4 little Sófrons under the watch of the Renrink (2/2)

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Hades Renrink was a mysterious figure which hardly was anyone ever seeing and even more hearing of. But about all mouths in Valencia and out of it had to say a lot about him. The rumors and theories were a lot more than what anyone actually knew was valid about him.

but i know more because i'm obviously the author of this whole thing going on for 5 or 6 years and i can explain in more details, stopping also from breaking the 4th wall.


but mind you, i'll start rumbling again non-stop, giving you big amounts of side lore equivalent to that of the garten of ban ban game

also, angst lovers, i believe the first part of the chapter will be a small delicacy for ya all. come get yourself some!

Hades' family lineage was well known all over Valencia. The Renrinks were founders and had ownership of what was the equivalent opposite of temples of Life scattered around the city. That's right.

Just like how there were sacred places where the were monsters worshipping Life, there were also temples that were worshipping the mysteries of Death. But while in the temples of Life were accepted only female monsters that had to stay virgin for as long as they lived to serve, in the ones of Death there could even be male worshippers.

Not mixed, there were just temples exclusively for priests and for priestesses. Also they were not obligated to stay virgins, after all the temples of Death weren't just about worshipping one thing for the rest of your li-... hmmm, existence probably I should say. Matter of fact it wasn't rare for a member of such temple to find their other half from another.

That was kind of the case for Sufrimio Renrink, Hades' father. It was tradition in the linage of the Renrinks for the members of the family, after gaining first basing training with classes at home, to be send then in one of the temples of Death and learn its teachings, from the age of 10.

They could return home when they were reaching their twenties and where their training to be the next successor was beginning. Anyways, during such a case, via interaction with another temple of Death, Sufrimio met Pestornia, a priestess of Death, who's temple had accepted his to prepare for a celebration they were planning.

The priests had stayed for a whole month with the priestesses, but it didn't take not even half of it for the 2 skeletons to realise to themselves they were feeling... something for each other. They kept quiet however.

After all the members of the temples of Death were taught to 'discipline' their own feelings and keep them under control, to the point of suppresion. Even when the celebration was over and the priests left, the 2 didn't show anything.

Also, with them meeting for the first time at the ages of 20 and 17, where Sufrimio had completed his time in the temple to return home and train as the next in line of the Renrinks, they separated. 10 whole years passed, in which none forgot each other, until they met again in his mansion for a party. His birthday party.

Amongst the guests would be also a few members from each temple of Death in Valencia and Sufrimio had really hoped to see Pestornia to make sure that what he felt for her the first time he saw her had stayed the same, because it was very interesting. Well, he wasn't disappointed. Matter of fact the feeling got stronger than before.

Seeing her more grown up and in that black dress surrounded by a purple transparent fabric with embroidered lilies and roses on the long skirt. Seeing that kind of fabric was also located in the area of her arms, shoulders and neck, being the only one 'covering' those. The whole night those 2 had hardly taken their looks off each other.

Though one could easily mistake those said looks as hostile glares at each other, they knew that they meant else. And while they stared in silence, their souls were singing at their hosts that even if they didn't know each other well yet, they were meant.

Their moment to finally confirm what they had for each other appeared when the present to the party priestesses started dedicating each from a dance to Sufrimio. One by one they would go to the middle of the grand hall and dance gracefully.

It was interesting and impressive, but the birthday man could barely pay attention as he waited for Pestornia to dedicate her dance too. As if she was doing it on purpose, she went last to dance. But when she did, Sufrimio had almost forgotten to blink as he saw her performing her choreo. Stars, he wanted her.

And suddenly, as she was 15 steps away, when he blinked just once, he saw her just a breath away from him. He stood up, as he was sitting all this time and looked around. All guests had frozen like statues. Sufrimio looked again at Pestornia, who dared to walk even closer to him and her hand fearlessly stroke gently his cheek and jaw.

In that move the male backed away, at first slightly anxious. As a necromancer he was, not anyone could touch him and just be okay after that. Only the monsters that could control abstract meanings such as virtues or sins, Death itself of course, or Life, could tolerate it.

Lucky him then that Pestornia had in her magic possessions the abstract meaning of Time, mainly able to stop it temporarily or slow it down. Seeing nothing happening to her, he walked closer to her. She removed his gloves, threw them a few feet away and then cupped his face with her hands, having also the rather thrilling audacity to approach her face close to Sufrimio's.

