Fun Facts About How I Update and Run the Roleplay

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In case y'all have ever wondered, or are interested. xD

-When assigning apprentices mentors outside of ceremonies, I only give mentors to the apprentices who's roleplayers had been online in the previous 24 hours. (The same goes to their mentors.)

-My updating process usually begins with a new chapter of fanart.

-I usually start updating things with PineClan's needs first, then BrightClan's, and lastly, BrambleClan's, because of the order that they're listed as in the Allegiances. I update within the Clans in this order- warriors, elders, queens, kits, and, lastly, apprentices, since most of them need to be assigned mentors and be mentioned on the 'Apprentices In Need!' page.

-I keep all of my updating 'need to do's in two galleries in my phone's notes (since I take screenshots of everything that needs to be done). One gallery is for the fanart, and the other is for everything else. Hah, they make up about 20% of my phone's pictures at the moment. Hopefully that'll change once I'm done updating

-I have developed symbols to know exactly what needs to be done with the non-fanarty things.

For PineClan actions I draw a green circle on the screenshot, yellow for BrightClan, either purple or blue for BrambleClan, and black for non-Clan (rogueness, loner, kittypet). After my phone's most recent update, it got a lot harder to use purple for BrambleClan, so I started using blue in December.

There are also a lot of other symbols that can be used in different combinations.

I made a little key for y'all so y'all could know what I was talking about:

Now I suppose that I'll talk about how I run the roleplay in general. I won't go into detail (since I could honestly make an entire Wattpad book about it if I had the time lol) but here are some little tidbits. I originally was just going to talk about updating the roleplay, but there are more (hopefully) semi-interesting things to be said(?)

-When accepting names into the roleplay on the 'Sign Up And Additional Info.' page, I have several rules with myself.
First off, the cat in question can't have the name of another cat that's already in the roleplay, so that things won't get too confusing in the Clans. Secondly, people have full rights to have characters with names from the cannon series. (I mean, my own fursona, 'Redwillow', has a main series Dark Forest counterpart ;-; ) If it's your OC, you have the right to make them their own character with their own name.
The most prominent role I have is my denial of acceptance of cats with what I like to call 'third party names'.

Let me explain. xD I think of warrior cat names in three categories (ba dum ching 🥁)

There are 'first party names' like Grasspelt or Dandelionstrike that involve prefixes and suffixes directly from the cannon Warriors series. This doesn't mean that they are names of  main-series warrior cats- they just involve prefixes and suffixes that were used in the original books.

Now, after that come what I like to call 'second party names' that involve prefixes and/or suffixes that we're not used in the original series, but still make sense in a warrior cat environment. Some examples of this in the roleplay involve names like Eaglegaze, Hopeflicker, and Dragonetshine. The name parts aren't used in the main series, but they still make sense.

As seen above, I usually accept both first and second party names into the roleplay with little hesitation. But then, there's the last branch that I don't accept names from- the 'third party' names.

These names are used by a lot of Warrior fans, and that's perfectly fine- they just don't get into the roleplay. They involve name parts that wouldn't make sense in the environment of the roleplay's specific Clans, or cats (perhaps just these cats) just wouldn't know about in general. Examples of third party names include Starflight, Glitterzebra, Cometblaze, etc. It's not bad for people to use these names (they're called OCs for a reason) but they just wouldn't fit into the roleplay.

One of the most difficult things about the roleplay forms is determining the difference between second and third party names. A lot of times there are gray areas between the two, but at the end of the day I'm the one who has to say whether the name has to get changed or not for the roleplay. It's caused grief at times (one roleplayer once battled me over their OCs' names for weeks) but, at the end of the day, it's just one of the ways of how the roleplay works.

Welp. I didn't expect that to turn into an entire name lecture. xD Students, professor ruddergrl orders all of you to create 600 OCs tonight, all of which having 2nd party names! Muahahahaaaa

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