19 | bloodshot

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It wasn't long before Marinette was relying on the automated voice of her device to guide her in the right direction to Chat Noir's destination. With all the suspense from his call, she was beginning to wonder if Chat did indeed need her help at all.

She stopped right in her tracks to scold herself. Of course he needed my help, she would scold, Chat is not someone of such stature to be so deceiving.

But he is a criminal, her conscience would remind her.

She shook her head to rid of all the horrid thoughts that were running rapid in her mind. This was not the time to be doubting her new partner; with a stress call like that from the most well known criminal in Paris, there had to be something wrong.

Ten stressful minutes passed before Marinette had stopped in her tracks once again when the automated voice in her device uttered the word arrived. She hadn't realized how grey the sky had become on her journey, but she was for sure it wasn't because a storm was on the way.

Her surroundings were unfamiliar to her, and Marinette couldn't help but shutter at the sight of the run down buildings that seemed to have been unoccupied by human beings for years.

Why would Chat Noir even be here?

That wasn't the only question that raced trough her head.

Why would anyone else be here?

And why did it almost seem night here?

Right now, that didn't matter. What mattered most was discovering where exactly Chat was at, and the purpose for his call.

She scrolled quickly through her call logs to find the unknown number to her that Chat had used to reach her. Tapping it lightly, she brought the device back up to her ear and awaited to hear his voice from the other end.

The ringing didn't last long, and soon she heard static before his voice boomed, "Hello?"

"Chat, it's me." Marinette eyes darted all around her surroundings, "I'm here. Where exactly are you?"

There was a bit of shuffling on his end before he replied, "Don't move. I'll be there in second."

She simply nodded, even though he could not see her response. He quickly hung up the call, and Marinette was left to wait in a deserted street for her partner's arrival.

The sky only seemed to darken the longer she stood there alone in complete silence. This time however, Marinette had made sure she had brought her gun with her.

At that second, a hand had been placed on her shoulder, and the sudden contact had her jumping out of her shoes. Marinette quickly turned around, ready to attack the stranger who was probably about to rob her, when she realized the hand belonged to the one and only Chat Noir.

"Chat Noir," she let a shaken breath escape her lips, "You scared me to death!"

"I'm sorry," he immediately apologized, but when the bluenette was able to get a solid look at his face, she soon realized he toiled upset.

"Chat?" She questioned, because she suddenly felt something was terribly wrong, "Are you alright?"

He still had his hand in her shoulder when he shook his head, "Then what's the matter?" She quickly asked again, concerned for his well being.

Chat opened his mouth, ready to give her a believable answer, when the loud sound of a gunshot echoed out through the midnight air. Marinette and Chat both jumped in fright, and the feline didn't miss the way the cop clutched onto his arms in slight fright, "What was that?" She quickly looked back into his eyes, "What's going on?"

"We have to hurry," he insisted quickly; finally removing his palm from her shoulder, he grabbed her hand instead.

"Chat, I need to know what's going on." She slightly scolded him.

Chat shook his head, "I will explain everything soon." He promised, "Just follow me."

He tugged on her hand and she hesitantly began to follow him while Chat pulled Marinette to the sound of the gunshot.

Marinette shuttered as Chat led her through the entrance of a ragged, abandoned -- probably a hotel complex. A really run down hotel complex.

As if it's been unoccupied for years.

He began to lead her up the ragged staircase, and Marinette worried the steps would collapse under her feet.

"Chat, where are we going?" She shakily asked. Not only was she worried about everything around her, but the bluenette was also concerned for her partner as well.

He didn't answer, instead continuing to drag her up the long staircase without a word. Finally, they had both reached up to a floor, and Chat escorted her to a long hallway that was almost pitch black at sight.

Then he stopped, "Do you have a gun?" Chat asked as he turned back to look at her.

"Yes?" Mariette raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Can you now explain to me what's going on?"

He hesitated for a moment and averted his eyes from her, "Three men attacked my home earlier today. I was able to chain two up, but one is still loose in this building."

"Are you kidding me, Chat?!" Marinette wailed, frightened that some lunatic was freely hiding and armed, "You could've warned me!"

"Keep your voice down," he warned, bringing his one clawed finger to her lips.

She frowned at him slightly, before sighing and asking, "Are you hurt, Chat?"

"No," Chat brought his clawed hand up to his head to pull on his blonde locks, "But, my brother was shot."

Chat then backs away from her and begins to move down the hallway. Marinette's eyes widened as large as sausers, and hurriedly she followed after him, "Wait....what?" She couldn't believe what she had just heard, "You have a brother? Since when?!"

"In time, it'll all be explained," He turned back to look to her, "Right now, he just really needs your help, Doctor Marientte."


               Did anyone expect Chat Noir to have a brother???

Comment your answer above👆

I bet you didn't.

I surprised you, didn't I?

You welcome:)

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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