Who brought her closer to him until their ribcages were stuck to each other, their souls already beating in sync. After staring into each other's eyesockets intensively for some more, Pestornia once again, becoming the bolder one moved her hands from the other's cheeks to his nape.

"Your gift from me, my Lord."

Even though it was just their second time seeing each other, their first kiss didn't lie about the genuine feelings they had for each other. Thrilling and chilling, causing immense shivers to their bodies. When they separated, the woman escaped the other's embrace and in the blink of an 'eyesocket' dissapeared, only to go back to dancing.

Everything had gone back to normal, the music kept playing and no one had understood anything.

A year later Pestornia had been allowed to be removed from her priestess' duties, as the young Renrink had asked for her hand in marriage and unison. Of course and they had found some time to get to know each other better during then. They got married in general applause and Sufrimio's parents passed down to him the leadership of the house.

With them both being trained and disciplined when being part of the cult of Death, they were showing most of the time a cold face to their surroundings. Only when they were by themselves they were showing to each other their love and affection, in the way they both knew how to enjoy. For many years it was just them, until Hades' arrival, for which they didn't show to be so thrilled.

Don't get them wrong. Or maybe, don't blame them much.

It was sadly common in the family of the Renrinks. The members were disciplined showing no emotions to anyone and anything. All Renrinks who had been trained for a while as members of the Death's cult, weren't encouraged to show emotions, especially positive ones. Not even towards any other member of their family.

Exception was towards their love, those were the only feelings that couldn't be supressed in the logic of the cult of Death. The relationships were just cold, at most. Sufrimio had a slightly better relationship with his mom, but with his father there were no fond father-son feelings.

Just... typical. Nor hate, nor love. After all, there wasn't much time to bond when the Renrinks were send to the temples at 10 years old, by their parents, not seeing each other until 10 years later.

And Hades, being born by parents both once into the mysteries of Death, from day one he was shown no fond feelings. None of his parents had ever caressed him, hugged him close, showed him a big bright smile, or even a small one for that matterHe just existed to them.

A mini them in their house that would success them one day, nothing more, nothing less. The few times Hades really needed a hug as a child, his parents just wouldn't respond to it. At best they would allow him hug them by the leg and never return the hugEventually he had just stopped asking for affection.

There was no point. And it was bound for him to become a serious, sullen boy. Until he turned 10, the age to be send to the temple of Death, he was focusing on his first lessons. Being swarmed by those already to learn languages, science, math and other. From just 6 years old.

The closest he had ever 'bonded' with his parents was when they would personally teach him the first things about controlling his magical abilities, but even that was just emotionless. There wasn't much difference when he moved onto the 10 year priest training and embracing the mysteries of Death.

Discipline, control and suppresion of emotions until almost forgetting what were those. He had perfected his magical abilities there. When he returned home at 20 years old, the treatment from his parents hadn't changed one bit. Their greeting towards their son was typical and strict, their body language stiff and distant.

The next part of his training was about just to keep going with his classes and learn the mannerisms of a Renrink. This training would end in 7 years and then he had to get married if he wanted to success his parents. But just a few months away from being done with his training, calamity would occur in his family and Hades would have to become the new master faster than planned.

It was just him and his mother in the house when someone was brought in, pale and shaking as he looked at Lady Pestornia and offered her a small box with painted lilies on it. She started immediately loosing her chill, she didn't even open the box as she knew what was inside. She forced the messenger to speak up, tell her what had happened.

The ship in which Lord Sufrimio was, as he had left the house for business, on its way back to Valencia was attacked by another unknown ship, killing almost everyone on it and leaving the Master heavily wounded, unable to heal and recover. He had told the messenger to go back home and tell what had happen. And then he-

Pestornia hadn't even let him finish. She told him to get out of her sight and luckily the messenger listened and left on time, as seconds later she started screaming. It was said then that her scream of despair, anger, sadness and frustration was heard downtown, through the whole Valencia.

The box had escaped her hands, which had opened, revealing a pile of monster dust. From her screaming, the clocks inside the house were going crazy, moving clockwise and the other way around, the walls of the house were inflating and deflating and whatever flowers and plants were kilometers away were wilting and going back to their blooming state.

Pestornia was gripping her chest and crying loudly. Even when she had stopped screaming she fell on her knees, just sobbing. Never once in his life Hades had seen any of his parents showing such strong emotion as of then.

