Conversion (final episode)

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Date: 9th August
Time: 9:56 am
Location: unknown
Scene: unidentified bar and it's customers in massive happiness

In the bustling ambiance of a wood-polished bar, a waitress gracefully navigated through the maze of tables, balancing a tray adorned with gleaming steel glasses filled with rich, ruby-red wine. The air was filled with the joyous symphony of happy chatter as patrons enjoyed their evening libations.

Suddenly, the atmosphere crackled with excitement as the old western swinging salon doors swung open in unison, revealing three imposing figures. The entire bar erupted into cheers and applause as the trio entered, their presence commanding the attention of every patron.

With proud grins, the trio acknowledged the adoration of the crowd before making their way to the bar counter. The bartender greeted them with a warm smile and a nod, a silent acknowledgment of their esteemed status in the community. As they took their seats, the anticipation in the air was palpable, and all eyes were on them, eager to bask in their legendary presence.

As the three figures settled at the bar counter, they ceremoniously removed their olive green cloaks, revealing their formidable presence beneath. With a smooth motion, they placed their cloaks neatly in front of them on the polished surface of the counter.

The bartender, attuned to their preferences, wasted no time in preparing their favorite drinks. Swiftly, she crafted three exquisite concoctions, each tailored to their individual tastes. With a graceful flourish, she placed the transparent glasses filled with a delicate pink liquid in front of them, her voice carrying across the bar as she announced, "Rose milk for all of you."

With synchronized movements, the trio seized their glasses and downed the contents in swift succession, their actions displaying a practiced ease born of familiarity. With a resounding clink, they slammed their empty glasses onto the counter in unison, a gesture of satisfaction that resonated throughout the bar.

Their nod of approval was met with a warm smile from the bartender, who had been witness to many such moments of camaraderie. "We are all so proud of you guys," she remarked, her voice filled with genuine admiration as she collected their empty glasses and placed them on the wooden tray in her hand.


"I know," Liza said softly, her voice tinged with both relief and weariness as she unmasked herself, revealing her true identity to her companions. "I mean, we finally found them after all this time."

Yuzu, his expression reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and resignation, leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms against the worn surface of the table. "Even though... things didn't go too well."


"Even so, at least we know where to look now," remarked the bartender, Ouka Simone, her voice carrying a note of determination as she joined the conversation.


Ouka's curious gaze settled on Hito, her eyes searching his face for any trace of emotion. For a moment, Hito remained silent, his features guarded, until he could no longer ignore the intensity of her stare.

"What is it?" he asked, his tone tinged with irritation as he finally acknowledged her presence.

"You don't seem very happy," Ouka remarked, her voice gentle yet probing as she leaned forward, closing the distance between them.


"Yeah, of course I'm not happy, lady," Hito retorted, his voice laced with frustration as he slammed his fists on the counter. The sudden outburst drew the attention of the other patrons, their curious gazes turning towards the source of the disturbance.

Ouka's heart sank as she witnessed the turmoil written across Hito's face. Her efforts to maintain a cheerful atmosphere in the bar were quickly unraveling in the face of his raw emotions.

The once lively ambiance of the bar now hung heavy with a palpable sense of unease. The patrons drank in silence, their eyes avoiding one another as they grappled with their own thoughts and regrets.

The clatter of silverware against white glass plates reverberated through the space, a stark reminder of the shattered dreams that lingered in the air like a heavy fog.

Hito slumped back onto the straw-woven stool beside Yuzu, burying his head in his hands in a gesture of defeat. Beside him, Yuzu mirrored his friend's despair, his fingers tapping impatiently on the surface of the counter.

Liza's gaze met Ouka's, finding reassurance in the nod of understanding that passed between them. With a silent acknowledgment, Ouka disappeared behind the door next to the shelves, her movements purposeful as she navigated through the heavy atmosphere of the bar.

A while later, Ouka emerged from the depths of the storage room, her hands cradling a wooden tray adorned with a cup of pink liquid and a jar filled with the same substance. With careful precision, she placed the objects in front of Liza, pressing the wooden tray against her chest with both hands as if offering a lifeline amidst the darkness that engulfed them.

