36 [Miss her]

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After eating my breakfast, I went to my room to find a good outfit.
That's when it striked me, I don't have any office outfits here coz they are in our house but it's good though. I will wear comfortable dress as I am not the Ceo now but my father and it will also suit for my act. (smirk)

Umm what should I wear ? I closed my eyes and started to move while touching my dresses, soon I opened my eyes and noticed my hand is on my fav dress. I took it happily and wore it.

My look

With that I left to my company with a driver.

At Company

When I stepped out of my car, I started to look around like I am just new to this company as it's a part of my act.
I went in while looking around and found Taehyung with his friends.
Umm let's start our act from him...I went to them.

Y/N: Oh hey Taehyung ! What are u doing here?(innocently)

He looked at me, I noticed his face. It had dried tears. I wiped them off and he closed his eyes.

Y/N: Did u cry?(while wiping his tears)
Tae: (shook his head) Huh no..it's just I yawned now.

I mentally chuckled at his silly reason.

Y/N: So now tell me why are u here?
Tae: Umm..I am working here as ur da-d's secretary.
Y/N: Oh wow ! (I looked at Jimin and Jungkook) Btw who are they?
Tae: They are my friends and they are also working here.
Y/N: Nice. If u are friends with Taehyung then u are also a friend of mine. (smile) I am Lee Y/N. (forwarding hands)

They looked so confused by my behaviour.

Tae: Guys introduce urself.
Jk: I a-m Jungkook.  (shook hands)
Jimin: Mys-elf Jimin. (shook hands)
Y/N: Nice to meet u two. (smiled and bowed a lil) So will u show me around? (looking at Tae)
Tad: Su-re. Just wait for a while near the elevator, I will come soon.

I smiled and nodded before going towards the elevator.

Taehyung Pov

(Few mins before)

I came to the company early coz I don't like to be there,in our house without her.
For the past few days I didn't talk to anyone that much even to my friends.
In this company no one knows that she lost her memories as her dad didn't tell anyone except his business partners as he is the Ceo now.
But he said he will inform the employees today about her condition coz she got discharged from the hospital in morning.
What a bad husband I am ? I can neither able to see nor talk to her in the past few days as the doctor didn't allowed much people to her room.

Jk: Hyung! (shouted)
Me: (flinched) What?
Jimin: U were zoning out.

I looked at them blankly.

Jk: Hyung where is Taehyung hyung? (to Jimin)
Jimin: I don't know.
Me: What the hell? I am standing in front of u two. (annoyed)
Jk: No u are not. I am asking about my hyung who always used to be cheerful, unlike u.
Jimin: I agree. You are not by urself for last two days. What happened Tae? Did something happened btw u two? (worried)

I blinked my eyes to prevent my tears but failed by letting them down in front of them.

Jk: HYUNG! what happened? (hugged me)

I cried on his shoulders till my eyes lacked its tears. I detached myself from him and wiped my tears.

Jimin: U have some problem. Tell us, u will feel light.

I nodded.

Me: Jimin ahh..Y/- (cut off)
... : Oh hey Taehyung! What are u doing here?

I looked up and saw my Y/N, my love.

(After Y/N left)

When she left I looked at my friends, their face shown how much confused they are right now.

Jk: What just happened?
Jimin: Tae why is she behaving like she doesn't know us?

I sighed and told everything fastly coz she is waiting for me.

Jimin: What? So that's why u are like this ?
Jk: Don't worry hyung we are with u and everything will be fine.

(patted my back I smiled sadly)

We went to her coz they also wanted to be with us.

Y/N: Oh u came? But why are they here?
Me: They also wanted to show u around.
Y/N: Really? Thank u so much. (smiling widely)
Jk: It's ok, come let's go.

She nodded and we took her around the company.
As its early there are not much employees right now and all were busy in their works and didn't noticed her.
At last we went to her dad's cabin.
We saw him signing some papers.

Y/N: Dad! (he looked up in shock)

She ran to him and hugged him.

Dad: Why are u here princess?
Y/N:I was bored so I came here. (smile)

He looked at me and I smiled sadly.

Dad: Jimin and Jungkook come with me. (they nodded) Taehyung stay here with my princess.

I nodded and he went out with them.
I saw her looking around with amusement. She looked at me and smiled and I returned the same.

Y/N: So Taehyung can u tell me something?
Me: Ya.
Y/N: How u became my friend?

What should I tell her ? Think Taehyung.

Me:Umm...We-(cut off)
Jk: (came in) Y/N, ur dad is calling u.

Thank god he saved me.
She nodded and we went out.
We saw the employees gathered around her dad. She went to him.

Y/N: What is it dad?
Dad: (smiled and turned to employees) So meet my daughter Lee Y/N.
Y/N: Hello! I am Lee Y/N. Nice to meet u all. (smile)

"What the hell is happening here?" I thought when I saw the employees bowing to her with a smile.

Dad: Ok so u all can go back to ur work and princess come with me .

With that they went to work while I stood there in shock.

Me: What just happened now? (shocked)
Jk: I will explain u hyung.
Jimin: Let's go to ur cabin first.

We went to my cabin.

Jk: Hyung, when we went out with her dad, he gathered all the employees and said that Y/N had lost her memories. He also asked them to behave with her like they just met her for the first time. When he said that she lost her memories we saw the sad face of our employees. They miss her so much.

Jimin: Who wouldn't miss her? She was the great Ceo and who will treat their employees as their friend? But she did. So it is obvious that they miss her.

Me: I too miss her.(sad whisper)

Upon seeing me turn sad, 

Jk: Come on hyung let's get back to our work. Cheer up!
Tae: How could I Jungkook ahh?
Jimin: Do u want her to see ur face like this ? No right. Then cheer up!

I smiled upon hearing that and we went to work but a thought came to my mind.

"Where is Mia?"

Anyways I am happy that she didn't come till now.
She is annoying me so much. I don't know when I will burst my anger on her.

--to be continued--

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