11: Full Day

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The weekend finally arrives and they are also the last two days before school starts on Monday. It's hard to believe that I spent all of July and the first week of August away from home. I've been home for a week already and soon it'll be back to the grind.

Mom doesn't go in to work on weekends so over breakfast we make plans to go shopping for school. I need to get some clothing items and Sebastian has decided to get a new backpack after all.

"Sebastian! We're leaving!" Mom calls out as I sit on the bottom stair and tie my trainers' laces.

Sebastian comes barreling down and almost knocks me off the stairs.

"Sebastian!" I complain as I sit back on the stair, finish tying my shoe laces and then follow him and mom out of the house to the waiting white BMW.

Sebastian sits up front while mom drives and I sit in the back. I buckle in my seatbelt and then check my phone to find messages from Adam and Ben waiting for me.

Ben is asking if I'm up for lunch and I let him know that I'm out with mom and Seb. Then I check Adam's message who I told about my plans for the afternoon so he's asking if we can go out tonight.

"Mom, do we have any plans for tonight?" I ask out loud.

"Daniel and I have to attend a dinner tonight. No family plans." She replies.

"Is it okay if Adam picks me up for a night out?" I ask her.

"Sure. But curfew is still eleven. Not a minute late." She says.

Movie at eight? I message Adam and immediately get a reply saying yes.

Mom parks the car in the mall's parking space and we head for the entrance with Seb and mom walking ahead of me when I get a call from Ben.

"Can I join you guys?" He asks when I pick up.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Conley's cooking lunch and mom's really pressed on turning lunch into family bonding time. And I have no plans of bonding with Charles, Lola or Conley until my mom realizes just how much she's ignored me the past five years." Ben grumbles.

I slow down so that mom and Seb don't hear me as I say, "She's making an effort to spend time with you all. Can you please at least take what you get? I mean, you're more than welcome to join us but if you walk away from this lunch then won't you be doing exactly what you're blaming your mom for?"

Ben doesn't say anything for a minute but then he agrees to stay with family for lunch and I promise to check up on him in the evening.

Mom and Sebastian have already walked into the mall so I say goodbye and hurry to catch up with them.

"I'm going to take Seb to get his backpack, will you be okay on your own?" Mom asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need to pick out a pair of jeans and new swimming goggles." I tell mom and then we part ways.

I head to the sports store first and find the swimming goggles that I'm looking for. I pay for them and then make my way to H&M where I try on several pairs of jeans and then decide on plain black ones with a little rip on one knee.

Once I leave H&M, I call mom and check where they are. She's at Adidas helping Sebastian pick out a new pair of shoes. Rushmore Academy have uniforms, blouses and skirts for girls and pants and blazers for boys but we're allowed to wear shoes of our choice.

Sebastian must be overthinking the whole shoe situation just like the backpack. On my way to the third floor, where Adidas is I run into a friend from school and stop to chat. By the time I find mom and Sebastian, they're walking out of the shop and Sebastian is empty handed.

"No shoes?" I ask.

"He tried on six different pairs and didn't like any of them." Mom says, slipping her Chanel bag onto her shoulder.

Sebastian just shrugs and takes our teasing in stride. We go back to the car, stow our shopping in the boot and then decide to go on foot to the Subway which is right next to the mall. We walk in to find someone already waiting for us.

"Dad?" I say, surprised as he stands up to hug Seb and me.

"Aren't you supposed to be in New York until the evening?" Sebastian asks.

"Yes but I finished with work early and thought I'd catch you all at lunch, thanks to Emma's information." Dad says, wrapping an arm around mom's waist and kissing her head.

"Shall we order?" Sebastian looks at me to avoid witnessing the PDA and I eagerly nod.

We leave them to sit down at the table since we already know their orders by heart. We have the sandwiches made, get mom a coffee, dad a bottle of water, I get apple juice and Sebastian gets Sprite. We carry the food back to the table and thankfully by now mom and dad's mushy phase has passed.

Dad tells us about his trip to the New York headquarters. He and mom both travel frequently between New York and Pasadena since they have work to look after in both places. Where dad hates being away from us, I know mom enjoys going there solely because she gets to see Aunt Tess.

We return home after an hour and dad announces that he's headed to bed to catch some sleep before the dinner tonight and mom goes to the study room to work. Sebastian heads out to meet friends so the house is relatively quiet for a couple of hours until Sebastian returns, dad wakes up and mom emerges from the study.

Once I'm dressed in a navy blue, knee length jumpsuit with my pair of white trainers, I head downstairs to find that mom and dad have already left for the dinner and Sebastian has decided to stay in for the night.

At seven thirty a butler lets me know that Adam is waiting for me outside. Adam is standing by the passenger door when I step out of the house. I walk over to him and pull him into a kiss before letting him open the door for me so that I can get in. We talk about school on the drive to cinema and get there fifteen minutes before the eight o'clock shows begin.

Since Adam is still not very familiar with local places, I picked out a cinema that plays old movies and is a cozy little theater.

While Adam buys us tickets for Me Before You, I purchase caramel popcorn, a Kit Kat and two bottles of water.

Adam hands me the tickets and takes the bottles and Kit Kats from me as I lead the way to the right cinema hall. The cinema doesn't allocate seats so we pick the back row and sit down. There's no one except us and another couple who have chosen to sit in the front row for some reason.

I laugh through the first half of the movie and share the caramel popcorn with Adam until the wedding scene begins and I feel myself starting to tear up.

By the end of the movie I'm sobbing. As the credits begin to roll, I feel Adam silently wrap his arms around my shoulders and pull me closer to him. I finish crying and then wipe my cheeks.

"Sorry, your shirt's wet." I say, when I sit up.

"It's fine." He says and kisses my damp cheek.

Just before the lights come back on, I place a hand behind his neck and pull him in for a deep kiss. He kisses me back and the touch makes me forget all about the sad ending of the movie.

"Take away from Burger King and then I drop you off?" Adam suggests.

"Yes please." I say, kissing him again.

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