XVX-016+AQM/E-YM1 Perfect Aerial

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Heavy Armed All-Purpose Mobile Suit

The XVX-016+AQM/E-YM1 Perfect Aerial Gundam is a mobile suit introduced in the second chapter of the ALLIANCE-PLANT War arc of Coordinator From SEED. It is the heavy-armed variant of the XVX-016 Aerial Gundam and is piloted by Suletta Mercury.

The Perfect Aerial Gundam is a configuration of the Aerial Gundam equipped with the "AQM/E-YM1 Multiple Assault Striker", which integrates the characteristics of the Aile, Sword, and Launcher Striker Packs. A modified Aile Striker Pack served as the central unit of the Multiple Assault Striker, its main wings are moved back slightly for mounting the "Schwert Gewehr" Anti-Ship Sword and "Agni" Hyper Impulse Cannon, and four battery packs are attached to the back to deal with the increased energy consumption. 

Although the Multiple Assault Striker enabled the Perfect Aerial to fight in all ranges with powerful weapons, it has two major problems. Firstly, despite being on Bit On Form, the added weight of the Multiple Assault Striker leads to a slight decrease in mobility but it can still fly in the air thanks to the Bit Staves acting as extra thrusters. Secondly, the large variety of weapons makes it difficult to operate them efficiently. Due to these issues, the Perfect Aerial was only deployed in combat once, but it was able to exhibit high operability due to the skills of its pilot, Suletta Mercury (Who was trained under Kira Yamato, the pilot of the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, at a young age).


Beam Vulcan

Two firing ports are built in the forehead. These are weak rapid-firing beam weapons used for checking enemy movement, damaging equipment, etc.


A multi-purpose offensive and defensive platform composed of a next-generation swarm remote-controlled weapon system popularly known as "GUND-BIT", that uses GUND FORMAT to link humans and machines organically. It has anti-beam field properties.

Bit Stave

Each bit (Bit Stave) can be detached to be operated as a mobile turret with built-in beam cannons or as a shield.

Beam Saber

A weapon for close combat that generates a beam blade in conjunction with the sensor on the grip. Its mount moves forward when Aerial grabs it. These Aerial's Beam Sabers were removed once the Aerial equipped the Aile Striker Pack.

Beam Rifle

This machine is a portable firearm. Stored on the backpack's mount when not in use, it detaches and uses built-in thrusters to automatically be equipped on the Aerial's hand.

Beam Blade

The Beam Rifle can also be used as a Beam Blade by generating a massive beam edge.


By connecting the Bit Staves and making it long-barreled, the output boost increases firepower and improves shooting accuracy.

Aile and Sword Striker

Beam Saber

Stored in the modified Aile Striker is a pair of beam sabers. These are close range combat weapons that can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.

"Schwert Gewehr" 15.78m Anti-ship Sword

The "Schwert Gewehr" 15.78m anti-ship sword is the Perfect Aerial's largest and primary close combat weapon. It is a physical sword that has a laser blade along the cutting edge. The large blade is designed to easily slice mobile suits in half or to cut off sections of a ship such as the guns. Although "Schwert Gewehr" was designed to have a laser gun at the bottom end, the Perfect Aerial only uses the prototype model which lacks this feature and has it replaced by a short beam blade emitter. It is stored on the right side of the modified Aile Striker when not in use.

"Panzer Eisen" Rocket Anchor

An equipment that was replicated and modified by ORB in which the Midas Messer Beam Boomerang was mounted. The front portion is a rocket-propelled anchor that is shot out on a reinforced polymer cable. The anchor's claw can open and close to capture or destroy the target. The cable's reel case is installed behind the front portion, and the entire weapon can function as a shield with an anti-beam coating. 

"Midas Messer" Beam Boomerang

A throwing weapon that emits a short beam blade on one end, and can return to the owner after throwing, often catching enemy units by surprise. It is equipped with a system similar to the beam saber, and the generated beam blade does not dissipate when it leaves the Gundams' hand due to the in-built large-capacity power condenser. It is stored on Perfect Aerial's left modified shoulder armor when not in use. Normally the Beam Boomerang cannot be used underwater, but the manga adaptation depicted the Perfect Aerial destroying a UMF-5 ZnO underwater by activating the weapon's beam emitter on contact with the mobile suit.

Launcher Striker

"Agni" 320mm Hyper Impulse Cannon

A large beam cannon with a total length of about 20m. It generates and fires critical plasma energy in a highly compressed state as a burst impulse in the order of microseconds, easily destroying a mobile suit in one shot and blasting a hole through a space colony's wall. Although its energy consumption is high, repeated firing for an extended period of time is possible by connecting to an external power supply. It is mounted on the left side of the modified Aile Striker via an arm unit, and held under the left shoulder when in use.

Arm-mounted Combo Weapons Pod

Another modified secondary weapon of the Perfect Aerial, is a close-range, defensive, composite armament unit consisting of a 120mm anti-ship vulcan gun and two 350mm gun launchers. It is mounted on the right arm and can lock onto multiple targets simultaneously. The 120mm anti-ship vulcan gun is effective in intercepting MS at close-mid range and can also be used for anti-ship combat. As for the 350mm gun launchers, they are missile launchers, but can also fire a variety of projectiles including grenades.


Bit on Form

By connecting the Bit Staves to the hard points throughout the machine, not only is it possible to quickly replenish electric power and propellant to the Bits, but it also improves the mobility and defensive performance of the Aerial itself.

Special Features and Equipment

Hardpoint for Striker Packs

Because of the Hardpoints and built from the data of the Strike, the Aerial can equip the Strike's Striker Packs. But only the Aile and the backpacks of the Sword and Launcher can be compatible, with the Sword and Launcher Shoulders they're not compatible, which is why a modified arm-mounted replica of the Combo Weapons Pod of the Launcher Strike, and a combined Panzer Eisen and Midas Messer was built for the Aerial.

Battery Pack

As the Multiple Assault Striker integrates the primary functions of the Aile, Sword and Launcher Striker Pack, it ended up with high energy consumption. To compensate for this, four additional battery packs are attached to its back. Each battery can be jettisoned after its energy is used up to avoid being dead weight.

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