A romantic evening...you know what nevermind.

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(Tje1415 A date between. Criminal Minds' Spencer Reid and one of my fanfic's OC)

Julia finished fixing her hair. She made her Tenth-Doctor hair messy, but in a hot way. She had on a purple dress that would match her demon eyes, but she wasn't planning on bringing those out. She had even fixed the coarse feathers on her large black wings, yes Reid was the only person to be able to see them, but still.

She heard him knock and smiled. Her hellhound pup, Bri, was wiggling and tipping at the door.

"Bri sit." She ordered before opening the door to Spencer. Today was their first anniversary.

Spencer was wearing slacks and a dress shirt. The tiny slivers of his socks that could be seen between his loafers and his pants were neon pink and green. He was smiling and had a rose in his hand.

"Woah, you look so beautiful." He said, looking at her and how well the dress fit her.

She smiled and blushed a bit. "And you look too handsome." She reached up and messed with his hair a little. "There." She smiled.

He chuckled and held out his arm. "Shall we go?"
She took it with a smile. "We shall."

He led her down to his old babyblue Volkswagen bug.
"Ooh, taking your car?" She smirked, they usually took her red Ford Galexy-Sunliner.

"Don't worry, I put the hunting pack under the backseat." He smiled.

She smiled up at him. She'd been teaching him to hunt, small stuff like ghosts. "I am rubbing off on you, young padawan." She kissed his cheek as he opened the car door for her. She got in and he closed her door before going around and getting in. The car didn't splitter as he turned it on.

"Ooh, someone had Morgan look at his car."

He smirked. "Yeah, Derek said that you'd like it." He blushed a little as she slid on the bench seat to sit next to him.

He drove through the winding hills of Virginia to a cabin. When they stopped, she started to get out.

"Wait." He said, excitedly before getting out and going in the cabin.
He came out a few minutes later and opened her door with a flourish.

"My lady." He smiled and held out his arm. She took it and he led her to the cabin, covering her eyes with his long fingers.
She giggled as she stepped inside.

He removed his hand and she saw the dinner table that he'd set up in the big room of the two-room cabin. He led her to a chair and put a record on an old gramophone.

"Bing Crosby?" She asked.
He smiled and found the box of matches. Striking the box with a slightly shaky hand. The matchbox fumbled out of his hands and to the floor.

He blushed and ducked to get it. She smiled and lit one of her fingers on fire, daintly lighting the candles on the beautifully set table.

He got back up and saw the candles. "Oh...yeah. I'll be back." He smiled and went to the kitchen, bringing out a bottle of sparkling grape juice.

"Ooh white bubbly...what's the occasion?" Julia smiled.

He chuckled. "Our anniversary."
"Sweetheart I know, I don't forget." She smiled.

Spencer smiled and opened the bottle twist cap and poured it partial in the glass, partially on the table.
He said something very. Un-Spencerlike that made Julia grins.

"Ah I have corrupted you." She leans back, grinning proudly.
"Oh shush." He turned pink and hurried to the kitchen.

After a few minutes a burning smell came from the kitchen.

"Umm babe, you ok?"

He poked his head through the door. "Umm..help?" He asked, his eyes wide and his hair messy.

Julia giggled and got up. The spaghetti had clumped at the bottom of the pot, the sauce was so salty it burned her tongue and the great beans were literally on fire.

She snapped and the fire was out.

"Spencer, baby, I love you. But... You are banned from the kitchen." She smiled and kissed his cheek before tossing everything in the trash..

"Hey can we go to that new aeronautics museum?" Spencer asked.

Julia smiled. "Yeah and we can get takeout."she took his hand and they left.

He drove to the museum, where they spent the next three hours rambling what they already knew over everything and made plenty of Star Trek and Doctor Who references.

They only stopped because the museum was closing and they were getting hungry.

When they got their Chinese food, Julia grabbed Spencer's hand again

"Hey, I wanna show you something." She smiled and he returned it.
"Sure." She smirked and closed her eyes, focusing hard. Suddenly they were away from the city and on a mountain.

Spencer gaped.
Julia smirked. "I learned how to teleport."

"I can see that...should I be worried?"
She shrugged. "Nah, all demons can teleport."

"Oh ok."
She sat down on the grass and looked up at the stars. "Beautiful."

Spencer looked at her. "Yes you are." He smiled.
She looked at him and leaned closer.

Spencer kisses her softly and she kisses back.

They weren't the most successful romantic couples, but in the end everything worked out alright for them.

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