15 [Creep]

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T/dad: ok I am leaving u two alone..so that u could talk bye... (left)

I looked at Taehyung only to find him looking at me...

Y/N: What?
Tae: Why did u payed the bill instead of me?
Y/N:As I said before u are my employee, that to a secretary of mine..so I care about u and ur family.. (calmly)
Tae: But pls tell me how can I repay u?
Y/N: (sighed)...I already told u I don't want-
Tae: But I want to...(pleading)

I sighed again when I know I can't change his intention so I started to think...suddenly my brain went to my marriage, I looked at him...no I can't ask him right?...but I have no one to ask and I don't know what to do-(cut off)

Tae: Ms.Y/N!!!!!!
Y/N:Why are u shouting????
Tae: U seemed to be lost...so I called u..what were u thinking?
Y/N: I was thinking about something to ask u but I don't want to.. (about to leave)
Tae: (held my wrist)Wait..ask me, I will do as a repay...pls
Y/N:But-(cut of)
Tae: Nooo...U SHOULD TELL ME (ordered)
Y/N:Yo...who is the boss here..?..u or me? (chuckled)
Tae: (left ur hands)..Huh...umm sorry..
Y/N:It's ok..u can talk to me like that..we are friends right?so I will leave now..
Tae: Still u didn't answer me...what were u going to ask me?
Y/N: Umm...Will u marry me?
Tae: Oh ok- wait what??
Y/N:Ya...that's what I wanted to ask u...but don't worry it's just a contract marriage...I don't want to get married but for my grandpa's sake I wanted to(ecplained ) ..look I am not forcing u to marry me...it's just u asked me what I was thinking and I told u...so I will go now, take care of ur mom and don't cry like a baby..(smile)

He was listening to me but when me called him baby..

Tae: Yahh..I am not a baby..!!! (eyes widened)
Y/N:Ya ya..bye(left)

Taehyung Pov 

When she told me to marry her..everything stopped around me ...but why is she asking that???after hearing her explanation my doubt got cleared...suddenly she mentioned my mom and asked me to take care of her.. how could someone be this kind to their employees? but my eyes widened when she mentioned me as a cry baby, this girl!!!..
But what should I do now?..should I marry her?

Time skip to morning..

I am currently getting ready for the meeting...

I took the necessary things and opened my room's door to go to Taehyung's room...but
When I opened the door I found Taehyung already standing infront of my door

.. ready to knock the door but stopped his hand midway which looked like he is going to knock on my face so I asked...
Y/N:Want to knock on my face? (teasing)
Tae: Huh?..no sorry(looked down while dropping his hand)
Y/N: Come let's go.. (he nodded and we went to the place where the meeting is held)

At Joon enterprises...

When we entered we were welcomed by the employees and a familiar man...wait isn't he the 2nd guy whom I went for a lunch date?..hell ya he is the guy but what is his name???...umm Jae..ya his name is Jae...

I rejected him coz he is obsessed with me ...after the rejection he always call me but I decline it...oh god save me from this creep..I noticed Mr.Joon coming towards me...thank god he came..

Joon: Welcome Ms.Y/n..(smile)
Y/N:Nice to meet you Mr.Joon (shook hands)
Joon: Come let's go.. (I nodded)

Taehyung Pov

When we entered..we were welcomed by their employees but one person got my attention there was a guy who is starring at Ms.Y/N like a creep...who is he? soon Mr.Joon came and we went inside...


I came to know that the creep is Mr.Joon's secretary...
When I am listening to the meeting carefully...I felt a strong stare at me...I looked around and found Jae starring at me with his smile which made him look like a psycho

I quickly turned around and tried to concentrate on the meeting..

Tae: Mr.Jae could u pls explain this to me..?

After hearing him Jae startled and started to explain him...I looked at Taehyung and he gave me a reassuring smile...now I know that he saved me from him, I gave him a small smile...

I am so lucky to have him as my ......secretary

The meeting went well...
Y/N:..Mr.Joon I liked ur explanation...so we could sign the deal (smile)
Mr.Joon: Thank u Ms.Y/N..

We signed the deal and when I was about to go...I was pulled by a hand...I looked at the person who pulled my hand...it's Jae..

Y/N: (sighed)..What do u want Jae? (I noticed Taehyung is standing beside me)
Jae: Y/N ahh I am so happy to see u again..u know I missed u so much,I can't able to sleep at night coz I can't stop thinking about u (smiling like a psycho)
Y/N: Really??? (he nodded) then I think u should consult a doctor for ur sleeping disorder.. (I heard Taehyung chuckling)
Jae: (came forward)...I am not joking (angry)

Oh god few seconds ago he was sweet but now he is looking like a angry bull..he is surely a psycho
Before he could step further close to me he got pushed by..........Taehyung????

Tae: Don't u dare to come closer to her...
Jae: Why?...You are just a secretary of her...
Tae: For ur kind information...I am her soon to be husband...
Jae: Wh-what??? (he looked shocked as me)

Suddenly Taehyung pulled me with him and we went out of the building...

Taehyung Pov

When we were listening to the meeting..I noticed that Jae guy is still starring at her...she also noticed it and turned around...I felt her being uneasy so in order to save her I distracted him and gave her a smile which she gladly returned..


After signing the deal..we went out but she was pulled by Jae..and he started to blabber nonsense and I chuckled after hearing her response to him but when I saw him stepping closer to her I don't know what gotten into me I pushed him and said that I am her soon to be husband

We went out of the building while I am holding her hand..

--to be continued--

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Snowies time 😀

I just can't....

my heart❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Above Memes are not mine...
Have a beautiful day😊

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