22 | united at last

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Marinette leaned against her arms on the wide window, which gave her a clear view of all the newborns laid in different colored cribs, each colored by their gender. She watched as the nurse inside the room attended to each one for their needs, and it made her hyperventilate even more.


She wasn't so sure.

She hung her head in her arms as she tried to catch her breath. Her heartbeat just wouldn't die down, and her breathing was still so rapid.

Marinette still couldn't believe what had just happened in that room. Why had Chat Noir, her partner, her friend, tried to kiss her? The better question was, why had she pushed him away?

Because you don't like him romantically, a voice in her head said, he is only a friend, your work partner and colleague, nothing more.

So why was her heart beating so fast?

The last thing Mairnette wanted right now we're romantic ties with anyone. Getting into a relationship would mean the other person would have to help her carry her burdens on their shoulders, and the last thing Marinette wanted was to put someone else in her shoes.

Especially Chat Noir.

He's already got so much trouble in his life, the voice continued on, I'm sure when he discovers the truth about you, he won't hesitate to dump you on the streets.

Mairnette nodded at that.

Getting into a relationship with Chat romantically would ruin everything they already had. Besides, she was a cop and he was a criminal, it just couldn't be done.

Yes, exactly. A cop and a criminal could not have romantic relations.

Could they?

No, of course not! Marinette scolded herself. She was not about to follow Alya's footsteps.

Sighing, Marinette lifted her head once again to watch the nurse tend to the different infants. A smile soon tugged at her lips at the thought of all the new parents who would eventually bring one of these infants home.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but can I help you with something?" An all too familiar voice broke her concentration, and Mairnette immediately lifted her head up to stare daggers at the stranger for interrupting her thoughts.

When their eyes quickly met, Mairnette was the first to gasp, "Damon?!"

His eyes immediately went wide at the sight of her, "Marinette?!"

Chat Noir kept his behind practically glued to his chair as he watched Marinette quickly escort herself out of that room. What in the world had he been thinking when he tried to place his lips on hers? Had he gone absolutely insane?

I believe you have, the little voice in his head nagged, did you honestly think that she would be attracted to you anyway? You two are complete opposites; your reputation would ruin her career!

Chat sighed and brought his leather hand up to claw at his blonde locks in frustration. Not only had he thought completely irrationally, but now he had just put all their relations and friendship on the line.

After his stupid move, how would Mairnette react around him?

Would she even want to be his friend anymore?

Would she want him to still work on the case with her?

Would she feel comfortable around him ever again?

Would she even want to talk to him again?

Probably not, the annoying voice was back, you have just made it known that you like her. She will most likely want to stay away from you as far as possible.

That didn't make him feel any better.

The thought of loosing Mairnette as a working partner and friend didn't make him feel very good, and Chat Noir wasn't the type of man who pitied on loosing people. He had always told himself he didn't need anyone.

But, Marinette was different.

He couldn't let everything they had as friends just plummet down the drain. He needed to apologize for getting into her personal space, for making her feel uncomfortable, and for trying to kiss her without her consent.

He didn't care if Mairnette had left to get some fresh air, he quickly stood to his feet anyway. Chat wanted to apologize right then and there, and patch everything up before she decided to rid of him for good.

With the last bit of the courage he had left, Chat Noir marched his way to the room door. Hand hovering above the knob, he sucked in a deep breath and pulled it open, allowing himself to step out in the hallway.

Because of the hour of the night, the hallways were unoccupied. He was slightly grateful no one was awake, and thankful a nurse hadn't seen him yet.

He made his way towards the lobby of the hospital, assuming that there would have been a good place to think over what had happened. He was sure Mairnette had gone there.

But the sound of distant chattering had him halting in his tracks, and in the other direction of where he was headed, his super cat ears were able to faintly pick up two individual's voices.

And he could've sworn one sounded like Marinette's

He turned towards the sound of the voices instead, and marched down that hallway with one purpose on his mind: apologize to Mairnette.

And possibly ask for forgiveness.

I mean...he meant beg.

Beg for her forgiveness.

The voices soon became louder and he knew he was super close. Speeding up his fast stride, Chat could clearly hear the voices from around the corner.

However, when he did round that corner, he stopped himself from making any further movements.

The sight he saw was very...unpleasant.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Marientte practically growled at the unknown man, but the only thing visible to Chat was her back.

"I could ask you the same thing." He growled back with just as much venom.

Chat could tell Marinette didn't appreciate his response, "I asked first, Damon. What in god's name are you doing here? In Paris?"


Chat's eyes narrowed at the man, who in the world was this stranger?

"I work here," he spat, "Have been since I graduated. How about you?"

"I live here," Mairnette replied with just as much sass, "Have been ever since I earned this badge."

As she pointed at the badge on her vest to indicate her point, the mysterious man only chuckled mockingly at her, and oh how it made Chat's insides boil, "Oh, you mean the badge you received after you dumped your entire first courier to earn, Doctor Mairnette."

Chat froze and his eyes went wide. He knew talking about Marinette's past life as a doctor always bothered her.

This man was asking for death.

But then, all concentration on the two died out as Chat began to concentrate on his own thoughts.

Why was this man being such a jerk to Mairnette?

And how did he know she had been a doctor in the past?


I guarantee you'll warm up to Damon.


Until you realize how awful--I mean, kind he is. Yes. Kind.

I'm sorry for not updatding sooner ':( please forgive meeeeee

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


Here to add drama to your perfectly happy life!!

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