1 | first day in paradise

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Marinette pulled her luggage from the belt once they had came into view. She sighed, momentarily pulling her phone out from her coat pocket to check the time. Four in the evening, it had read. Her parents were still asleep.

She sighed sadly, reminding herself that she still couldn't call to let her parents know she had arrived safely. She knew that it was too late back in England to call; she wasn't cruel to where she would purposely disrupt their sleep.

She stuffed her phone back inside her coat pocket and took ahold of both handles on her suitcases, lifting them from the belt. The wheels hit the floor, and she wheeled both suitcases behind her as she tried to find her away around the airport.

"Excuse me?" Marinette asked the guard who seemed to be on his lunch break. He had seated himself by the benches where some people used to wait for others. Upon hearing her voice, he immediately caught onto her British accent, and turned to face her with a wide smile. "Do you know where I can find the Parish Police Station?

"Yes ma'am," he nodded, setting his sandwich aside so that he could stand to his feet. "Take the exit down the hall to your left," he directed, pointing down the large room. "And the cabs will be waiting to pick anyone up. Tell one where you'd like to go."

Marinette was satisfied with his help. Smiling out of politeness, she replied, "Thank you," and then gave him a small wave as she turned on her heel.

However, he shouted after her, "Love your accent by the way!"

She outwardly cringed at his comment, momentarily pausing in place so that she wouldn't bump into anyone as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her back was turned to him, and she prayed he hadn't noticed her shoulders rise into her collarbone.

Marinette really did despise her accent. She hated how, because she was British, everyone seemed to flock around her as if she was a treasure to be admired. She had gotten the trait from her parents and from the people around her. There was nothing special about it. It all came from England, and all the memories she had there bothered her greatly.

Everyone she met who wasn't like her always seemed to make such a big deal over her strong accent. Either how they liked it so much, because they had never heard something like it before, or how it so different from what they were used to hearing.

But to Marinette, it was nothing special. Nothing special at all.

She ignored him, not bothering to turn around and say thank you. She hoped he didn't take her for someone who was normally rude, but she was in no mood to discuss her accent with a stranger. Marinette continued her stroll in the direction the guard had pointed out for her, pulling her luggage slowly behind her as she searched for the exit.

When Marinette finally made it outside, she was greeted by multiple taxis out on the curb waiting to pick up passengers. She watched as other people who had just exited the building as well rushed into an available empty cab. Marinette looked between them all, confusion written all over her face.

"Do you need any help, miss?" A man called out to her, and her eyes quickly landed on a cab that had its window rolled down. A friendly man with a wide smile spread across his lips waved in her direction. "You seem to be a bit lost."

She sent him a small smile and made her way over to his open window. He waved at her when she finally stood in front of him. "Hello sir," she greeted him back. "I suppose I am a bit lost."

"Where are you off to?" He asked, sitting back to grip his wheel. "I can take you there myself if you prefer."

"That would be great," she smiled, letting her beautiful white teeth shine through for the first time in her visit.

He smiled back and stepped out of the diver side to assist her with her bags. Hauling her two, heavy suitcases into the back trunk, the man opened the back door for her.

Marinette stepped inside of the cab and the man shut the door behind her. Once he was seated back in front of the wheel, he asked, "So, where will I be taking you?"

"The Parish Police Station," she replied politely. "Please."

His eyes widened slightly, and his eyes connected with hers through the review mirror. "The Parish Police Station?" He questioned as he turned the key into the ignition, starting up the engine. "Are you alright, miss? If you don't mind me asking?"

Marinette giggled at that. "I'm perfectly fine, sir. I am in no trouble. I'm just a policeman myself."

He sighed in relief. "Well, I'll be darned. I thought you were in some sort of trouble."

"Not at all, sir," she replied.

"Please, call me Carl," he offered, his smile warm and friendly, as he switched the gear of the vehicle into drive and pulled out from the curb. "I presume you're not from around here?"

She sighed a bit sadly, "What would make you assume that?"

Mairnette was expecting him to immediately jump to the fact that she had a strong accent, but instead he replied, "You seemed a bit confused when you walked out of the airport. Like lost I suppose. Besides, you admitted you were a bit lost, and everyone who lives here knows where the Parish Police Station is."

She shifted a bit in her seat. "Oh, you're right. I'm not from here at all. I'm from England."

"You're British?" He asked, "How fascinating."

"I suppose," she replied lethargically.

What was so fascinating about it anyway?

Carl suddenly honked his car horn at the person in front of him, causing the ravenette to jump up in surprise. Her eyes, which had been focusing on her lap, dashed up to the windshield of the vehicle to see the line of cars that stood in front of them.

"It may take us a while to get there." Carl sighed, completely changing the subject as he rubbed the palm of his hand down his face. Marinette was somewhat relieved that he taken the initiative to change the subject about her unique accent, but now she was slightly worried about the amount of traffic ahead.

"How long is a while for you?" She asked nervously, pulling her phone to check the time once again. She couldn't afford to be late.

"I'd say this traffic will clear in at least and hour or two." He spoke so calmly, and the words caused the ravenette to choke on her own saliva.

"What?!" Her eyes were as wide as saucers. There was no way she would be able to make it on time.

"I know it seems like forever," Carl continued, "But it'll fly by quick before you know it."

Marinette groaned and let her head fall into the palms of her hands. She couldn't be late on her first day! She sighed in disappointment, and her eyes glazed over the city behind the glass of her window. The city was beautiful; but it reminded her so much of her hometown. Everything looked too familiar. This was not how she expected her first day in Paris to be like. Not at all.


Yes! The first chapter is finally up and I hope you guys like it so far!

I mean, if you don't like it, you could just say so... but I'd really prefer you didn't :p



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