Heartbreak (BLITZ) 🥀

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Again we are apart
Again my poor heart
Heart that knows no bounds
Heart that just pounds
Pounds with need for you
Pounds with feelings true
True feelings of evermore 
True thoughts nevermore 
Nevermore to hold your hand
Nevermore to understand 
Understand what we had
Understand why things went bad
Bad dreams now haunt me
Bad outcomes I didn't foresee
Forsee your sinister portrayal 
Foresee your absolute betrayal
Betrayal whilst at my prime
Betrayal stealing a planned lifetime
Lifetime left with no compassion
Lifetime lacking all your passion
Passion deep from your sole
Passion with a great big hole
Hole suffered in the heart
Hole tearing me apart
Apart I'm now adding pounds 
Apart my life has no bounds
Bounds broken no longer true
Bounds linking me to you 
You and me are nevermore
You will plague my mind evermore 
Evermore do you understand 
Evermore without a helping hand
Hand threatening when I was bad
Hand I offered you all I had
Had you ever tried to forsee
Had you ever valued me
Me devastated by your betrayal
Me captivated by your portrayal 
Portrayal of happiness for a lifetime
Portrayal on the web at our prime
Prime moments of unbridled passion
Prime lack of any compassion
Compassion lost into a black hole
Compassion taken from my very sole
Sole cause of my heart ache
Sole reason for the final break
Break once again
Break leaving pain

The challenge to write a lengthy poem of heartbreak without using The word love.

The Roses Poetry Contest
26 Nov 2019

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