Never had he hear his mother calling in such soulbreaking way her love's name, holding in her hands Sufrimio's dust and gripping it tightly in her fists. It had lasted for hours! No one had dared to approach and interrupt her from mourning.

When she stopped, when finally no sound was coming out of her, only then Hades dared to approach. He stood in front of his mother, he looked at her silently, not knowing what to say. Slowly Pestornia raised head to look at him. Her eyesockets had gone hollow.

Her mouth had cracked from how opened she had it when screaming. She slowly stood up and silently walked away. Hades didn't follow her. He looked at his father's dust with emotions he couldn't identify. Was he sad he was dead? Or not? Never once they had shared any worthy 'good' memory.

And then he heard his mother's crazy laughter echoing through the whole house.

"I'm coming for you my love!"

Then, a minute later Hades felt an ugly shiver running down his spine. He knew that feeling well. Somebody had just died. He teleported himself in his parents' bedroom.

Another pile of dust was resting on the floor, with his mother's dress above it. Hades just stood there, staring at the pile emotionlessly for long. Then he clenched his fists and teeth angrily.

"... Why did they hate me Cerdia?" He asked, as he had felt the younger then pig woman's presence behind him. She didn't reply. Hades turned to face her, still with that angry expression. "Did they really hate me so much that even mother couldn't tolerate living with me?!" Cerdia thought about it before looking at Hades stably in the eyes.

"No, young Master. I don't think your parents ever hated you. But I think they couldn't love you either. Never in their existence they were taught to love anyone, but themselves and each other. Lady Pestornia didn't end herself to avoid you because she hated you, but because she loved Lord Sufrimio so much it hurt her emotionally to even think of herself without him by her side. Sadly such love hid big egoism. She didn't think of you, but him only and she ended herself."

It had probably taken a lot of courage to dare say all that in Hades' face, but as she had lived for a long time in that house, she had toughen up. Silence befell between the 2 for a minute that felt like an hour. Eventually Hades' stopped clenching his fists. He relaxed slightly. And then he walked passed Cerdia.

"It wasn't just with my parents. It has been happening from the beginning of this lineage. If this is how love works in this damn family, then I want nothing to do with it. From this day on I am the sole owner of this house and fortune, for as long as I will exist."

"You mean-?!" Cerdia was about to ask surprised.

"Yes woman. I'm not dragging to this mess of a family anybody else! I'm not going to expand it!"

"But Master! Who will success you after death?!" The pig woman asked more surprised. Hades snapped his head to look behind.

"Don't you get it? Ŋø øŋə. This bloodline đ ı ə s w ı τ h m ə." He declared coldly.


Hades was a capable man. Barely after his parents leaving him behind, it didn't take long for his authority and power to everyone in the city be known. Calm and collected, cunning and manipulative, excellent with his words and dangerous at bargains, that was a man you didn't want to oppose or try to fool, because then he was becoming extremely persuasive and pressuring too.

The parties and social gatherings he had ever thrown in his house were never about fun. Only for political purposes and business. This skeleton was the talk of the town every day. Especially for the maids around the house, who couldn't shut up once about him, how cold and serious he was. Only Cerdia had never in her life bad-mouth him.

I mean, she had seen him all those years and how he was treated and silently her soul was bleeding from sadness. He was like that because he wasn't taught any other way. A little bit more than any other maid she had tried to show support towards him, even if it wasn't really of any use.

The damage had been done, he had been deeply neglected emotionally. Everyone feared him for his cold and distant attitude and the fierceness he had if getting angry. It had better for anyone when he didn't know or acknowledged one's existence, because once he laid eyesockets upon somebody, they were done. Possibly done.

That exactly was what Persephone had feared when she saw him around her daughters, hearing the girls saying that he was the one who was after all giving them stuff. For whatever reasons, for a few years he had been going after Aphrodite and Artemis.

About Athena she didn't know if he had his 'interests' upon her too, but the moment he still was after 2 of her girls, she was terrified. What did he want from them? What did he want to accomplish? Because there was no way he was being nice and a giver out of genuine kindness.

That time when he had defended the girls, it wasn't the first time Persephone was seeing him. Or ever seeing his face for that matter. Rarely she had ever encountered him and it was said, amongst so many other, that most of the time this man was seen only when he wanted you to see him.

