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So, I'm a huge fan of debating people, I find the concept of it to be fun! Although debating is when you debate opinions, like the best ice cream or the best popcorn seasoning. Arguing is when you try to change the mind of someone who is just so dumb... An opinion isn't an opinion when it goes against a person's right to live, be free, or their body. I will not debate with a person if a certain type of person exists, I will argue with them though!

Trans people, Therians, Furrys, the LGBTQ+ community, the kink community, all of these people exist, there is no debate. If you think a person is wrong because they aren't the 80s Christian version of right, then you need to reevaluate your opinions.

"Opinions aren’t opinions anymore when they start infringing on people’s right to exist."

"'Oh, but blah blah blah, free speech!' Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequence."

Most of our common beliefs of normal come from the 80s when the church did some stuff... Way back when (the like 50s maybe) men would wear high heels because it was a symbol of status but then some shit happened and then it became a feminine thing to do.

If you don't become or think I'm wrong, don't say anything. Google is free.

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