Weekly Writing Prompt #10 - Starbucks Hottie

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    Every morning I walked to the cafe for my latte and a glimpse at him.

    Starbucks was my favorite cafe in town, but not just because they satiated my thirst for exotic coffee flavors. Recently, they hired a new barista who caught my eye. He was the definition of perfection; he was tall with wispy brown hair and vibrant green eyes. He looked so familiar, but I could never place it. All I knew was that I looked forward to seeing him every morning just as much as my usual frappuccinos.

    I wasn't sure what it was about him, but every time I saw him, I could feel the sexual tension between us. His hands would lightly caress mine as he took the money out of my hand, or he would banter with me while I waited for my drink. I didn't know how he felt about me, but all I knew was they I needed to see more and more of Robbie.

    I walked into Starbucks like I did every morning before heading to my job at the local newspaper, but today the cafe was virtually empty. The only person in the room was Robbie Kay, and my pulse quickened as his eyes landed on mine.

    "Finally, a customer!" Robbie cheered from his place behind the counter, "Now, let me guess, one grande Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino?"

    "Yep!" I smiled at him as I approached the counter, "How did you know?"

    "Do you really think I could watch a woman as beautiful as you walk in here every morning and not at least memorize her order?" he asked with a flirtatious wink before proceeding to make the order.

    I could feel my cheeks heat up as I watched him work. "You're too nice," I rolled my eyes as I looked down at my shoes, kicking the ground awkwardly as I tried to hide my ever-growing blush.

    "No, I don't think I've been nice enough to you," he sighed, "But where are my manners? I'm Robbie. What's your name?"

    "Carley," I smiled as he turned around with the finished drink, "How much do I owe you?"

    "It's on the house," he announced proudly.

    "What? I can't ask you to do that," I pressed as I reached for my purse.

    "Good thing you're not asking me to," he smirked, "But if I could ask one favor?"

    "If it means a free drink, of course," I giggled, and I could see him fidget nervously as he pulled a napkin off of the counter.

    "Call this number when you get a chance," he instructed as he scribbled onto the napkin, "You won't regret it."

    My heart pounded as I realized he was giving me his number! It took every ounce of self-control for me to not squeal and jump around like a little girl. I kept it back, imagining what my friends would say when I texted the group chat later.

    "I'm counting on it," I smirked as he handed me the napkin, "I'll see you around, Robbie."

    As I left the store, I looked down at the napkin and found a message written under his number.

    'For the gorgeous girl who's taken my breath away every time she walked in the cafe - Robbie K. <3'

    My heart almost exploded right there.

    Robbie was right; calling his number was the best thing I've ever done in my life. I called him right after work, and he was quick to answer. It didn't take long before he was arranging a date for us this Friday night, and I couldn't wait.

    He planned the date a week in advance, which was good for planning, but I couldn't wait a week to see him. But even as I waited to see him, he managed to keep me on my toes.

    He would write flirty messages on my cup whenever I walked in there, and he didn't mind grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it in front of every customer in line behind me. He made me feel like I was walking on clouds every time I saw him, and his touch felt like electricity.

    But the best thing was the flowers.

    After a particularly hard day at work, I can home to a large bouquet of bright red roses sitting on my front porch. A note left in the flowers told me that they were from Robbie, and I squealed in happiness as I picked them up and admired them. But the longer I thought about it, the more confused I got.

    I never told him my address.

    As weird as it was, I figured he got it from Snap Map or something like that. But what I did know was that I was so happy that I wasn't living with my dad anymore.

    Ever since I went to college, I moved out of my father, Bill Gate's, mansion. As nice as it was to grow up as the daughter of a billionaire, I'd be the first to tell you it did more harm than good. Being his daughter ruined every friendship and relationship I ever had. Good-hearted people thought I was too good to be friends with them, leaving rude gold diggers to be my only source of companionship. I lost countless friends and partners to greed once I realized that most people only ever liked me for money.

    But Robbie didn't know that, and I couldn't be happier.

    He offered to take me to Lure Nightclub in Los Angeles, a mere twenty-minute drive from here. I couldn't wait to have a night to enjoy myself after an exhausting week at work, especially one where I could dance next to Robbie all night.

    I smirked as I stood in the mirror, admiring my outfit for the night; a classic short, tight black dress with long sleeves and a large cutout above my chest. I turned around, enjoying the look of my classic black wedges and complimentary curly blonde hair.

    Robbie would love it.

    As soon as I finished putting on my gold hoop earrings, the doorbell rang. Butterflies filled my stomach as I walked confidently towards the door.

