57: Orientation

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Hazel is dressed in a floral print dress and a pair of white converse, with her hair pinned back from her face as she has breakfast. Daniel left early in the morning to get some work done so that he can meet us for the orientation at Rushmore Academy.

I sip my coffee as I think back to last night's events. I gave Daniel a final yes and we tried for the first time. I know it's futile to hope for it to happen so soon but I'm hopeful nonetheless.

"I'm done." Hazel announces, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I look her at plate and see that she has finished her buttered toast and now she's gulping down the rest of apple juice. Ten minutes later, we're in the car, driven by a driver heading to the school. It's a twenty five minute drive from our house.

The open house is scheduled to run from noon to three in the afternoon and we arrive at exactly 12 o'clock which is why the parking is almost empty except for a few other cars.

I walk into the front office to get a visitor's card as I'm instructed to at the gates.

"Good afternoon!" The lady at the front desk smiles at us as we walk up to her.

"Good afternoon. I'm here for the preschool orientation." I tell her.

"Can I please have the student's name and grade she'll be attending?" She asks.

"Hazel Aaron and she'll be attending kindergarten." I reply as I watch Hazel look around.

"I have her right here!" The lady tells me and a moment later hands me a card with Hazel's name and picture from her application form. "I hope you enjoy the visit."

"Thank you." I say before leading Hazel back outside.

I read the card as we walk towards the main school buildings and see that we can meet Hazel's allocated class teacher today.

"Hazel, do you want to meet your teacher?" I ask her.

Her face goes from excited to nervous, all of a sudden. I sense her worry at meeting her teacher and I kneel down in front of her so that we're at the same level.

"Do you want to?" I ask her. She nods in reply but says nothing.

"How about we meet your teacher and then go look at the swimming pool?" I suggest.

This brings back some of her enthusiasm, "Okay."

I kiss her on the head before straightening up and taking her hand. We make our way to the buildings allocated to preschool classrooms. I find the right classroom and knock on the already open door.

A woman appears in the doorway, probably in her mid-thirties.

"Hello!" She welcomes us and asks us to come in.

Hazel clutches my hand as we walk into the classroom that she will spend the next year in.

"My name is Miss Hannah." She holds out her hand to Hazel who shyly shakes it, "What's yours?"

"Hazel." She replies, a small smile on her face, clearly liking her teacher.

"Hi. I'm Emma Aaron. This is my daughter." I introduce myself and we shake hands.

"It's a delight for me to have Hazel in my class. I've already been over all my students' files and I'm glad to see that Hazel had the opportunity to interact with other children through playdates."

I nod at that, "Hazel really enjoyed her playdates but hopefully, she'll learn to enjoy school as well."

"I'm sure she will." Miss Hannah reassures me.

"Would you like to look at our curriculum and see what we plan on teaching our kindergarten students over the year?" She offers.

"Yes, please." And I look down at Hazel who is also clearly interested in learning more about her future.

I'm handed a bulky file and we take a seat at one of the little desks to go over its contents. We stay there about half an hour, talking more to her teacher and discussing the curriculum which I'm happy to see has a built in reading program and one language class other than English is also compulsory.

Other parents also come and go, some staying longer than others. I thank Hannah and start to turn away when a voice calls out my name.

"Emma!" I search for the source and see that it's Mia.

"Mia! Hi!" I say as I embrace her.

"Hazel's attending Rushmore Academy?" She asks.

"She is. Is Ben in Miss Hannah's class too?" I ask her.

"He is." She nods.

"That's great! I was worried about Hazel being lonely but she already has a friend from swim class." I voice my thoughts as I watch Hazel talk to Ben.

Mia smiles at me, "I was worried about that too. I'm glad to have Hazel with him."

We catch up for a minute longer before I say goodbye to her and Ben to talk to Miss Hannah. I have to somewhat force Hazel out since she wants to stay back and talk to Ben.

"He'll be with you in class from now on. Isn't that nice?" I ask her.

"Yes." She nods, her energy and enthusiasm restored from liking her class teacher and finding out that she'll have a friend with her. I must admit, I'm somewhat relieved that she's happy again.

Its five minutes to one when we finally head from the swimming pool to the auditorium where the orientation will be conducted.

My phone starts to ring just as we reach the doors. I step aside and see that it's Daniel.

"Hey! Where are you?" I ask him.

"Here." He says from behind us. I jump a little as I turn to face him but Hazel's all smiles at she holds out her arms and he lifts her for a hug before setting her back down and taking her hand to walk in.

We find seats together towards the left side of the hall and sit down with Hazel between us. As we wait for the orientation to begin, Hazel catches up Daniel on all that we've done so far.

I'm so engrossed in her chatter that I don't realize there's someone standing right next to me until he speaks.

"Excuse me. Are you Emma Aaron?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply and I can feel Daniel's eyes on the man too.

"Can you kindly come with me?" The man says.

"For what?" I ask.

"The principal would like to have a word with you." He simply says and then adds, "She'll meet you in her office."

With this he leaves and I turn back to look at Daniel. Hazel is busy studying a booklet that she was handed when we walked in, so she's oblivious of the exchange that just occurred.

"I'll go meet her." I tell Daniel and then leave my seat and head out of the auditorium. I haven't met the principal yet since we met the preschool headmistress at our initial visit.

I find the principal's office and find the man who informed me, sitting at the desk outside.

"She'll meet you now." He tells me and stands up to open the door for me.

When I walk in, the woman behind the desk stands up to meet me.

"Thank you for meeting me at such short notice. It skipped my mind to have you informed when the phone calls were made for the open day." She apologizes.

"No problem." I tell her, sitting down across from her.

"I wish to discuss Hazel's swimming abilities." She says, folding her arms.

"What about that?" I ask, frowning.

"We would like to have her represent Rushmore Academy at this year's Under 10s Swimming State Championship."

I'm at a loss for words and it takes me a moment to gather my thoughts. "Hazel?"

She smiles at me, "Yes. From what we saw of her records provided by her instructor and her latest wins at contests, she may as well be one of the best under ten swimmers in all of America."

"I am honored to have you give my daughter such a big opportunity but I can't give you an answer right now. I would like to discuss this with Hazel and my husband before deciding." I tell her.

"Of course. Do take your time and let us know of you decision." She says and sees me out.

I walk back to the auditorium to find a presentation about the school come to an end as I slide into my seat again. Daniel turns to me with the question clear on his face. I shake my head at him to ease his worry about anything serious.

The screen rolls back up and the principal, whom I talked to walks onto the stage and welcomes us to the school. She gives a short speech about the school's mission and then walks us through extracurricular activities offered by the school.

When she gets to swimming her speech takes a detour.

"We have competed in the Swimming State Championship for the past 25 years that the competition has been conducted. With no avail, we've failed to win one but this year I have extended the Under Tens place to a student who I have little doubt will be our first Champion."

We sit in silence through the rest of the orientation and when it ends, the lights come back on in the auditorium and Daniel at once turns to me, an eyebrow raised and I nod to confirm his question just as Hazel sighs.

"I wish it was me." I know she's referring to the state championship place without even her clarifying.

"Bunny." I get her attention and take a deep breath. "They want you to represent the school."

"REALLY?!" She screams, jumping up from her seat and clapping her hands in glee.

I meet Daniel's eyes and his eyes share my emotions. There's no way we can say no to this opportunity.

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