Contest 6-Prompt [CLOSED]

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We are back again for our sixth writing contest! Wow, this is amazing! Thanks to everyone who has been a big support and to everyone who has entered!

Now, for this week's contest, we are going to try something new, and I think it will be really fun. This week's writing contest topic is nothing! Haha, confused yet? So there is no topic or genre you must stick to, but we have a different kind of condition. A writing prompt. You must somehow incorporate the writing prompt below in your story and keep it to the word limit. The story can be about anything [CLEAN] so long as it is the prompt somewhere inside it. If you have any questions on how this works, please feel free to DM me (Ithildae) and I will be happy to help.

Prompt: [ "You really have no clue who I am?"

"You'd think the confused looks and blank stare would have answered that for you." ]

Word Limit: Please keep your entry to no more than 2,500 words or we cannot accept it. Thank you! (Notice: if it is right over then that is okay)

To enter:

1) Write the story within the word limit.

2) Post it on your profile, on a new book, or within one of your pre existing books before the due date. (Whatever way works best for you)

3) Tag GadSul, BananaBam03, and I in the chapter somewhere so we can find your entry! (This is critical to remember because we WON'T be able to find your entry otherwise)

4) Wait for results to be published!

5) And most important: have fun! Enjoy it:)

Thank you once again and we can't wait to read some unique stories and see how each of you took the writing prompt in a new direction! Don't forget, the due date is next Sunday, so a week from today. Also, if you have any questions about this week's contest type, please ask any one of the judges.

Ithildae, Gadsul, and Evara

Due date: 8/28/16

NOTICE* If we don't vote or comment on your entry within the first few hours of you posting it, then please send me a DM or message on my board to I can make sure to check it out and re tag the other judges if needed. That way we don't miss any entry :)

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