36: Cake For Hazel

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I'm sleeping off a headache when I feel the bed dip beside me. I open my eyes to find Hazel frozen, half dangling off the bed.

"What are you doing, Bunny?" I ask.

"Coming to kiss you." She whispers. "Daddy said it makes you feel better."

I can't help but smile at my daughter. "Okay. Go ahead."

She scrambles onto the bed and leans over to kiss my forehead. I sigh and look up at her. "I'm feeling much better already."

She smiles back at me before slipping under the quilt and snuggling into my side. I kiss her head and wrap an arm around her waist, before my eyes start getting heavy and I fall asleep.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and before my eyes even open, I know that it's Daniel.

"Hey." I whisper, stretching to shake off the sleep.

"Hey." He replies, sitting down next to me.

"Any better?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah. The headache is gone."

"That's good. Did you take the pain killer?"

"No. I don't want to develop a dependence on medicine." I sigh. "What time is it?"

"Almost eight." He shows me the time on his phone.

"Has Hazel had dinner?" I ask, sitting up and running a hand through my hair.

"No. She said she wanted to wait for you." He tells me.

"Do you have to change?"

"I already did." He replies.

"Okay. Just give me a minute. I'll join you downstairs." I tell him. He kisses my forehead and then leaves to find Hazel.

I throw off the covers and walk to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face, then tie my hair into a ponytail before going downstairs to the dining room where Daniel and Hazel are in the middle of a Tic-Tac-Toe game on his phone.

I ask the chef to serve dinner while they wrap up their competition that Hazel wins by one game.

"Your prize will be extra broccoli with chicken!" I tell her, clapping my hands.

"No!" She cries out. "Cake!"

"She can have a tiny slice if she finishes what's on her plate. Right, Emma?" Daniel asks, looking at me for approval.

"Only if she promises to go to bed before the caffeine kicks in and she gets all hyper." I look from father to daughter.

"Promise!" Hazel squeals before either of us can say anything else. She finishes her food in record time and then runs off to the kitchen to get her cake from the chef.

I'm helping myself to a second serving of the mushroom and corn gravy with grilled chicken when Daniel speaks up.

"We've decided to hold the company's annual banquet this weekend. Everything about Paris will be official by then and we can let the press and junior workers know."

"That's great!" I encourage, swallowing a bite.

"I want you to join me. But only if you feel well enough." He reminds me.

Corporate dinners are one aspect of his work that Daniel has always wanted me to attend with him and now he's worried about my health.

"I'm perfectly alright now. No way am I missing this day which is so important for you." I tell him.

He cups my face in his hand. "Are you sure?"

I nod, smiling at him. "I'm sure."

With this I lean forward and press my lips to his.

"Yummy!" The small voice reaches our ears before Hazel walks into the room so we quickly pull away and compose ourselves.

"Did you get the cake?" I ask once she's back on her seat.

She licks her lips and shoves a chunk into her mouth. We both laugh at the bliss on our daughter's face.

It's my 4 year anniversary on Wattpad! Happy birthday to this Wattpad account! I've taken down Cool Mom twice during last year but 2018 is going to be the year I complete this story so that everyone can enjoy it from time to time!

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