Weapon training

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Where there is shown the progress and the struggle Geno goes through to fight with weapons, all while drowning in worry and concern for Alter's not-as-quick-as-he-would-want-it-to-be recovery.

No one's POV:

Hell isn't enough to describe how this part of the training was going. It was demanded from Geno to perform the movements of every weapon he was taught to use precisely, not being allowed to move on the next teaching if he wasn't mastering the one he was on right.

And this time, it wasn't only Ramirez who was most of the time exclusively training Geno. The doctor was calling everyday from a different pirate, who was master at one kind of weapon and was sharing more 'wisdom' behind it.

The first day of training had started with swords. For the first time the siren saw the inside of the room all weapons were kept in the ship. He didn't know if he was mesmerised from how they were glowing with the little light in the room or if he was worried from all pointy edges around him.

With him being so smol, finding a sword that wouldn't be just too big for him was difficult.

"At this point, the butter knife even would be able serve as your sword." Ramirez had commented as he looked around and searching for the right swords. He wasn't grabbing them, but bringing them close to him as if he was using blue magic.

As Geno had been told and understood already though, the doctor was able to possess only metallic stuff or whatever had enough metal in it. Sword training was probably Geno's worst ever experience and it was only the first ever weapon he was taught how to use.

Even if at the end of the day he had managed to gain a few good skills and learn movements. First day of weapon training and alongside Ramirez, there was also Sam, who was master in sword-fighting, but had just proceeded to make Geno's life difficult. Also he wouldn't shut up about his success in the past.

"And you dare call yourself a 'prince'! Hah! When I was your age, I was the head of the French monster military during the reign of King François, before Henri the second removed us!"

The moment Sam's patriotism was emerging and talking about his 'Golden days', Geno just wanted to find a lake full of lava and fall in it. The rat was barely teaching, would only mock the skeleton's inability to handle the sword and refuse to respect that he was just a beginner.

Unlike when Aldo had helped Geno to win against the hyena trio, now he was watching Geno's torture from a distance. When Geno was given a short break, he had looked at Aldo, slightly curious as to why he was watching him again and if he perhaps wanted for some reason to help him. Alas, no.

You're on your own on this Geno
I am accustomed to all other weapons
I know how to handle knives better
Not swords

For a moment Geno got discouraged and hopeless by this. But Aldo hurried to write another message.

Don't feel disappointed if you aren't skilful with swords
They're not the only weapons that exist
Leandro didn't tell you, but your weapon training is except from becoming more dexterous, to also discover the weapon of your preference
While gaining little experience from them all, you will find out which suits you the most and use it if your magic isn't by itself able to defend you

"Yeah, alright. But how am I supposed to gain experience if the rat only preaches me about 'HiS gLoWiOuS gOlDeN dAyS' bLeH bLeH bLeH aLa FwEnCh!" Geno had asked putting 'French' accent as he mimicked Sam's voice, causing Aldo to laugh wholeheartedly.

"Do I smell MOCKERY towards moi?!" Sam was heard from the distance, loudly squeaking annoyed. When Aldo managed to calm down from laughter, he kept writing. Geno awaited for the beaver's answer.

You might not become good at sword fighting
But you still need a few skills from it
Don't worry, I know one way Sam will teach you without preaching
If there's one thing he hates more than having his whiskers or tail touched by anybody, that is being underestimated on what he does
Being implied incapable
So, challenge him on his ego


"You're coming back in a minute garfish!" Ramirez was heard barking.

A student is only as good as their teacher
If the student fails to learn something, that is not only because they might not be ready, but because the teacher is doing a terrible job
You fail to learn;
Samson has already failed
Just, don't purposely fail
Or else you will be on the wrong

And Geno followed that. Not even 2 minutes after the break and when he failed to follow an unclear instruction of the rat about a move, receiving his arrogant mockery, instead of feeling insulted, he shrugged his shoulders.

"The student is only as good as his teacher. In that case, useless."

