15: Back Home

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I step out of the car, onto the runway before lifting Hazel out of her car seat while Daniel talks to the crew.

"Are you going to miss Paris?" I ask her as she rests her head on my shoulder and nods.

I hold her close to me and kiss her forehead just as Daniel waves us over.

"Ready to head back home?" He asks, taking Hazel from me and wrapping an arm around me.

"Mmhmm." I nod against his shoulder.

"We have to take one last picture." I tell him.

One of the crew members takes my phone and we pose in front of the plane as we say goodbye to Paris.

Once in the air Hazel perches on the edge of her seat looking out of her window.

"Thank you." I say as I sit wrapped in my husband's arms.

"Anything for my queen." He smiles at me before lowering his head onto my shoulder.

"Mommy!" Hazel calls out.

"What is it, Bunny?" I ask, looking towards her across the aisle.

"Why's there water?" She asks, frowning.

"That's the ocean." I tell her.

"Ocean?" She confirms. I nod in reply.

"Ocean." She tries the new word making Daniel and I laugh at the awed look on her face.

"Vanessa!" Hazel screams, running past me to the dog who's waiting in the entrance hall. One screams, the other barks as they are reunited.

"Well, someone won't be missing Paris anymore." Daniel laughs and I laugh with him.

"Dinner's ready." Our butler informs us.

We go out onto the back patio and take our usual seats. Daniel at the head, Hazel on his right and me to his left. The chef serves the food, then leaves.

Vanessa tries to climb onto Hazel's chair.

"Vanessa!" I scold the dog who scampers back into the house.

"Vanessa missed me." Hazel sulks, crossing her arms.

"You can go to her as soon as you finish your food." I tell her which makes her finish in record time and then rush inside.

"I can't believe I missed home-made food so much." I sigh, leaning back in my seat.

I look out at the back lawn which is dark except the little light from the patio and the moon. When I look back at Daniel, he's looking at me, making me blush.

Before I can say anything, he leans around the table and pushes a hand behind my neck before pressing his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to myself.

Back home. Safe and sound.

Cool Mom has 200+ reads! Thank you :')

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