The first non-physical way Persephone had seen what Master Hades looked like was when she had gone to the basement (that same basement where Aphrodite had been locked) with the chore to find as many broken stuff as possible, bring them up and throw them out later.

As she was going through them, the moment she was picking up a box, that pushed some other object and it caused something like a big dark fabric fall down on the floor. Behind it were hiding a few big paintings. About 10 family portraits of the past Renrinks until of the previous masters.

Each and every one of these were only inculding 3 family membersThe father, the mother and their child, all serious, all almost glaring front. Their names were written at the bottom of the paintings. It didn't take long for Persephone to see the one portrait with Hades' name and of his parents.

The taller ones were standing close, their hands placed at each other's shoulder. Little Hades was standing to his father's right, but he was having no direct contact with him. Almost pushed aside. He was staring at the viewer with not exactly a serious expression, rather melancholic, as if he had a complain, a sorrow about something.

Persephone had been lost staring at him for minutes before she finally snap out of her daze and pick up the stuff she was meant to take out. However she covered up the paintings with the fabric, trying to leave them as they were before. The boy's expression in the painting hadn't leave her mind.

Cerdia hadn't been able to tell her much about Master Hades. Even the walls had ears she had said and no matter where she was in the house, everything could be seen and heard. Even in Persephone's garden she didn't feel safe to talk about him. Damnit.

The second time the skeleton woman had seen him and this time physically, was in a random moment in the day. The triplets were 10 at that time. She was assigned to bring afternoon coffee to the trusted doctor of Hades' the one who was supposed to keep his eye on the house as long as the real Master was away.

Or when it seemed he was away.

Unfortunately for her, a human maid had the audacity to trip her up and the tray with the coffee flew in the airAs the maid ran away laughing, Persephone chose to start cleaning the mess, only to soon realise a pair of feet dressed in dark clothing was in front of her. She silently gulped as she begged for the one in front of her not to be the doctor. But it would be much worse.

"Get. Up." That was a voice she didn't recognise and yet the threat made her make a good guess of who she had in front of her. Mustering all of her courage, Persephone put up her retarded persona and stood up slowly. She didn't raise head. "State your name." His voice commanded her. As much as she wanted to speak up out of her fear, she kept her silence. Things became a lot more difficult when she felt his hand grabbing her tightly by her chin and forcing her to look up. "You dare ignore me insolent maid?!" He asked then. Persephone felt almost breaking as she looked in Master Hades' daggered eyesockets looking at her, easily ready to rip her to shreds. And yet she proceeded to just let her mouth open and look at him with perked up empty eyesockets. That action instead of angering the skeleton man further, caused him to raise brow in confusion and annoyance. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Master Hades, don't bother. Morana doesn't understand much, she's retarded." The head maid that had succeeded Cerdia appeared to save Persephone from the position she was in. Deus ex machina if you ask. Hades looked at her momentarily surprised, then looked again at Persephone confused.

"Retarded? Huh..." He commented quietly as he let go of the skeleton woman. Then, as he backed away, he dissapeared in a black cloud.

"Stars Morana, you just had to bump into the Master and spill the coffee all over him?! He's away from home for long periods of time and you just had to mess up in front of him?!" The head maid scolded her. But then she sighed and shook her head left and right. "You know what, nevermind. Come on. Let's get back to the kitchen, I'll ask the cooks to prepare another coffee for doctor Caninto. Don't spill it this time." She hadn't seen that Persephone had been tripped up, she couldn't have know.

No one ever really knew when Master Hades was out of the house or just lurking in its shadows. That fact was keeping the monster maids on their toes most days, while the human ones were naive enough to think that just because they weren't seeing him didn't mean he wasn't there.

His expression had brought shivers to Persephone from that day they came face to face. He had seemed to buy the retarded act, but never again had the skeleton woman felt so insecure in her life. From that day on she would feel she was being constantly watched.

And everytime she was feeling that, she would think of his face, making it worse for her. Great, she didn't just have the skeleton corsaire to mock her memories, she would also have the Renrink's face to bother her!

Especially from the day her daughters saw him too. If he hadn't discovered from the start that her retarded state was fake, now he knew! She had given herself away because she was worried of her daughters close to him. What was she gonna do?

How could she protect her daughters from that man? They were at his mercy, under his rules. He owned them. If he had been watching her daughters for a few years, then he definitely wanted something from them, if not them as they were, for whatever reasons and personal goals!