"Excusez-MOI?!" Sam turned to slowly look at Geno and his whiskers were standing on edge, his little eyes emitting flares from anger.

"You mock me because I can't handle a sword. Well, I've never held one before. And instead of teaching me, ya insult me. But this doesn't make sense! The best sword fighter of France, incapable of teaching swordfighting to others?! Or that is because in fact you have no idea of swordfighting and carry around this 'butter knife' of yours for show?" He turned to look at Ramirez. "Dogface, who's that impostor you called here supposed to teach me together with yo-?" He hadn't finished his sentence as Sam had unarmed Geno and pointed the edge of his sword towards his chest.

"Who are you calling IMPOSTEUR?! N'ose pas! Underestimate my skills!" The rat squeaked aggressively. Ramirez was showing it in his eye, that he clearly knew where had Geno gotten this sass from and glaring at Aldo.

"Then Mr 'best swordfighter of France', show me how am I gonna gain, if not a level at swordfighting anywhere near yours, at least enough skills to defend myself just fine with a sword if I'm in need."

"Fine! Study closely!"

At last Sam was guided to change his teachings and in a few hours of training, Geno was able to put his new skills to right use, fighting with Ramirez in a slow relaxed duel. That duel was rather testing Geno's response to the ways the doctor was swinging his sword at him when in defence and how the siren responded in offence.

"Hmmm, not so bad." Ramirez commented and proceeded the very next moment to unarm the small skeleton with a sudden swing. Geno got caught off guard, fell on his back from getting pushed back by the alsatian and the moment he looked up, he was met with the edge of the other's sword beneath his chin. "Tu peux partir maintenant Samson. Vous avez suffisamment appris au belone." Samson just nodded and walked away casually.

If Geno had think being taught by Sam was bad, he was soon going to find out that having to put in good use what he had learned against Ramirez was worse.

The doctor was fighting chilly and relaxed, easily blocking Geno's attacks, all while doing different things to irritate him. Roll eye, yawn, look away while blocking Geno's attacks. That was pissing the siren off, BADLY.

But because of Ramirez' relaxed mood in the duels, he was always catching off guard the small skeleton by suddenly doing moves so sharp and fast, Geno was seeing his sword flying away and soon facing the sky or eating the floor from the dog knocking him off his feet.

"You are not done with the training, until you leave even at least a scratch on me. That will happen to all other weapons you will get your hands on. Now, get back to your sword."

At the end Geno did manage to leave a wound on Ramirez' wrist. Nothing much. A very small one. Definitely not so bad to the point the hand was ready to get cut off-.

Honestly, until Geno could manage that, his anger was slowly building up inside him. And when he unleashed it, he was just seeing red at that point. Suddenly he had lost everything and Ramirez from his view, only seeing his soul, white and surrounded by a silver line.

He had lost consciousness, only lead by his goal to attack and kill the owner of the soul in front of him. Attacking constantly, gripping his sword tightly and blocking every attack coming at him, at some point he swung the sword vertically, feeling like he at last had hit something.

He stayed motionless with lowered head, breathing and hissing heavily. When he finally raised head, coming back to his senses and calming down, he looked at the doctor. His eyesocket widened up and stepped back letting go of his sword, which… stayed stuck on Ramirez' wrist.

The doctor however didn't show the slightest of pain in his expression. Just staring at the sword stuck on him with raised eyebrows. Eventually, with his right hand, he held the sword from the handle and pulled it out of his left wrist sharply.

The iris of his good eye from black glowed silver while his blind one turned from plain white all silver also. Surprised, Geno watched as the blood concentrated on the wound became solid, closing it.

"What the…" The siren thought. Ramirez looked at him.

"For a first try, good enough. Training is over for today. Do as you please." He said chilly and walked away. Aldo was seen approaching while looking at the doctor concerned. They walked next to each other, mainly with Ramirez reassuring the beaver, who was frantically gesturing, that he was alright.

