Contest 20-Celebrate [CLOSED]

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GUYS! This is our twentieth contest!!!!!! Woah O.O I just have to say, thank you! We never would have made it this far had you guys not been here, entering, voting, and supporting every step of the way. You guys are awesome!!!

Now, time to CELEBRATE!

This week's contest we are going to have a celebration theme! You must write a short story in whatever genre you would like! The only requirement is to choose ONE of the following prompts and use it somewhere in your story. If you have any questions please feel free to DM me (Ithildae) and I will be happy to help.

Prompts (PICK ONE; requirement):

[ "This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it."

"Shut up. We've only been hiking for twenty minutes." ]

[ "She's crying, what do I do?"

"Go comfort her."

"How do I do that?"

"Start with hugs."

"With what?" ]

[ "Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge."

"Can I pick?" ]

NOTICE: Have fun with it! The more unique the better!

Word Limit: To celebrate this auspicious time, there is NO WORD LIMIT! But please, be respectable to our judges and don't enter a novel :) Thank you!

Due date: June 11, 2017 (make sure we have commented on your entry by then, otherwise it means we have not received it and it will be disqualified)

Exceptions: (these are not tolerated in the story. If any of these are found in an entry it will be disqualified.)

•Nothing explicit, make it appropriate for a younger audience please
•Gay, lesbian, or homosexual content.

[ None of this content will qualify in our contests and the judges reserve the full right to disqualify any entry. Thank you! ]


To enter:

1) TAG TWO PEOPLE in this chapter (not in your own book) who you think might be interested and comment that you are entering.

2) Write the story within the word limit and restrictions above.

3) Post it on your profile, on a new book, or within one of your pre existing books before the due date. (Whatever way works best for you)

4) Tag---
---in the chapter somewhere so we can find your entry! (This is critical to remember because we WON'T be able to find your entry otherwise) If you don't know how to tag someone then please let me know and I'll help you. [ To tag: You tag using this symbol -> @ and place the username behind it. You can ONLY tag in the story if you are following that person. Otherwise you MUST comment the tags in the comment section of the entry. ]

5) Wait for results to be published!

6) And most important: have fun! Enjoy it:)

We can't wait to read your entries! Also, if you have any questions about this week's contest type, please ask any one of the judges.

Ithildae, Gadsul, stringslady, and OrganWorker

NOTICE* If we don't vote or comment on your entry within the first few hours of you posting it, then please send me a DM or message on my board to I can make sure to check it out and re tag the other judges if needed. That way we don't miss any entry :)

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