Liza accepted the cup, her fingers clenched the handle in calm as she brought it to her lips and took a sip. Despite the crowded bar, the silence hung thick in the air, broken only by the sound of Liza's slurp. The room was filled to capacity, every stool and chair occupied, yet an eerie stillness pervaded the space, amplifying even the slightest of sounds.

The clinking of glasses against the table and the shuffling of legs over chairs and stools echoed through the room, mingling with the loud ticking of the longcase clock.

Hito's restless energy pulsed through him, evident in the way he gnawed at his lower lip with a bare white fang. In a sudden burst of movement, he rose from his stool, his actions drawing the startled gaze of Liza, who watched him with wide-eyed astonishment.

As Hito stood, he addressed the silent room with a voice that rang out loud and clear, cutting through the heavy atmosphere like a knife. "Alright, people," he declared, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "My bad for raising the bummer radar. I'm angry, damn upset right now. You know why? Because me and these two idiots couldn't bring them here. But I guess what Ouka-Miss Ouka said... about a chance, that line of hope... I'm sorry to make you think that was all but a bluff."

With a graceful leap, Hito descended from the stool, his hands slipping into his pant pockets as he moved with fluidity and purpose through the crowded bar. His words, though tinged with frustration, carried a note of determination, a refusal to succumb to despair in the face of adversity.

"The best part, though, is that they saw our faces," Hito continued, his voice gaining momentum as he weaved through the maze of tables. "You know what will happen?"

With a burst of acrobatic prowess, Hito leaped across the tables and towards the counter, executing a somersault with effortless grace. Standing upside down on one finger on the surface of the counter, he reached out with his free hand, effortlessly lifting the large jug of wine from its place at the end of the long table.

In a whirl of motion, Hito spun through the air, landing gracefully on his feet as he set the jug down with a resounding thud.

As Hito's impromptu performance unfolded, the crowd watched with a mixture of amusement and intrigue, their lips curling into wicked smiles as they applauded his daring stunts. Undeterred by their reactions, Hito continued to move gracefully through the bar, pouring wine into raised steel glasses with the finesse of a seasoned performer.

"They will come here themselves," Hito declared confidently, his words carrying a note of determination as he tapped his foot on the floor, the vessel of wine held aloft in his hands. His actions seemed to ignite a spark within the crowd, and soon they were following his lead, tapping their feet on the tiled floor in unison.

Yuzu, unable to contain his amusement, snickered to himself before joining in the rhythmic tapping, his hands clapping together in time with the beat. The infectious energy spread like wildfire, and soon the entire bar was alive with the sound of applause, the masses joining in with enthusiasm.

Even Ouka, usually reserved in her demeanor, couldn't help but be swept up in the moment. With a smile playing on her lips, she added her own applause to the cacophony of sound.

As the rhythmic clacking of feet and synchronized clapping of hands filled the air, the once somber atmosphere of the bar transformed into a spontaneous musical ensemble. Led by Hito, whose energy seemed boundless, the crowd joined in with fervor, their voices rising in unison as they sang along with his improvised lyrics.

"They will arrive," Hito sang out, his voice carrying a hint of defiance and determination as he tapped out a beat on the tables, the jug of wine now resting back on the counter.

The crowd, caught up in the infectious spirit of the moment, followed his lead, their voices blending together in harmony as they echoed his words. "And we will get what belonged to us."

With each refrain, the energy in the room grew, fueled by the collective belief that their perseverance would ultimately lead them to victory. "No one can stop us now," Hito proclaimed, his words resonating with unwavering conviction.

The crowd, emboldened by his words, sang out in affirmation, their voices rising to a crescendo as they declared, "Because the true descendants will be back."


"Way to raise their hopes, Hito," Yuzu quipped, twirling on his stool with a smirk. Hito's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he nodded sheepishly in response.