Despite the weapon training was far more pressuring for Geno, aside the swordfighting he found the training with any other weapon far more preferable. The next day he worked with knives, mainly learning how to throw them.

Boy he was terribly bad at it at first, having only one good eyesocket to see. Luckily for him Aldo and Yalin were absolutely patient and were more willing to teach him right how to find the target.

"It isss the direction of the hand that ssshowsss where the knife will go."

The skeleton even watched as Aldo and Yalin demonstrated how they were throwing knives at each other and catching them casually, or doing small acrobatics. At the end they dueled with their knives and showed Geno too, slowly and carefully, how to attack, unarm and apprehend the opponent.

If you master well enough how to handle a knife, it will be as easy as to hold a small pointy bone
Depends which one you have available if in trouble

Enough weapons were quite the same, especially the different types of swords. One kind of weapon had caught Geno's attention mainly however. 4th day of his training, when he had gone with Ramirez in the storage room to pick weapons.

Only then he had seen them. Leaned against a wall were 3 long sticks, different length. They were amongst other kinds of sticks, like ones Bai was using. Generally the fighting sticks seemed the most harmless. No sharp edges and such.

Though they definitely were still hurting if getting hit by one. Though these 3 specific sticks that had gotten Geno's attention looked much more different to him. He had approached them and held the shortest one in his hands, which was 1 and a half head taller than him still.

He balanced it in his hands, looked at it from all sides and inspected it thoroughly. It was beautifully crafted. The wood was light brown, from top to bottom carved in spirals, kind of like a braid. The sensation and the touch was smooth and pleasant. At least on the biggest part.

On 3 equal spots there were what looked like dark brown bases, rough but offering stable grip. The edges of the stick had holes, which didn't look like they had anything in. Geno tried to swing the stick in his hands, remembering and trying to mimic how he had seen Bai doing it.

"Hi-yah!" He did quietly, giggling as he swung it to his right. Then he swung it to the left. "Hi- EEEP!" From both edges of the stick, suddenly something flicked open.

Geno let go of the object and stepped back, only to hit a wall full of heavy weapons that were just hanging and which proceeded to fall on him. If not for Ramirez controlling them on the last second, the siren would have become fish soup.

"Don't touch things you don't know what they do." Ramirez had scolded him.

"How was I supposed to know that this stick can become spear?!" Geno asked, still traumatized remembering how all these weapons could have crushed him.

"Are you of the crew and you have any right to touch them without reason?" Ramirez snarled.

"What are these sticks exactly?"

"A work of art that started from the monster monks of Portugal. These 'sticks' garfish are called Asderções. Known also as the weapons of the Asteras."

"Asteras!" Geno yelped. There was again that name. The name the young lion back at Lisbon had called Alter.

"That rings a bell huh? You heard things as long as you stayed in Lisbon?"

"Very very little."

"What did you hear of the Asteras generally?"

"Only one mention nearly when me and Alter tried to escape Lisbon. There were some monsters who helped us with some soldiers. And one of them called Alter… an Astera."

"… Ah, is that so?" Ramirez asked calmly after a few silent seconds.

"What are the Asteras exactly?"

"As far as my knowledge reaches, they were the secret army of the monster leader of Azores, Alvino Aster. Its members used to be unknown, or most of them, the best of the best in close combat, magic possesion and weapon handling, trained under high secrecy and risk. Especially, they train to handle the Asderções as their basic and most secret weapon, made to look harmless and trick the humans, but efficient in combat."

"How do they work?"

"On the biggest part they work as fighting sticks. In more aggressive battle they work as spears. But as a matter of fact, I don't know how it turns from stick to a spear. I've seen the metallic blade on one edge they have, while on the other some mechanism that elongates the stick, but I haven't figure out what triggers them to open. I don't know what you did and you caused the blade to come out, but there is some specific way you have to handle them. If there is someone who definitely knows fully how but hasn't told, that is the priest. Wait until he wakes up and if he's in the mood for explanations to tell you if you're so interested."

