95: The H. Program

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Daniel takes Hazel's hand as he leads her to the waiting helicopter. I know how badly Daniel wanted to pilot but he needs to maintain some formal status with his employees so he let the opportunity pass.

The helicopter sits silently on the top of the building that homes one of Toulouse's few helipads.

Daniel helps Hazel up the steps and then holds out a hand to me. I accept the help and get into the back of the aircraft. Hazel scrambles onto the seat next to me and Daniel gets in next to her.

A man joins us in the back and two pilots get into the cockpit.

Soon the blades begin to move and we lift off. We had initially planned to head to Paris by road and then take a plane from there back home but Sebastian had to stay back with my parents so we'll take a helicopter and return to Toulouse tonight after the event and then spend the day tomorrow with them before heading home.

Hazel holds my hand as we fly over countryside and forty minutes later the suburbs of Paris come into view. I point out the lights to Hazel and she looks out at them in awe.

Soon we glide over the main city and I can see the Eiffel Tower looming in the dark.

"Remember when we visited that?" I ask Hazel over the noise of the blades and she vigorously nods her head as she takes in the rest of the sights.

Daniel touches my shoulder and points towards something for me to see. I look in the direction that he's pointing and see a skyscraper in the distance with the words 'Aaron Limited' glittering in the dark from all the spotlights shining onto it.

I feel pride as I turn to Daniel and lean over Hazel to kiss his cheek. He accomplished this in a mere span of four months. Obviously lots of prior planning has gone into it but to finalize so much in a few months is mind blowing.

There's a helipad on the top of the building that we land on. We wait for the blades to stop before the crew pulls the door open and Daniel steps out first to help Hazel and then me.

I push back a few of my hair curls that have come over my shoulder in the helicopter ride then turn to Hazel who is taking in the busy helipad sight. I keep forgetting that this is her first corporate event.

I see Daniel trying to straighten out his suit's upturned collar so I reach out and soothe it out for him. He turns around and gives me a quick kiss before starting towards the elevator on the roof. I take Hazel's hand and follow. Thankfully we're in the lift alone so I bend down and talk to Hazel.

"Having fun, Bunny?"

She just silently nods and I kiss her cheek. Next I turn to Daniel.

"This is marvelous. I'm so proud of you." I say as Daniel presses a quick kiss to my lips just as we reach the ground floor.

The elevator doors open and we're greeted by a lobby full of people who turn to look at us and when they realize who we are they begin to applaud. Daniel holds up a hand in thank you before we're met by man, probably the same age as me and Daniel.

"Welcome sir!" I easily identify from his accent that he's American.

"Jonathan, this is my wife, Emma and my daughter, Hazel. Emma, this is Jonathan he worked closely with Jeremy and me in Pasadena. Jeremy will be transferring here in a few weeks and Jonathan will take up his position back in America."

"I am honored, sir." Jonathan bows his head in respect.

"Has Jeremy arrived?" Daniel asks.

"Yes, sir. He and the other board members arrived this morning." He informs Daniel. "They're all outside."

He leads the way and Daniel holds out a hand for us to walk with him.

"Are all these employees?" I ask him as we greet people along the way, mostly of French origin.

"Yes. I'm yet to meet most of them. The HR team has been working double time the last few months. I'll have some senior managers from Pasadena here until our new employees are trained and versed with the business enough to take over operations."

"This is so much to take in." I laugh, making Daniel smile.

When we step outside the building there's a large area outside the doors where a pedestal with a microphone has been setup and an even larger number of people than those inside mill around in the fresh Paris night air.

"You made it!" Jeremy calls out as he walks over.

"I wasn't going to miss my own company's inauguration." Daniel smirks as he pushes a hand into his pocket and surveys the assembled crowd.

"That's a bigger turnout than I was expecting." Daniel comments.

"All the employees came despite the fact that official work doesn't kick off for another two weeks." Jeremy tells him.

"This is fantastic. Are we ready to begin?" Daniel asks.

