30: Miami

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The day we fly out to Miami is a Friday so as soon as school ends, Sebastian and I head home. Ben goes to his house to pick up his luggage and will then meet us at the airport. Dad gets home the same time that we do. Sebastian announces that he has some last minute things to pack and heads to his bedroom. I already packed my suitcase last night so I change out of my uniform and I'm ready to go.

When we get to the airport, Ben is already waiting for us on the runway.

"Mom had a meeting but she said hello." He tells me when we get out of the car.

"Mia needs to take a breather. She's been working too hard lately." Mom pats Ben's shoulder and takes dad hand as they walk to the plane together followed by Sebastian.

I wrap my arms around Ben and hug him. He sighs as I feel him kiss my head. We then get onto the plane too. Mom has already set up her work station at one end of the plane, near the back and dad is sitting across from her with his back to the front of the plane.

Sebastian has chosen a seat too so Ben and I sit down in seats across from him. Soon the plane takes off and we all settle in for the five hour flight from Pasadena to Miami.

Sebastian puts in his earphones and gets lost in the game on his phone while Ben and I quietly chat so that we don't disturb mom's work. Sometime during the flight, I start to feel sleepy and promptly fall asleep.

"Hazel. We're landing." I feel Ben shake my shoulder.

I open my eyes to find my head on Ben's lap and a blanket draped over my shoulders. I sit up groggily and buckle in my seat belt. Then I run a hand through my hair to smooth it out. In the process Ben reaches out and gently straightens some strands for me.

I'm hyper aware of my parents' presence in this small space so I just smile at him as thank you. When I look over at mom, I find her watching me but there's a smile on her face as she winks at me. I blush and look out my window.

The plane lands and we get off. Two rental cars wait on the runway. One is Ben's since he's going to stay with his father for the duration of this trip and the other is ours. We say goodbye to Ben as we get into our respective cars and head towards our destinations.

The drive to the Ritz-Carlton hotel takes a good forty minutes since we have to drive through the heart of the city. During the drive Seb and I point out things to each other. We've been to other parts of America but Miami is our first time.

"Do you know why Miami is really special to me?" Mom asks.

"Why?" I ask as I see dad take his eyes off the road for a second to smile at mom.

"I was in Miami for a meeting on Aaron Limited's behalf when I found out that I was pregnant with Sebastian." She tells us.

"Aww." I coo and look towards Seb to find a look of bewilderment on his face which makes me laugh.

When we arrive at the hotel, we're already checked in by Jeremy so we just collect our room keys from the reception and head to the seventh floor since that's where our rooms are. Seb and I have rooms next to each other and mom and dad's is across the hallway.

"I have to head out for my meeting in an hour so I'll see you all for dinner tonight?" Mom asks as we stand in the hallway.

"Yes." Seb nods and closes his room's door behind him.

"Actually, I promised Ben that I'll have dinner with him and his dad." I tell my parents for the first time.

"You what?" Dad blanches.

"It's not that big a deal." I shrug.

"You are not going anywhere near Hamish Hamlet." Dad says.

"Dad please. Ben's seeing him for the first time tonight in three years and I promised I'll be there with him." I plead.

"But didn't he go to his house?" Mom asks.

I nod, "He did. But his dad has work in the morning so Ben will see him at dinner tonight."

"Which idiot gave him work again?" Dad throws up his hands.

"Daniel." Mom sighs.

"Where are you supposed to meet him for dinner?" Mom turns to me.

"It's a local Chinese place near his dad's office. Ben offered to pick me up from here and drop me off after." I tell her.

"Daniel, let her go as long she stays amongst other people and Ben brings her home right after. Hamish won't risk prison a second time. We all know that. Mia deemed it safe enough to let Ben see Hamish." Mom talks to dad.

After a moment's contemplation, dad sighs, "Fine. But that's my condition. You stay with Ben and make sure there are other people around."

"Thank you." I clap my hands in glee and give them both hugs before we retire to our rooms.

My room overlooks the beach and the outdoor pool and I wish it was warm enough for me to use it. But it's November so it's very chilly outdoors. My nap on the plane has me refreshed so I decide to take a shower and then decide on clothes for tonight.

I'm waiting in the lobby when Ben calls that he's outside the front entrance. I step out of the building with my coat buttoned up and immediately spot Ben's rental black Mercedes.

I get into the passenger seat and press a kiss to his lips. "Feeling excited?"

Ben drives away from the hotel and answers, "Not really. His house is tiny and has surveillance cameras everywhere."

"That was dad's doing." I admit recalling my conversation about Hamish just before I left.

"Really?" Ben asks, surprised.

"Yeah, dad couldn't risk putting any other parents through the pain that he and mom felt when I got kidnapped." I sigh.

"I'm really sorry, Hazel." Ben squeezes my hand.

"You have nothing to apologize for." I rub his hand.

Suddenly Ben starts to laugh so I ask, "What?"

"My father kidnapped the girl I'm dating. Wow." Ben is hysterical now and I can't help myself as I join in.

When he stops the car outside the Chinese restaurant and starts to get out, I get hold of his jacket and pull him back. I give him a quick kiss, "Don't worry about the past. Just have fun tonight, okay?"

Ben kisses me one last time before getting out and walking around to my side to open my door. We walk into the restaurant together and I feel Ben's arm tense since I'm holding onto it. I follow his eyes to where a man has seen us and is starting to get up from his seat.

I've seen Hamish Hamlet's pictures and heard of him from my parents and Mia but I don't recall him from my own memories but now that he's right in front of me, a wave of fear washes over me. This is the man responsible for my nightmares.

When Ben begins to walk towards the table, my feet are forced to follow.

"Ben. It's great to finally see you." Hamish nods at his son but makes no advancement to hug him or shake hands.

"I'll be damned. You're Hazel Aaron, aren't you?" Hamish says when he finally looks at me.

"Yes." I clear my throat. "It's nice to meet you."

"So you two are still friends?" Hamish asks as we sit down and he lifts his glass of water to take a sip.

"Hazel is actually by girlfriend." Ben says and Hamish chokes on the water.

"Girlfriend?" He looks to his son.

"Yeah." Ben nods and I suddenly wish I hadn't come but that just lasts a second because Hamish's face stretches into a warm smile as he looks between us, "I'm truly glad that you didn't make the same mistakes as me."

"If you're referring to mom. She's moved on." Ben says.

Hamish solemnly nods, "She called me a few days before she married him to let me know."

Ben simply nods unsure of what to say next so I take over and ask Hamish how he's been and how life is in Miami. Once I feel that I've exhausted my ideas of small talk, Hamish takes over and  asks Ben, "How has school been?"

"Great. I'm a senior now and I'm the school's soccer team captain." Ben answers.

"Soccer team captain?" Hamish sounds delighted as he asks Ben more questions to catch up on his life.

As the night goes on I feel Ben relax more and I'm happy to see that no matter the past, he has one parent who genuinely cares about his life. Ben has been getting more and more upset about his relationship with Mia and now seeing him happily explain things about school to his father makes me feel content.

Hamish leaves to use the bathroom just as the food arrives and I take the opportunity to ask Ben, "Having fun?"

"Surprisingly, yes." He smiles at me.

Unable to think of words to express my delight, I simply kiss his cheek and from the smile that he gives me I know that I successfully conveyed my feelings.

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