"Aaah…" Geno just did. Silence befell them for a few seconds. The moment they were ready to step again on deck however, the small skeleton spoke again. "Any chance we train on them? Not with the Asderções, but with the normal fighting sticks."

"Another day. Today we see if you're good using the whip."

The day Geno noticed them and heard a few things from Ramirez, these special fighting sticks didn't leave his mind. When passing by the storage room of the weapons, he would always stop and think about the Asderções. Maybe because it was something related to Alter.

Thinking how the priest had hidden until their last day in Lisbon something so important about his identity. Something that he used to be in his past, more than just a monk who liked to learn and follow the religious human teachings. When could he have the chance listen to him?

Would he even talk about himself any longer though? Would he have the soul to say more things that could cause him sorrow? Considering the horrible things he had said about under what circumstances he had lost both his brothers and what he went through.

At the end of each training session, with all fatigue and struggle Geno was going through, with all small injuries he was getting, whether from the games, whether from the weapon training, he was finding consolation and relaxation by going to the medbay and see Alter.

He would sit next to him and narrate what he had been taught, joke about his trainers' behavior, especially the ones who were giving more on his nerves, which meant most of them. And definitely mostly Ramirez, when he wasn't in the medbay of course to hear Geno.

How he also though was actually able to teach him new stuff. The siren didn't know if Alter could even listen to anything he was talking about, but he wanted to believe he somehow could. At nights as he layed next to him, he would sing softly until he was falling asleep too.

Alter was never responding or showing signs he had any contact with his environment. However each and every single morning, Geno was finding himself being cuddled back by the taller, when the night before he was just laying normally.

"Reflex. He feels your presence so he uncosciously keeps you closer. Positive reaction." Ramirez had explained. It was one good sign that Alter would eventually wake up.

But after the first week, that good sign stopped being enough.

Ramirez had said Alter could possibly recover in less than a week. But the 1 week became 2 and he wasn't waking up. The seizures had stopped, the priest didn't look like he was in fallen down state, in fact he looked like he was sleeping peacefully… then what? Even Ramirez was confused and if possible, concerned.

"You said he would wake up soon!" Geno had complained.

"I'm as confused as you garfish. His body is stable, his soul is still beating… What is slipping from my mind, what am I missing-?" He had suddenly stopped talking. Geno saw in his expression for a fleeing moment some kind of horror.

"Dogface?! What happened?" Geno had asked.

"F*cking stars…" Ramirez commented as he slammed his fists on the table, then covered his face, cursing in a mix of German and Russian. "I did everything right, but he chooses it himself not to wake up!" Geno's eyesocket widened up.

"What…" The dog turned to look at him.

"For whatever reason, a monster can choose to never wake up in the physical world. I helped to keep the priest's body stable and healthy enough to not fall apart…" He shook head left and right. "… But he refuses to leave the monster afterlife."

"Is that possible?!"

"I met a few cases of monsters that wanted to stay dead. Even when I had healed their bodies and managed to prevent them from falling in deep Fallen Down state, their essences refused to leave the monster afterlife. In fact they would temporarily allow themselves find consciousness, only to beg me to stop healing them. If they had heavy illnesses or conditions that made them suffer, it was reasonable wanting to die. And I had to let them go."

Geno had felt falling apart that day. He had just ran at Alter, climbed on the bed and held himself close to him, not letting him go.

"Don't let go man! Why are you doing this?!"

Was it because of his guilt for becoming a murderer? Was it because he somehow knew he would wake up incapable and unable of doing things that were useful? Whatever it was, the small skeleton felt all despair, all confusion and an immeasurable terror overwhelming him.

"… he chooses it himself not to wake up…"

"I know how to move next, I don't know if I can face all that will come without you next to me…" Geno whispered as he shutted tightly his eyesocket.

3370 words. nuuu, baby geno is sad🥺

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