    "Hello, gorg- woah," Robbie gaped, his mouth dropping open and his eyes widening as his eyes roamed my body. I couldn't hold back the overly-confident smirk as I watched him check me out.

    "Like what you see?" I asked, making his cheeks tint red as he realized he had been caught.

    "Damn right I do," he growled lowly, "Are you ready, love?"

    "Of course," I nodded as I went grabbed my purse off the table, "Lead the way."

    I walked out to where a black Ford Mustang was waiting in my driveway. Robbie walked ahead of me a bit, beating me to the car so he could open the door for me. I blushed as he held the door open for me, allowing me to get in the car before jogging to the driver's side.

    "Thank you, kind sir," I smiled as he put his seatbelt on.

    "No problem, m'lady," he smiled widely at me, "Tonight, you're going to be treated like a queen."

    I felt an uncontrollable smile plaster itself to my face as a giggle escaped my lips. I knew tonight would be a night to remember.

    "How did you even get us into Lure Nightclub? Isn't it pretty exclusive?" I asked as we drove down the road.

    "I have my ways," Robbie smirked, "Have you ever heard of the show Once Upon a Time?"

    "Of course! That's my favorite show!" I gaped, and I found my eyes tracing every intricate detail of his face, "You're not Robbie Kay, by chance...?"

    "The one and only," Robbie nodded.

    "No way! I knew you looked familiar!" I nearly jumped out of the seat with excitement, "Holy crap...I'm on a date with the Robbie Kay!"

    Robbie chuckled. "You act just like a puppy."

    "Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked, but the smile on my face was unerasable.

    "I didn't want you to just date me because I acted on a show," Robbie sighed, "I wanted to know that you actually liked me."

    "Famous or not, I would be lucky to go on a date with you," I reassured him, "I've been wanting to go on a date with you since your first day at Starbucks."

    "That long, huh?" he mused as he wiggled his eyebrows, "Well, I seem to have that effect on women."

    "Oh, shut up," I ordered as I hit his arm playfully, "I could resist your charm whenever I wanted."

    "That's what they all say," he chuckled as he took his right hand off of the steering wheel and found my left one, intertwining his fingers with mine and bringing our hands so that they laid on his thigh. He nodded towards our conjoined hands, "Much better."

    I blushed at our closeness, daring to lean my head on his arm as we drove in peaceful silence, merely enjoying each others company.

    I started to get excited as I saw the exit to Los Angeles coming up. I sat up, squeezing his hand lightly as I imagined the interior of such an A-list club. I couldn't wait to be on the floor, dancing with Robbie Kay surrounded by other celebrities.

    But he didn't take the exit.

    "Uhh, Robbie?" I asked as my eyebrows knit together, "Wasn't that the exit back there?"

    He checked his rearview mirror for a second before returning his eyes to the road. "Yep, it was."

    "Are you going to turn around?" I asked, nervousness settling on me as his body seemed to tense.

    "Nope," he spoke shortly, his playful tone gone from his voice, "Plans have changed."

    "W-well where are we going?" I pressed, my stomach churning uneasily as I heard the car doors lock.

    "I'm not the only one who hid their identity," he snapped, "Carley Gates."

    I gasped quietly. How did he know about my dad?

    "That's right, I know you're Bill Gates' daughter, and I'm going to have some fun with that tonight," Robbie smirked evilly. He looked like the spitting image of Peter Pan, the evil character he played on Once Upon a Time.

    "W-what are you talking about?" I asked, "What do you want?"

    "Well, I'm sure Daddy's going to be missing you after some time," Robbie thought aloud, "And I'm sure he'd pay a pretty penny to make sure his baby girl got back to him safe and sound."

    My heart sunk at his words.

    "H-hold on, Robbie, you don't have to do this," I pleaded, "Please, we can still turn around and go to that club, we can still have our date. You don't have to do anything rash."

    Robbie chuckled maliciously. "You really think this is still about that date? Wow, you really must've been a sheltered child."

    "You can't do this. What will it do? You'll ruin your entire career-"

    "Don't you worry about my career, love," Robbie sneered evilly, making your stomach twist, "When I'm done here, you and your father will never even think about telling anyone about what happened."

    Soon, the car pulled into the parking lot of what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. I pulled at the door handle in one last hopeless attempt at escape, but the door didn't budge.

    Robbie stared displeasedly at me, his eyes burning holes into my skin as he reached into the back of the seat, pulling out a coil of coarse rope. Suddenly, I wished I hadn't worn such revealing clothes.

    "Come on, love. You're going to make me rich."

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