Can You Feel the Love Tonight

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Ginny's P.O.V.
"I will fucking kill you!" I had Harry pushed against a wall my wand pointing at him. Just I was about to say... I don't know... One of the twins burst into the room and pulled me away.
"What happened?!" Hermione and Fred, or George, were the only ones in the room. "He didn't tell me. He's supposed to tell me everything, but no! He shut up about Ron!" The twin left and Hermione looked well, honestly pissed. So... probably my mirror.
"What did he do this time?!" She was screeching. "You know the book." She knew it, she's the only one I'd talk to about it. She nodded and I went on. "Ron saw it, read it, told Harry about it, and he didn't tell me!" Realization struck her. "That's why he was in here! I'm so stupid!"
I glanced angrily at the door as the twins walked in. I watched as they whispered to each other. I had nothing more to say.
I listen to try and hear what they were saying. "I don't understand this... It was a book wasn't it?" Twin two nodded. "I think it's a girl thing... I'll ask Angelina at some point." That was Fred.
I thought about how ignorant the boys were of privacy and feelings. I guess I couldn't really hold it against them.
"Leave for a second. Please." The twins nodded and walked out. I turned to Hermione. "I think... I think that they are just extremely feelingless and pretty ignorant. I'm going to forgive Harry for standing up for his best friend and pretty much protecting him from my wrath. You can do whatever you want but I suggest the same thing I'm doing. But, if you need somewhere to hide a body, I'm here for you." She laughed. Like I wasn't being serious.
"Tell him to come in here." I was turning out to do just that as she said it. "Will do Hermione." I already knew what she was going to say. Even if I hadn't said anything to her, she would have made up (the made out) with Ron.
I opened the other door slowly, making sure I looked angry and like they are all about to die. I saw Ron flinch as I glared at him. " Hermione wants you." I smirked to show him how much "trouble" he was in. He tried to make himself small and walked past me.
"Uhm... I think I hear an expirament calling me." The twins said pretty much simultaneously. I nodded and they left.
"Gin. I love you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept it a secret and to be honest I was a little embarrassed that he saw what I wrote to you." I thought about the poem I got on my birthday and smiled in nostalgia. Apparently that made him even more scared.
"Do you want some chocolate at least?" What? That question defiantly caught me off guard. "Uhm... Sure..." He broke off a piece from one I hadn't noticed he had in his hands and ate it.
After a couple minutes of what I thought was nausea, I had this overwhelming, incredible (to say the least) feeling to be with Harry. Right at that second. No one could stop me. Nothing could stop me from getting to him.
I pushed him back on the bed and fell onto it. Grabbing his hair, I pulled his face to mine. "I love you." I kissed him with everything I had. I couldn't get enough.
I was tugging at the fabric of his shirt. It was so hot in here. I realized I couldn't get it off like this. "Shirt. Off." He obliged. I was gasping for breath. My nails dug into his skin.
I didn't care about consequences. I just wanted, no, needed more. He's a drug, and I'm addicted. I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled him closer.
I really didn't care about consequences. I grabbed his hair in one hand and in the other, my nails were dragging down his back.
He pushed me back, severing contact. "Gin, what are you doing?" I came to my senses. "I... I don't know." I looked at his face. He was scared, confused... Hurt? "What happened to me?" He shook his head and took me into his arms as I collapsed.
"What was in the chocolate, Harry?" I looked him in the eyes and he tried to look anywhere but. "Amortenia." I smiled, on the verge of laughing.
Well, now we know what happens when you try and make somebody already in love, in love using amortenia. " he looked at me quizzically. "It turns the person into a, for lack of a better word, zombie. As the muggles say at least."
He brushed a piece of hair out of my face and I picked up his shirt. "You might want to put this back on." He smiled and kissed me. "You are really something, aren't you Gin?"
I rolled my eyes. "Do it again and I. Will. Fucking. Kill. You." He nodded. "Yep, definitely something."

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