Then there was one

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"If you are hearing this, then you have been...chosen." Said the voice in the recording. "The four of you will be stuck in this house for three weeks. You have food, water, electricity. You have to survive. Easy enough?"

"Wrong!" The mans deep voice said sternly. "There will be murderer, a con-artist, an actor amongst you. Only one of you will survive. Never be alone in a room with someone, the killer could be the one with you. The last remaining player will be rewarded freedom from this house. But you have to be the last one standing and have eliminated the murderer. GoodLuck." And with that, the tape ended.

I turn my head towards the other three people in the room. An old lady with grey hair and old blue eyes. Her wrinkled face showed fear.

I look at the other male in the room. His dark brown eyes showed fear as did ha face. His rich Carmel skin covered in bruises. He had a body of a professional wrestler, worried me. He could be the killer.

Looking at the last member, her black hair is cut in a pixie cut with blue and green highlights. She wore all black and all kinds of bracelets littered her skin. She looked calm...

I close my green eyes to take it all in. One of us was a killer, certainly not me, and I will most likely die.

"I know this seems bad," she the wrestler looking man. "But we won't leave the room alone, we stay together."

"He said we have three weeks to live in this house, but what if we all survive?" Said the gothic teen.

{week one}

We all were seated in the living room. Except Marina, the old lady. She had to use the restroom. I had learned everyone's names, the wrestler looking guy was named Brian, the gothic teen was named An, aka Anarchy.

"Do you think Marina is sharpening her knife right now?" An sneered. Ido had to say, anarchy would be the murderer. She has a dark sense of humor...

After she said that, Marina walked in clutching a stuffed rag doll with ragged red yarn hair. "I'am no such thing!" The lady went to anarchy and slapped her. "Respect your elders!" She scolded.

An was angry and in a flash of rage stood up and pushed Marina back. "Get your wrinkled hand away from me!" She screamed.

"Calm down!" Brain said, putting his hand on An while I helped up Marina. An pushed Brian's hand off and turned to him, the punched his face. "Don't touch me!" She screamed. She then turned to me. "Why are you helping a murderer!" She screamed once again.

Marina threw a lamp shade at An, then An ran towards Marina and slammed her body into hers. Marina fell and hit my shoulder, causing her to fall on the end table where she got the lamp shade. Her head hit the side of the metal table and and fell to the floor, still.

The room filled with deathly silence. We all stood there, hoping Marina would get up and attack An, but she didn't.

One down, two to go.

{week two}

It was Friday of week two, we still hadn't moved Marina out of the room. Me and Brian had decided to put Anarchy in an empty room. Today we were supposed to get her out. But that left me and Brain alone in a room, do exactly what the man had said not to do. But I had been safe the whole week so me and Brain suspected it was Anarchy who was the murderer.

Brain armed himself just in case, we both did. Wooden sticks. Brain put his hand on the door handle about to open it, he slammed it open. What we saw scared me. In the niddle of the pure, white room laid An. She was covered in blood, her own blood.

I turned to Brain, he looked scared. So scared that he dropped his weapon and ran, ran away from me. I smiled a sick smile. "Don't run Brian." I slur. "Let's play a game."

Running after him, I grab a knife from the kitchen. But when I got there, Brain already had a knife. He held it up shakily. "G-go away!" He screamed.

"No, but Brian! Let's play a game!" I said running towards him. He jumped out of the way and ran off.

Brains POV-

I ran. He was it the whole time. The one I trusted. He really was a killer. I hid in the bathroom under the sink. I closed the door and held my breathe. I heard foots steps, doors around this room open. My heart rate sped up, a lump in my throat formed and my eyes teared up.

The door creaked open...someone, you know who, walked in and closed the door behind him. I heard him pull the shower curtains, open the slide closet and he waited.

"I know you're here." He said. He pulled open cupboard door and grabbed me by my shirt. He pulled me out and threw me onto the ground

3rd person-

The murderer had a crazed look in his eyes. He held his knife up and stabbed in down into Brian's chest. Brain stopped struggling after a while. The last words he heard from his assaulter was "I win."

Suddenly, a voice came through a speaker somewhere. "I'm sorry, but you did not win." Said the voice from the recording.

"I win! I did! I'am the last one standing!" The so called winner claimed.

"Yes, but in the recording I said to kill the murderer. But you didn't. You're still here. And now we must eliminate you. Thank you for playing."

A dart shot out of a hole in the wall and into the crazy man's neck, somehow going right through it

The man over the intercom laughed, a mangled, crazy laugh.

"I win." He says. "I'am the last one standing..."


So happy I won first place :)

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