Ten days 'til Christmas: hot chocolate

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I don't own Pokemon, but I did draw that picture above.
Ten days until Christmas, and no one could say that May didn't have the Christmas spirit.

If one was to walk past her, they would here a voice softly softly singing every Christmas and winter song that had been written. Plus a few that she had made up herself.

On every street post was a long strand of garland and a large red bow. On every door frame hung a wreath, and Mistletoe hung what seemed like every two feet.

In reality, it only about every corner, but still one had to be very carful. It seemed like under every bit of mistletoe, there was a fangirl or fanboy.

May laughed as two unfortunate fans of the opposite gender happened to get caught under the same piece.

There would be plenty of mistletoe hung up at her house this time of year. But... Hoenn was so far away that she wouldn't be able be home for Christmas this year.

Of course, she was sad about this fact, but she knew that she'd be home for New Year's and she knew that she wasn't going to be all alone. No, she, Solidad, possibly Harley, and Drew were going to spend the holidays together.

With those three anything could happen from snowball fights to her and Drew being forced under the mistletoe.

She pulled out her Pokenav, quickly scrolling through the contacts until she found the one she was looking for.

'Hey Drew! You in Blackthorn yet?'

To her surprise, the little bubble popped up, signaling that he was responding.

'Yup. Where are you?'

She hastily responded, her fingers flying over the key board.

'Blackthorn town center. You?'

I didn't have to wait too long for his response.

'Turn around'

I did as the text said, and there standing across the square was my green haired rival.

He was wearing ever so slightly baggy black snow pants, a warm medium purple winter coat, black gloves, a black beanie, and and to finish his winter look he was wearing a rather long knitted black scarf.

May giggled. Classic Drew, dressing so warmly.

Larousse stayed fairly warm all year long, so Drew was unused and HATED the cold.

As in, he despised the cold.

(A/N to clear up any future confusion, Larousse's temperature and Drew's tolerance to the cold are going to change in different drabbles.)

Despite his warm winter get up, he appeared rather cold with his cheeks and little nose red due to the winter weather.

(A/N yes, that is the reason that he's red. For the time being, anyway.)

He had his arms folded over his chest, in a calm cocky manner. Well, that's what one would think anyway. But May could see how tightly he was doing so, and realized that he was just trying to stay warm.

He pulled his scarf tighter around his neck as the wind kicked up.

As for May, she was wearing regular pants and long sleeve shirt with a warm-but-not-too-warm light jacket. She had never really minded the cold, unlike her rival.

May quickly jogged over to him.

"Hm... Is someone cold?" May said sarcastically, referring to Drew's love of the season's temperature.

He glared at her in response. "Shut up. It's freezing out here..."

May rolled her eyes. "It's not freezing out here. It's just you who's freezing."

"Your point?" His face revealed his displeasure at being outside in low-fifty-degree weather.

The wind picked up, and he shivered slightly.

May put on a sweet, happy smile. Not a you're-such-a-big-baby-it's-perfectly-warm-out-here smile.

"Want to head into the Pokemon center and continue this conversation with some hot chocolate?"

He smirked. "Tisk, tisk May. You should know that hot chocolate isn't healthy."

The wind decided that it wanted to blow again, causing even more shivering on Drew's end.

"On second thought, I'm right behind you."

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