After making sure Artemis was alright, the skeleton woman asked her daughters to go back to the garden urgently. They had to talk. The mother had to make sure her girls knew who had been approaching them and what they had hear of him. When she told them who was that skeleton man that had helped Artemis, Aphrodite's reaction scared her.

"Oh wooow! Master Hades likes us!" She said excited causing Persephone to bite down on her finger anxious. She brought her daughters closer to her and explained them what was said about Master Hades.

Well, not the ugliest ones to badmouth him, but she wanted her girls to get in their head an idea of what kind of man they had to look out for. Mainly, she had asked them to be extra careful and pay attention if he ever told to any of them anything strange. Or asked.

"By strange you mean him asking about you and your origins?" There Athena had spoken up, revealing in the process that she had been receiving his attention too. Persephone had gotten even more pale and asked her daughter to keep talking.

She revealed that he wasn't giving her anything like her sistersBut they were talking often, almost everyday. And one day he had asked that question about Persephone, where was she coming from. Much to Persephone's relief, Athena had replied to him that she couldn't know that as her mother was retarded and couldn't talk.

The females agreed that if he kept interacting with them they would go with it, but keep in mind if he had other ulterior motives. Persephone was supposed to feel calmer after that, but the uncertainty in her soul had stayed. A whole week passed after that day and nothing shocking had happened.

Then, there came the deal that would change drastically the routine of the Sófrons.

Casually Persephone had gone to dust off the doctor's office, yes there were 2 in the house, one for Hades and another for the doctor. As she was minding her business however, not even 2 minutes in her chore, she felt the temperature dropping in the room.

She knew damn well she was being watched again, given the day was bright and happy outside. But her soul almost escaped her ribcage when the door behind her slammed and closed. She turned to look there and shivered.

"Chilly weather in this room, am I right?" Persephone turned once again to look at the direction of the desk and stepped back until her hand was on the door's handle. Now Master Hades was sitting behind the desk, his chin resting on his hands like,


Persephone tried to control herself from shaking violently. Wonderful. Wonderful! They were in the same room now.

"Keep it together Persephone."

"I should probably mention that I'm tired 15 years now witnessing this act. How much longer are you going to pretend to stay silent, hm?" Hades asked then. The woman didn't reply, just kept looking at him. "Lies don't stay hidden forever, you know." Once again Persephone didn't respond. The other rolled his eyesockets. "It is such a shame that the daughters of yours have to live like this. Young little blossoms that will just wilt and rot working when they have their whole existence ahead of them." Persephone looked away momentarily to hide her annoyance that Hades was catching in his mouth her daughters. However with him bringing this up, in the situation she was, she had the chance to ask him what was bothering her.

"Why..." She hesitated and shut tightly her eyesockets before looking again at him with slight daggers. "... Why are you after my daughters?"

"Oh so you have a voice after all!" Hades taunted her. Persephone didn't react to it. She might had no rights and power in Valencia, but her lady manners had suddenly rose up from inside herShe might was not as powerful as the RenrinksBut she used to be a Sófron.

A lady from a big house. That was feeding a little bit her egoism to not let that man step over her just because she was in an inferior position in his house. For her daughters too, she had to try and stand her ground, not show she was affected by him or that she would let her fear make her vulnerable.

"My voice is only for whoever doesn't just stalk like a creep and comes to face me." She replied coldly, causing Hades to raise brows.

"Showing audacity now?"

"You are the one who has the audacity stalk my daughters and me." The woman heard the other chuckling darkly. She clenched her fists, but sucked it back for now. "Funny ei? Impressive how the characterism predatory pervert has escaped the rumors about you so far."

Hades' laughter was cut abruptly hearing those words and Persephone felt the temperature significantly dropping a lot more.

"You called me what now?"

"I'm not the one who called you this, but that's exactly what you're doing with me and my girls." The skeleton woman crossed her arms and looked at the other firmly, despite feeling a little bit of her courage being reduced with the other getting angrier. "You've got your eyesockets on my daughters for years now, trying to gain their trust with material exchanges. What are you up to, Master Hades? Because you might be the rich necromancer in this room, but I'm the parent. If I hear or see the slightest happening to my girls and you're involved to this, you're done for." She actually threatened. The 2 skeletons looked at each other intensively for many seconds, never breaking eyesocket contact. In the end, the Renrink closed eyesocket and exhaled from his nose.

