Contest Entry (The Call)

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I lie awake. I never sleep good on nights when the moon is full. On the other hand, my husband sleeps the best on these nights.

We were married last year, it was the best day of my life. Now we live in the suburbs, in a small one story house. Though our house is small, our backyard is fairly large.

My phone rings, I check the clock. It's 1:34 in the morning. The caller ID is unknown. I swipe the screen to ignore the call, but my finger slips.

There is a car waiting for you outside your house. Get inside. You don't want to ignore this.

My husband, dirty blond with ice blue eyes, rolls over, squinting. "Everything alright?"

"Um, maybe. Hold on." I get up and peer through the closed curtains. Just as the person on the call said, there is a car outside the house.

"Jake, call the police. I got a call saying there is a car waiting outside and to get inside. I just checked. It's out there." My voice comes out as a squeak.

He dials the number so quickly that by the time I'm done talking, he's talking on the phone.

"Yes, our address is-" He is cut off when the line goes dead. In fact, everything just freezes. Time itself stops.

We look at each other. I run over to him, terrified. Neither of us know what is going on, but we both have an uneasy feeling.

A split second later, a bright flash engulfs us. Jake reaches for my hand right before we are dropped.

Plunging down into nothingness, we are too terrified to scream. We land on a gel - like surface.

Gripping his hand tight, Jake and I stand up. The surface we landed on is gummy bears!

In fact, we are in a world completely made of candy. The trees are cotton candy, the rocks are gum drops. The river flowing beside us looks like it's made of Pixie Stix powder.

Since you ignored our call, and did not join us in the car, you will have to go through a test. Follow the road you are on to a giant maze made of licorice.

"D-did you h-here that?" I whimper.

"Yes!" Jake replies. "Let's go."

We set off to find the maze. A huge maze begins to appear from the horizon.

As we approach the maze, the voice speaks again.

You must each complete the maze before the sun sets, or we will take the woman and kill the man. There are no rules. Begin!

I run in, more worried about Jake's life than me being captured. I weave in and out of the maze. But I hit dead ends constantly.

Then it dawns on me. No rules.

I climb the licorice all the way to the top. By the time I get to the top it looks about 3:00 PM.

My plan worked! I could see to the middle of the maze! There is only one problem, the wind is extremely strong up here.

Lucky for me, I have an extraordinary memory. I memorize the paths I need to take, but my vision is blurred by the wind.

I crawl back down, reciting the paths over and over.


I run. Not stopping to look at the sun.

I finally reach the end, panting. Jake is there waiting for me, a worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I pant.

He just points up. The sun is low in the sky, about 30 minutes to an hour until the sun sets.

"What about it?" I am utterly confused.

He jabs his finger over his shoulder. A large wall made of black licorice. A small door at center was slightly open, just enough to hear what was going on inside.

A woman in screaming, as if she is in pain. We can hear the voice laughing.

I run in, to find a... kitten? The voice is coming from a small, black kitten.

Wait, no, you aren't supposed to come in here!

Laughing, I pick him up by the scruff. "Get us back home."

Fine. Wow, this is embarrassing.

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