"The business Mission Statement, followed by the annual report and then your speech and the revelation." Jeremy says.

Daniel nods, "That's the plan. Let's begin."

We walk down the stairs to the base of the area in front of the building's entrance and stand a few steps away from everyone else as formal code dictates.

A board member takes over the microphone first, introducing the new employees to the core of the business and then moving onto more statistical and factual information about the success of the company. Once that's done Jeremy announces Daniel.

"Please welcome the patron and CEO of Aaron Limited, Daniel Aaron."

Daniel quickly glances at me and I give him an encouraging smile as he gives Hazel a hug and climbs the few stairs up to the rest of his team from America.

"Good evening. I hope I find you all in good health as tonight I welcome you to the team of Aaron Limited. I look forward to getting to know and working with each of you. I will be frequently visiting to make sure all is in order and of course, my second in command, Jeremy Samuels will be here at all times unless absolutely needed back in America."

He continues his speech and my smile broadens with every word until I'm sure that I am practically glowing with love and admiration for Daniel.

"As Aaron Limited's French Headquarters' first CSR campaign we are launching The H. Program. Now you may ask what that is. What does the 'H' mean? The 'H' is for Hazel, my daughter."

My heart melts and I look down at Hazel who has her eyes glued to Daniel as she hears what her father has to say about her.

"One morning on our way to her school, we had the radio on and we were listening to some news about poor educational opportunities for the masses in struggling economies such as Pakistan and war ridden countries such as Afghanistan. Hazel said, 'Daddy it's so unfair.' And then she was silent for the rest of the car ride. And it is extremely unfair. So from its annual profits, Aaron Limited will provide 10% of them to NGOs and government organizations of such countries to help improve education provision under The H. Program."

This is the first time I'm hearing of this conversation but the way Hazel is shying away into my side tells me that it's all true and I only look down at her for a second in shock about her sensitivity towards such issues when I hear Daniel say,

"Can we have the logo please?"

Huge banners on each side of him, across the front of the building unroll, revealing the logo which makes me gasp and tear up. It's a bunny on a pink background!

I see Hazel take it in too just as Daniel says, "Hazel. Come on up."

For a moment I think she may shy away from this but she takes my encouragement and climbs the steps to join her father who kneels down and holds out his arms for her. The photographers covering the event go wild and people cheer and clap as Daniel hugs Hazel. I can't help but take a few pictures of my own.

Once the crowd has calmed down, Daniel speaks again, "Thank you for joining us tonight. Kindly enjoy the food and the company of your soon to be co-workers!"

With this he motions me to join him and we step inside together.

"Come on. I'll show you my office." Daniel says, understanding that I must have a lot to say.

We take the elevator to the last floor in silence and the doors open right into his office which circles all around the building, providing a breathtaking three-sixty degree view of Paris.

But the events from downstairs still weigh on my mind and the minute we step out, I wrap my arms around Daniel's waist and smile into his shoulder.

"That was beautiful." I say.

"Thank you." He says, rubbing my back.

I pull away and accept his kiss before turning to Hazel, "Bunny that was such a wonderful thought! I'm so proud."

She shyly smiles at me as Daniel sits down in a chair and pulls up the logo on his phone.

"Do you know what this means?" Daniel asks her.

Hazel laughs and nods, "It's a bunny and I'm bunny."

"You're our bunny and we love you so much." Daniel pulls her into a hug and kisses her head.

"I'm so proud of both of you." I sigh as they both look at me.

"I love you, mommy!" Hazel says, coming over to hug me.

"I love you too, bunny." I smile at Daniel over her head as Hazel wraps her arms around my neck.

"Let's head downstairs and get some food." Daniel suggests.

"Then can we go back to Seb?" Hazel asks us.

I smile at her and promise, "Yes, then we'll go back to him."

Hazel's surprise! It's a CSR campaign based on her thoughts and named after her! :) (I've attached the logo as well.)

Last few chapters left now, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THE STORY!!


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