Chapter 0.0. This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today

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"Death is no more than passing from one room into another," a sad voice stated a hopeless fact.

Lada blinked several times, moistening her dry eyes. She shook her head, hoping to clear the fog that was invading her mind. She had been sitting still in the darkroom for so long that her face felt numb, and her fingers were cold and stiff. The delicate, lace-like pattern of her sky-blue veins peeked through her pale skin. Lada's large brown eyes, framed by jet-black lashes, were wide open. They had a crystalline look, as if studying her subconscious. The sight might have surprised or frightened a passerby. But the workshop employees had left long ago. 

Lada shifted in the director's chair, placing a hand on her chest in an attempt to calm her racing heart. She glanced around and realized she was in a quiet corner of the empty studio. The office windows broke the sound of a forgotten TV into strange, disjointed snippets. Horrifying newscasts echoed through the backstage corridors. They added an eerie gloom to the deserted space.

The spotlights had cooled. The electrical wires were neatly coiled, and filming gear was stowed with precision. The props were ready to be moved to storage. The team had wrapped up the final episode of a TV series that had captivated millions of viewers.

The production crew had already gathered at the nearest bar to celebrate the success of the show. They shared favorite memories. They discussed the project's dynamics. They laughed at mishaps and marveled at the show's journey. The creators cherished their work, vividly imagining a prosperous story future.

It has long been known that the producers had approved a second season. HR had updated contracts for the crew on their desk. The new shooting schedule was ready for manager approval. The script for the second season was top secret, so no one knew exactly who would be returning.

Lada realized she was late for the celebration. She forced a smile, pinched her cheeks to blush, in an attempt to become the friendly, playful girl everyone knew and loved. Even though she felt far from festive, she wanted to fit in. Lada took one last look around the studio, as if saying goodbye, and nervously twirled a strand of her silky light-brown hair around her finger. How long had she been sitting in the darkness? Minutes? Hours?


The series is called "Sound from the Underground." The pilot aired a month ago, and its ratings have exceeded expectations. The fandom burst forth, drawing in a varied and vibrant assembly. Fans tracked the production, seeking cast updates, collecting rare photos, and uncovering details. The show sparked a surge of humorous memes, reels, and TikToks across social media.


The casting team faced a tough challenge. They needed two guys and two girls—mature actors who could convincingly portray carefree teenagers on camera. The lead role actors must have looked great together. They should have a sharp sense of humor, fantastic voices, and charming body language. But, most importantly, they needed to form a harmonious bond during the long period of filming.

The first person they found was a girl named Tormenta. She burst into the video audition like a lightning bolt. Her striking appearance captivated everyone watching. Her emerald-streaked afro barely fit in the frame. It gave her a magical look. Her warm coffee-colored skin, with patches of vitiligo, added to her unique charm. Tory's lips danced with words. Her radiant presence overwhelmed the director's assistant, reducing her to tears of laughter. She shone with dazzling flair. She boomed with thunderous laughter. Her energy electrified everyone around her. The director's assistant spent the whole audition laughing at Tormenta's comedy.

Tormenta lacked big-screen experience. But she had shone in her hometown theater and starred in some arthouse short films. She completely outshone eleven experienced competitors with impressive Hollywood portfolios.

Shortly after signing Tormenta, the crew hit a rough patch. They endured weeks of exhausting auditions and wrong decisions. When hope faded for finding another diamond, a guy named Tomas appeared on Zoom. He was the epitome of British charm. His fiery red hair, wild and thick like flames, framed his face. It highlighted his pale, freckled skin, making him look youthful and spontaneous.

Tall and slender, with a confident posture, he moved with grace, like a predator stalking its prey. His malachite-green eyes sparkled with a lively fire, adding depth and mystery to his gaze. It was a look that was hard to read but even harder to forget.

Tom was completely irresistible, captivating the jury with his seductive British accent. His deep, refined voice made the women on the admin team squirm in their chairs. If Tom ever looked serious, he hardly resembled a teenager. This worried the casting director. She warned the main director about Tom's age before his second audition. But she had no reason to fear. Tom didn't give the team a moment to breathe, keeping them laughing the entire time. The director never quite grasped how Tom's face looked without his warm smile. Tom was a natural comedian. He had a special British kind of humor that was always on the edge.

From the start, a top actress and performer had the lead female role. She dominated all the charts and undoubtedly would draw her fans to the show. The director himself set up her in-person audition. The scriptwriters had to work hard to tailor the heroine's character to fit a young star.

The organizers scheduled the script readings for early October. They needed to start rehearsals, even though the main male role wasn't cast. Actors had to embody their roles and bring the characters to life with real emotions.


Tormenta and Tom met for the first time in the main studio hall, right by the water cooler. Their first conversation lasted about four seconds. Tom sipped water. Tory made a riotous, indecent comment about the gurgling sound he made. Tom started to laugh. But, he regretted it. The water went down the wrong way and made him choke. Tory rushed to help her future co-star, but in haste bumped into the guy with her beautiful figure. In trying to keep his balance, Tom knocked over the spare fire alarm sensor. It had an "out of order" sign on it. After a brief silence, it seemed things might be okay. Then, the sensor blared, the fire alarm went off, and water poured from the sprinklers.

By the time Tom remembered how to breathe, most residents had evacuated. He sat on the floor, covering his mouth with a freckled hand, still struggling to catch his breath. As his red hair got soaked, it curled into rusty ringlets. This highlighted his green eyes, which sparkled with copper flecks. Tory knelt beside him, ignoring how her skirt had soaked up the water on the floor. She studied Tom's face, trying to gauge the seriousness of the situation. They stayed silent for a moment longer. Tormenta held Tom's elbow as water cascaded from the fire system, making a huge puddle. Tom opened his mouth to calm her down, but she beat him to it. With a charming smile, she wrung her skirt's edges into Tom's cup. "Need more water?"

Later, the crew joked that Tory and Tom's first meeting was so "hot" that the fire department had to be called in.

Once the studio dried out and the crew tried to work, they faced another disaster. The show's lead female star had finally read the script. With her trademark bluntness, she "suggested" changes to the story. She barged into the director's creative space, giving him a massive headache. She demanded changes to several key scenes.

The creators politely but firmly rejected her ideas. But the diva, not used to hearing "no", played her next card. She complained to security about the unsafe conditions caused by water incident.

Not even the group's psychologist, the producer, or the director could convince her to keep rehearsing. While cleaning up the studio, they decided to let the diva take a propper day off.

The script was handed to a big-eyed girl sent from the back office. She only came to report the broken fire alarm system and had no idea what to do with the damp paper and blurred text on it. Tom smiled.

"We've been through fire," he said, pointing at the departing diva. "And water. So, all that's left are the copper pipes (an outdated proverb, ed.)."

The show's creators were shocked when Lada first read for the lead female character. Overwhelmed but keeping her cool, Lada decided, for the first time in her life, to let her voice be heard. Her unique intonation enchanted everyone. The studio filled with the warmth of her tender, slightly frightened gaze and the sweet scent of barberry. Her presence brought a sense of harmony to the production. Editors dove back into their tasks with renewed enthusiasm. Actors found new inspiration. Managers stopped their endless disputes. The camera focused on Lada's smoky face, her misty gaze, and thin, midnight-rose-hued lips. This was her first screen test. A magical scene was created.

The director, screenwriter, Tom, and Tori glanced at each other. They had found their perfect heroine.

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