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Hey y'all! xD I wasn't supposed to be able to get online for another two or three days, but here I am! 😅 (The explanation is at the bottom of the page)

As most of y'all probably know, I've been camping in Yellowstone National Park. Hah, once I learned how to layer my clothes (lol I'm a Texan...the 60s and even 70's Fahrenheit seem chilly to me. I died of cold the first two nights. I'm...not resilient to the cold) it wasn't so bad. The park has really grown on me! These are some, at least to me, outlandish animals I've seen:

-Pronghorn antelope
-Prairie dog
-Black bear
-Grizzly bear

Don't worry, the wolf and bears were from a distance. xD It was actually pretty sad...a wolf pack had taken down and killed a bison/buffalo/whatever calf, but the mother chased the pack away before they could eat the baby...she stayed with it all day long, and fought off a wolf continuously. It was heartbreaking but really cool to watch. I mean, a buffalo and a wolf fighting? That's something you don't see every day. (In case y'all were wondering, the mom eventually left)

Hah, funny story- me and my family were hiking on this cool trail, and there were prairie dogs all over the place. My little sister, my mom, and me all were watching these two for several minutes, and talking about how cute they were with slowly getting closer to us and making cute noises. Then, all of a sudden, they attacked us!! (Well, there were only two of them, and they attacked my mom and sister. I was safe lol) They actually left scratch marks on my mom's pants. Hah, I haven't screamed like that for a while.

Anyway, the EXPLANATION for why I'm online! The weather forecast said that it would be snowing on Thursday (today) and Friday, and, well, snow and a tent don't mix well. So, my family and me decided to stay at this weird hotel for two short, here I am with the hotel WiFi! I don't know how often I will be online until I get home on Sunday, but just know that I haven't been eaten by a bear yet. 🐻

P.S: Ravens are so big!! It's insane .O.

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