8 [Past]

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I closed my eyes and sat on my chair...my tears started to fall....it's not true...I am not strong...maybe I became strong physicaly but mentally..I am not....
My mind started rewind the memories of that day...

* Flashback * (A lil)

I am so happy right now...coz it's been 6 months since we are dating...today I am going to his house to surprise him...and we will go on a date...ahh I am so excited..
I stopped infront of his house...I only came here for 2 to 3 times..coz he did not allowed me to come here...but now I don't care...when I entered I saw a pair of woman's heels...I got confused but I shrugged it off by thinking that he is having guest..I searched for him but couldn't find him..so I went to his bedroom as i didn't searched for him there..but my happiness vanished when I heared weird noices...my eyes started to get teary..I couldn't stand there so I went downstairs..to clear my doubt I called him...but his phone was near me..I went there and took his phone...my heart broke into pieces when I saw the name for which he saved my number...


I just threw his phone on the couch and left..

* Present *

I opened my eyes...and wiped my tears harshly.....

"My tears are not worth for him"....

I am not in the mood to continue my work so I took my bag and went outside...only to see my employees working but when they saw me they stood up and looked at me with worry...which I hate the most....I don't want anyone to show pity on me and worry about me...so I looked at them and said..

Y/N:U all can leave early today...(went out)

Taehyung Pov

When I came out to ask Jimin about a file I saw Mr.John coming so we all bowed to him...then Ms.Y/N came out and asked what's wrong...she was looking fine but when he talked to her...her face started to turn cold..and she shouted but soon she realised that she was standing in front of us...so she told him to come to her cabin...
....something is wrong..

Jimin:What the hell just happened..???..Are they friends or something??..
Jk:(he suddenly came)..Hyung how can they be friends..??..didn't u see her face when she heard his voice..??...she looked scary...this is the first time I am seeing her like this...
Me:I agree... let's not talk about this anymore and all of u go and work..(to employees..and all started to work again)

After sometime...
When I am telling Jimin to do his work properly...we heard the door opened and Mr.John..came out angrily and soon Ms.Y/n came out and said that we can leave early today and she left...I looked at her eyes..it's so red...I think she cried.....but why?
We all packed our stuffs and left...


I came to my house, directly went to my bedroom...and took a shower to calm myself..after that I wore comfy clothes

and dropped myself on my bed...coz

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures for anything...

I can't laugh at this situation..and if I did..it would be weird 
(am I right??)...
So sleeping is the best way now...

After sometime I went to my dreamland...


When I was walking in the school hallway....someone tapped my shoulder...I turned around and saw school's bad boy...I got confused on why he is here???...so I asked...
Y/N :Umm...yes..do u need anything???
John: Yes.....I want to tell u something....
Y/N:I am listening...
John:I love u...
Y/N:What???...(I don't believe him coz he didn't even spoke to me before but now)....but we didn't even talked to each other before..so how??..
John:It's just...I was nervous before but not now..so ya... (still I am not convinced...but I nodded lightly coz I don't want to be rude)
Y/N:umm...but I don't love u...infact I don't even know u other than the bad boy of this school...
John:It's ok...u can take ur time... (he left without hearing my reply)...


After few days...I started to love him coz of his sweet behaviour towards me...he was so protective and he did not let me talk to other boys...I thought it's because of his insecurity but I got to know the real reason when I came to know that he is cheating on me...and I asked him about that.....

(Someone started to shake me)

*End of dream*
I woke up and saw my mom...I sat up and asked her..

Y/N:What happened mom???..
Mom:I came here to call u for dinner but I saw u crying while sleeping...had a nightmare??? (worried)

That's when I noticed that my cheeks are wet..I wiped my tears and nodded a lil....

Mom: Don't worry sweetheart...every thing will be fine...

 Thoughts : No mom nothing is fine since I met him today...I had a very bad dream infact we can't say it as a dream..it's my past when I got fooled and by which I got fooled...

Mom:Come on sweetheart smile... (I smiled)..now it looks like my daughter... (small smile)...so let's go.. (we went to the dining room )

--to be continued--

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