32: Rescue Mission

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~Ben's Perspective~

I try to give Hazel's family space as they cope with what is to come in the next few hours. Right after the plan was finalized the Police dispersed except for two officers because my father and his colleague are not stupid enough to believe that the Police wasn't involved at all.

"Ben, coming?" Hazel's father had asked as he left the conference room and I'd quietly nodded and followed him out.

Hazel's mom and Sebastian had been waiting in her room so that's where we headed to inform them. The moment Daniel walked into the room, Emma was out of her seat in an instant and had thrown her arms around his neck.

"Where is she?" Emma cried as Daniel tightly held her.

Sebastian and I left the room as he sat her down on the bed to explain what the plan was. Out in the hallway, Seb leaned against the wall and looked down at this shoes.

"Seb?" I said to get his attention.

When he looked up at me, I said, "Don't worry. We'll get her back."

He sighs and leans his head back against the wall, "Just make sure she's safe."

"I will." I nod just as the room's door opens and Daniel steps out.

"I'll stay with mom." Seb automatically says to his dad.

"Thank you." Daniel nods and accepts a quick hug Sebastian before I lead the way to the elevator and we ride down to the conference room to wait for my dad's henchman to arrive. We'll give him the answer he wants and then trained investigators will follow him to where Hazel is.

~Hazel's Perspective~

During the day I looked around through my window since the door has been locked all day and my fears were proven right. I've spotted at least three dark shapes swim by in the water below which are easily identifiable: they're crocodiles.

No one has come by except the other man with a loaf of bread and a bottle of water which I've had for breakfast but then I spotted the crocodiles a few hours later and haven't been hungry since. And now it's night time again which means that I've been here for one whole day. I've left the light off in case it attracted any unwanted creatures from the marsh.

I'm harshly woken up by Hamish yanking me to my feet. I stumble but he drags me out of the room, his hand firmly wrapped around my arm.

"Stand down or we shoot her." I can't see anything because of the bright flashlight shining into my eyes and when it's lowered I realize that there is indeed a pistol pointed at me.

A scream cuts through the night and it takes me a second to realize that it came from me as I struggle against Hamish's grip to put distance between me and the weapon.

Hamish pushes me onto the floor and I suddenly get flashbacks from when Adam pushed me. I squeeze my eyes shut and whimper but all I hear is Hamish's voice as he whispers to the other man. When I hear what they're saying, a new wave of cold fear washes over me.

They're not after me at all. They just used me to lure out dad and they're going to shoot him.

I follow their conversation and look up at the roof of the cabin that I was in and sure enough there's another man crouched in the shadows with a gun in his hands. I force myself to think logically and look around. My eyes can makes out land across the marsh which means that the cabin is on some little patch of land in the middle of the marsh.

There are lights on the land across the marsh but there's too much fog to make out any people but I can see their outlines and hear their muffled voices. But given Hamish's discussion with his men, dad is there on the shore. The man on the roof is concealed from sight of people on shore by shadows, the darkness and fog. There's no way for them to know of what will entail if they try to use force.

There is no way I am letting dad get hurt because of me. With this new thought in mind, I quickly realize that the men have been using a boat to get across the water to the cabin but I've never rowed and I'd never be quick enough to escape.

What I need is a distraction to throw off these men and give the people who've come to my rescue a chance to defend themselves.

There's only one way.

Before my mind can chicken out, I cast one quick glance at my captors and then jump to my feet and hurl myself over the bannister surrounding the cabin, into the freezing water.

The last thing I hear is shouts from the men and gunshots but then I'm submerged underwater and my swimmer instincts have taken over. I'm swamped with fear of the creatures that live in these waters as I propel forward.

I come up for air when I realize that I've almost reached the shore but at the same time a searing pain shoots through my left leg. Panic spreads through my body just as my feet touch the water's bank. I quick at water has bit me and scramble onto land.

I hear shouts as someone runs up to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders to keep me from collapsing.

"Dad." I whisper when I realize whose arms are around me.

"I'm right here, Bunny." He kisses my head.

"Call in the helicopter! She was bitten!" I hear someone shout and the very next second the whoosh of helicopter blades reaches my ears.

Exhaustion takes over my body and I lose consciousness in the protection of my father's arms.

Second chapter of the day :)


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