel by ship,
For if you come within hearing range,
I will not hesitate to end your trip,
Once you hear me, you're done for, your path cannot change.

Keep this in mind, for I am no myth,
And you will regret the day you you called me such.
I am a siren, and you're death will be swift
You cannot escape me, try as you must.


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