"You? Threatening to end me? Rich coming from an once priestess of Life."

All tough persona and sass Persephone had deflated almost in an instant. She fought to not open her eyesockets wide, betray her surprise. Now how did he know that?!

"... Wha..." She did, being barely heard.

"Miss 'parent', your plants around my house betrayed you. You and your daughters make them sprout all over the place. Και οι τέσσερις σας μιλάτε Ελληνικά. I've heard you psalming in said language prayers and wishes that honor Life. Areas over Athens and Crete have temples of Life. You are from Athens however, because only the Ottomans have the cruelty to violate monster women for displacement, ending up leaving you carrying these little illegal daughters of yours. Venetians don't do that with the monsters of Crete, nor they brainwash them from babies. You've been doing that, psalming and singing, over the fence that seperates the bigger part of the garden with the house. And I sense immense life coming out of it for the past 15 years. If you really thought I wouldn't notice, you're naive. Nothing and no one was supposed to be able making anything grow in its grounds. But then, you come, practice above it gardening tecnhiques and perform magical spells that make plants grow out like nothing almost. If that so far doesn't smell like Life magic and typical behavior of a priestess that worships Life itself, then I don't know what does. Your most cheerful girl, Aphrodite, has been caught out of the house growing plants by just walking on the ground. No matter where I am in the house, I've been feeling the lively aura of you 4 hitting me like bricks. I've turned a blind eyesocket to you reviving just a part of the garden, a part of my property. So yes, I might be the creepy stalker you dare calling me, but don't ever again imply that I have ill purposes, as I haven't touch any of you once, or called you out for acting in ways I'm not really approving. And because I've pretended for so long that I see and hear nothing, allowing you for so long do your own thing, you might want to be careful where you aim your threats. Because I have immense patience, but you don't want to find out what I do when it runs out."

He had uncovered her completely. Persephone had just stayed like a statue as she looked at Hades and listened to him talking. When he was done, silence befell them again. Eventually she managed to find some of her composure back.

"Just what do you want from me?" She asked, her voice barely being heard. Hades slowly stood up, still staring at the skeleton woman.

"Your daughters might be what I've called them, 'illegal', but this has nothing on the fact they have so much potential. They're special. They take after your nature and they show that they can do so much more than wasting themselves cleaning the house. They're clever and brilliant and those are wasted too. I've been talking to them at first because I sensed their special nature. Then, as I kept interacting with them, all 3 proved to have great potential. With these, on this land they can find the opportunities becoming someone important in the future. It's not too late, even at the age they are. So long as you've taught them how to write at least, they have the reading ability down."

"I've taught them writting!" Persephone did annoyed.

"And here I thought." Hades commented receiving the woman's glare.

"So you've told me all this. If I've understand it correctly, you want to take my daughters and basically educate them."


"And what do you gain from this? That my daughters are special, sure, but why give them such chances if not wanting something in return?" Persephone asked. Hades chuckled.

"Affected by the rumor that my kindness isn't genuine or never without gaining something from it? This will be for me to know. For now."

"With such logic and secrecy you expect me to give my daughters like that under your 'care'?"

"Not really. But wouldn't it be so unfair if your daughters were given such chance in a million and their mother was stopping them from succeeding in life? Would that make me the cruel one, or you for keeping them away from greatness?" Hades threw his first guilt-trip card. Persephone looked away clenching her fists.

"Much rather I'd throw myself to the fire than throwing my daughters in somebody's offer with possibly dangerous motives. If it wasn't what you wanted something that could be harmful in any way to my girls, you wouldn't 'Keep to yourself for now'. So, pull that guilt-tripping to somebody else, not me."

Secretly Hades had been confused and surprised with Persephone's reaction. This woman was daring to oppose him, while showing a great will to defend with all she had her daughters. She believed there was danger in his offer and despite afraid a while ago, she was going all out at him for her children! Wow, an alive example of a parent being openly protective for their family...

He walked around the desk and approached her. Persephone daggered her eyesockets at him as he stopped 2 steps away.

