Christmas Day: Finale!!

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Would she like it? I mean, why wouldn't she like it, but I was still kind of nervous.

What if she wants a different type? She already has a fire type! And... And...

Chill Drew. Breath. In. Out. In. Out... Yeah. That's it...

Ugh. How did I end up in this situation. Oh yeah. Solidad's house... Christmas... It's 6:00...



One weird thing about me is that sometimes I can think normally when I am asleep. As in, I was actually asleep until May came in.

She jumped on my bed, not allowing me a moments recovery.


What can I say? I was still waking up!

"Get up sleepyhead!" She yanked the covers off of me.

"Cold..." I muttered, wanting to go back to sleep.

"I said, get UP!!!"

I let out an involuntary yelp as I tumbled off the bed.

"Here." May held out a hand to help me up. "Sorry Drew. That's the only way I could think of to get you up."

I simply yawned, stretched, and made a bee line for my brush.

Not my fault I get MAJOR bed-head!

...Seriously, my hair was a complete wreck.

May sighed. "We don't have time for this..."

I literally had .002 seconds before I was dragged down stairs, bed-head and all, my hand still reaching for the cure of my messy hair.

Now May usually loves to sleep in. However on holidays she gets up even earlier than me, the early riser.

We ran down the stairs (more like she ran, I stumbled) to find that Solidad and Harley were already at the tree.

There were various presents scattered around the tree. Presents! Did I have May's present! It's not like I'd had time to grab it... Calm down Drew. It's in your pocket. You slept with it in your pocket last night, remember?

Chill. She'll love it.

...Wow I'm acting so out of character.

This year we had all agreed to get everyone else one present each, to you know. Keep things simple.

It's just going to be easier if I did this in list form.

From Solidad to-

Harley~ some new cookie recipes

Me and May~ love balls (apparently they make it easier to catch Pokemon of the opposite gender of the one you're using)

From Harley to-

Solidad~ amethyst necklace

May~ plushie of me (?)

Me~ plushie of May (?!?!?!?!?!)

From May to-

Solidad~ bracelets

Harley~ new pokeblock holder

Me~ she said she wanted to give me mine last

From me to-

Solidad~ a gift card to espurr's café (her favorite)

Harley~ more cookie recipes

Finally it was time for me and May to exchange presents.

I pulled her's out of my pocket, as did she. They were both Pokeballs.

She released the one I had given her. The little Volpix popped out and ran into her arms. She laughed as the Volpix tried to lick her face.

"She hatched a week ago."

May smiled. "Let your's out."

A tiny piece of red fuzz tottered towards me. Seriously, that thing was all fluff.

"Oh my gosh..." I said under my breath. I gingerly picked it up as it finally wobbled over to me. It stared at me with huge, chocolate brown eyes.

It took me a moment to realize that it was a Growlithe pup, it was that fluffy.

"How old is he?"

"He hatched yesterday."

"Oh my gosh..."


I closed the scrapbook.

May (now my wife) and I named that Christmas 'fire Christmas'.

That Volpix was now her beautiful Ninetails, and that ball of fluff my loyal Arcanine.

I turned to the most recent page. It showed the newest addition, little Rose.

I closed my eyes, content. There was no one in the world I loved more than my family.



TheIcyAlpha gets a mention for giving a correct general guess of a pokemon.


Once I finish Kingdom of Refuge, I will continue 'Through Norman's Eyes'. I'm so sorry for putting it on hiatus in the first place, but I AM NOT ABANDONING IT!!!!!!!!!

I just had too many stories going on at once. Again, sorry.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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