My OC Fun Facts

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I've seen that a lot of people have been doing this lately, so...I'll join the crowd! xD These are just some fun facts about my OCs in my 'Warriors Cats Roleplay'.

-Redwillow of PineClan is bisexual, and actually had a minor crush on Nightdapple before she left for BrambleClan with Chervilflight. She doesn't like anyone right now, though. She likes to focus on training apprentices and such.

-Oakfur and Littlebird of BrightClan's personalities are based on those of my dad's parents.

-Robinthorn of BrightClan is afraid of the thought of starting a family with anyone one day, since he doesn't think he would be a good dad. Also, the thought of kits doesn't really appeal to him much. That was partially influenced by his parents having a second litter during his apprenticeship.

-Before Emberfur of BrambleClan fell in love with Frostwind, he jumped from one she-cat to another, even outside the boundaries of his own Clan. A few of them are Lunarstrike and Tigerslash of BrambleClan, and Brightflower of BrightClan. He was a charmer, and won over a lot of hearts. Tigerwind of BrambleClan was the first love interest of his that hadn't returned any affection, which was one of the reasons why he pursued her so much. He also admired her skill and independence. His mate, Frostwind, has humbled him and taught him the value of love.

-If Imaginary hadn't joined PineClan, Ryeheart of PineClan may have become mates with Gingerfuzz.

-Bluefrost of BrambleClan is Emberfur's sister, and she worries about her relationship with her mate, Redfeather.

-Ryeheart and his littermates, Stoneclaw and Grayfeather, were made warriors after just a moon of training. This occurred last May, since the RP was new and it needed a ceremony to keep up the interests of its roleplayers.

-Robinthorn and Hollyflower of BrightClan were BrightClan's first apprentices in the RP.

-Russetstar of StarClan was both PineClan and BrambleClan's leader. Late in her leadership she felt detached from BrambleClan, and cats were beginning to talk of their wants of Mudstripe becoming leader. Pinestar and his deputy died in the same battle, so the Clan was without a leader. When Russetstar dreamed of brambles growing in a pine forest, she left with two lives left and became PineClan's leader. It was a relatively smooth transition, as the medicine cats were on her side.

-Cloudystorm of BrambleClan thinks of Tigerwind as a daughter he never had.

-Emberfur and Frostwind may be expecting kits soon...

-Sagepaw of PineClan is Redwillow's fourth apprentice. So far, she's mentored Stoneclaw, Birdflame, Blazingheart and Sagepaw.

-Pebblepaw of PineClan feels detached from her family.

-If Ryeheart ever became deputy (which won't happen since I have a rule with myself that my OCs can't be in a prophecy or of any lead rank) he would lead cats into battle often, and be firm and demanding.

-Ryeheart cares for all of his half-siblings.

-Emberfur and Bluefrost's mother was a black and white she-cat named Blossomstalk.

OC Ages:

Redwillow- 5 years soon enough

Ryeheart- 1 year 10 moons

Pebblepaw- a little over 6 moons

Oakfur- around 5 years

Littlebird- 4 and a half years

Robinthorn- a bit over a year

Emberfur and Bluefrost- about 2 years

Cloudystorm- 8 years

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