"... Miss. I am a cruel man with most. But not a liar. My motives and true goals harm in no way your daughters. I want them to succeed for the reasons I know myself. You behave in this way that you care more about them than yourself. But they won't stay little for much longer. You might not like my offer, but it is one they should hear." He paused for a few seconds, still receiving Persephone's defensive stance. "Let's make a deal. You will tell your daughters about my offer. You will let them have the choice of whether denying or accepting it. If they do accept, you will not oppose and tomorrow morning they'll be out of my office to plan their schedules." The skeleton woman was ready to say something. "Yes, you will get to see them at the end of the day and hear what they did. If they like it, their training will procceed each and every day. You will not stop them. If, as you think, I harm them in any way, the deal will be off. Does that all sound fair and square?" He asked. After many seconds of silent thinking, Persephone took a step towards Hades and looked up to him crossing her arms.

"What happens if they miss even a day of classes and lessons?" She asked.

"If they skip because they face health issues, they'll be excused. If they purposely skip or you interfere, consider your little paradise in the garden ashes." He said in a cold icy voice. Persephone almost backed away but managed to stay in her place. She should have known that there would be some threat in all this.

But Hades had sounded honest in all he had said. She was still hesitant from all this. But much to her dislike, he was right that her daughters were being wasted. How much longer would they want to live like this? Her right hand slowly moved to his direction waiting for a handshake.

"So... be it." She said slowly. Internally smirking triumphantly, Hades returned the handshake, closing the deal. Persephone didn't hold hands with him for more than 3 seconds and took hers away rather quickly. She turned her back at him and walked closer to the door. "The door... please."

"Just one more thing." She heard his voice. Slightly annoyed, Persephone turned to look at him and take a step forward.

Instead she proceeded to abruptly collide with the door the very next moment as Hades had taken that step she would have taken, almost trapping her. The skeleton woman looked up to him, betraying momentarily her terror towards the man and as she tried to be one with the wall this much she was pressing against it. She lowered head.

"Go away go away go away..."

She wasn't directly terrified of him in that moment, but she was also reminded of her days back on that Ottoman ship and the torture she had gone through for a whole week. Being cornered like thatHades' expression stayed grim and emotionless as his hand moved towards her face.

Unlike that other time he had gripped her there tightly because she wasn't responding to him properly, as she was pretending to be retarded, his thumb and index finger pinched very gently her chin, making her look up to him.

There was almost 0 force and strength on the 'grip'. It was a touch so easy to avoid, Persephone could simply slap the other's hand away or shake her head to stop feeling the leather of the other's glove touching her chin. Instead she stayed frozen and paralysed looking up to him, waiting for his next move.

Her eyesockets filled with terror and distrust. Had Hades understood behind her expression what was she fearing exactly in that moment, or just assumed of the situation he was now? Regardless, he let go of her chin and placed hands behind his back as he also gave her space.

"The maids around here call you Morana, but I know for a fact that's not your real name. Your daughters have refused all that time to say it. And simply calling you miss feels… hollow. With what name should I really refer to you when not acting?" He asked and in her agitated terrified state Persephone could have sworn she caught some warmth (???) in Hades' voice. She stopped pressing herself against the door so much and her right hand gripped her left wrist gently.

"... Περσεφόνη." She said very quietly. Hades kept a straight face to that answer. Seconds later a click was heard from the door and it creaked open. Wasting no chance, the skeleton woman stormed off the office, leaving Hades trying her name in his mouth as he whispered it.


As much as she still didn't want, the deal had been sealed. When the night came and the 4 Sófrons returned in the heart of the garden, Persephone gathered around her daughters and announced them what she had discussed with Master Hades.

That he had found them to be special and worth spending time to transform them into proper educated women. Then she asked them if they wanted to test out his offer and if they wanted to get into a programm of education.

Try something new other than being maids. The surprised triplets, who had been warned so intensively by their mother just a week ago about being careful around the Renrink had the right to question why would he do such an offer. Just like Persephone they wondered what was he up to.

More over they wondered why would their mom even tell them this. But Persephone had been secretly hoping that if the offer was kept until the end, if Master Hades was really going to help her girls change and become better, they would claim and have what she once had too.

Before becoming a priestess, before leaving Athens. That comfortable life being ripped away from her would be offered to her daughters. And while she wanted to keep them protected, she also wanted anything that would be best for them. Whatever they wanted.

And eventually, what her daughters wanted was to accept with caution the Renrink's offer.

The beginning of change was finally here.

6900 words. and now, imma leave you because i gotta prepare for the summer exams. see you after a month *pat pot pat*

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