Liza, unable to contain her amusement, rose from her seat and made her way over to Hito, delivering a playful yet rough slap on his back that sent him lurching forward onto the counter. "Hey! What the hell was that?!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with mock indignation.

"Good job, Hito," Liza chuckled, her laughter ringing through the air. "That high school musical you did back there really lifted their spirits."

Hito, feeling the weight of their teasing, looked away with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. Even Ouka couldn't resist joining in on the lighthearted banter, a smile playing on her lips as she watched the exchange.

As the joyful atmosphere continued to swell, the swinging doors of the bar swung open once more, admitting another customer into their midst. The figure, cloaked in olive green with the hood drawn over their face, cut a mysterious figure as they stepped into the room, their presence adding an air of intrigue to the already lively scene.

The mysterious figure strode purposefully towards the counter, drawing curious glances from Ouka and the patrons alike. Sensing the gravity of the moment, Liza and the boys shifted to either side, silently deferring to the newcomer's choice of seating.

With deliberate ease, the figure settled onto a stool directly facing Ouka, their posture exuding an aura of confidence and intrigue. The mere presence of this enigmatic individual cast a hush over the previously cheering crowd, their curiosity piqued by the arrival of this silent stranger.

Ouka, ever the consummate hostess, disappeared behind the door beside the shelves, only to reappear moments later with a small cup in her hands. She slid the cup towards the hooded figure, who revealed a gloved hand to grasp the handle, their identity still concealed beneath the shadowy depths of their hood.

Without a word, the figure lifted the cup to their lips, taking a sip from the black liquid within-a steaming cup of black coffee. The room held its breath, anticipation thick in the air as they waited for the mysterious individual to speak, their silence a palpable presence in the crowded bar.

Taking deliberate sips from the cup until it was drained, Ouka broke the silence with a gentle inquiry. "I see you are wearing our signature cloak. Where are you from, if I may ask?"

"Tokyo," came the curt reply from beneath the hood, accompanied by a nonchalant shrug.

Suddenly, Hito's patience wore thin, and he lunged forward, grabbing hold of the person's cloak around their neck. "Hey! The hell are you?" he demanded, his voice tinged with anger.

"Calm down, Hito," the hooded figure responded calmly, brushing Hito's grip away with ease. Hito's eyes twitched with frustration, but before he could react further, Yuzu intervened, leaping up from his stool and urging Hito to stop.

"What? Why?" Hito retorted, his rage barely contained.

Liza, recognizing the person's voice, stepped forward with a note of caution in her tone. "Hito, calm down," she implored. Hito hesitated for a moment, his gaze locked onto the mysterious figure, before finally relenting and stepping back.

As the tension in the air began to dissipate, Liza addressed the hooded figure directly. "It's you, isn't it?" she asked, her voice laced with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The crowd leaned in, their eyes agog with anticipation as they awaited the revelation.

With a subtle nod, the figure reached up and unbuttoned their cloak, tossing it aside to reveal their true identity to the eager onlookers. Excited murmurs rippled through the crowd as they caught sight of the person's face, their curiosity satisfied by the long-awaited reveal.

"Gosh, I knew I had sensed the aura somewhere," Ouka exclaimed, hopping off to the other end of the counter and seating herself on a stool facing the boy. "So why are you suddenly here?"

"Well, your little children here," the boy began, casting a glance at Liza and the boys simultaneously, "created a huge fuss two days ago at Shinjuku School of Science and Technology."

"That was because you didn't come with us-" Liza started to defend their actions, but the boy cut her off.

"I didn't come with you, and what? You shouldn't have harmed me like that, Liz," he interjected, his tone tinged with reproach.

"...I apologize for that," Liza replied, bowing in a curtsy. Straightening up, she addressed him once more. "But Kagaro-san, isn't you being here kind of like a betrayal to the JEO or whatever?"

Kagaro slipped back, his eyes scanning the crowd before he wrapped his arm around the trio standing between them. "It's not betrayal. We are just taking back what was ours."

At his words, a roar of enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd as the men and women danced together, their spirits lifted by the promise.


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