23 | brotherly love

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The next morning, Chat couldn't help but pace that hospital room back in forth. Not for his brother's sake of course -- Felix was simply fine and recovering; the feline was worried for Mairnette's sake.

After finding her in that hallway speaking to another man who seemed to know everything about her, Chat left the scene and decided snooping wouldn't give him any answers. Apparently, the two of them had known each other in the past, and in Chat's eyes, they seemed to despise each other.


Well, he didn't really know.

Damon is a doctor, Chat told himself. Maybe Marinette and him worked together in the past. They were probably friends.

Or, the feline cringed at the sound of the voice echoing in his head, they could've been in a relationship! Think about it? It would explain why they stared at each other liked they would want to murder one another.

The voice did have a point.

What if they were boyfriend and girlfriend at one point? Could it be possible that Mairnette at one point actually liked that dweeb?

Um...He meant, dude? Yes. Dude.

That was more appropriate.

Chat slumped back into his seat with a pout on his lips. The last thing he wanted right now was to see some idiotic moron somehow ride off with Mairnette into the sunset.

That was not going to happen!

Because, they had to get this case finished, and Chat couldn't have his partner running all over the world with a coward.

A moan from the bed in front of him startled Chat so greatly, he had almost pounced from out of his seat. His eyes however quickly widened when they spotted something shifting under the sheets.

Felix had finally woken up.

"Adrien? Is that you?" Felix mumbled, and Chat watched as his brother's eyes squinted open to catch a a view of the feline, "You l-look awfully...um...different."

Chat just chuckled and came closer to his brother's side, "It's a long story."

Felix stared up at his insane brother with such confusion, "But seriously, why on earth is your....leather white?"

"It was Mairnette's idea," Chat chuckled even more at the thought of the woman he was slowly falling in love with, "To hide myself so we could get you here as quick as possible. She even gave you a quick haircut to hopefully disguise you too. She didn't really have much time to do anything more."

Felix eyes quickly narrowed at the mention of Marinette's name, "Wait...Marinette? The cop?"

Chat nodded, "Yeah?" Then he raised an eyebrow, "What's the bi-"

"Don't even ask what the big deal is, Adrien. You know perfectly well." Felix groaned in annoyance, bringing his hand up slowly to rub his face.

"Honestly, I don't." Chat answered truthfully, "She saved your life! You should be grateful-"

"Grateful for what?" Felix snapped, "Yeah, maybe she saved my life now. But cops are unpredictable, Adrien. They'll turn on you when you least expect it."

Chat frowned at his brother's logic and crossed his arms above his chest, "I told you to not call me that," he frowned, "Besides, Marinette would never turn her back to me. We're friends."

"Is that so?" Felix quizzed, propping himself up against the pillow behind his self with the little bit of strength he had, "If Marinette is your so called friend, where is she now?"

The room fell into silence as Chat quickly searched for an answer to give to his brother. The last time he had seen Marinette was that night when she had run into the bastard, Damon, and he hadn't seen her since. It was the morning of the next day now.

"See? You don't even know where your friend is." Felix continued on, "For all I know, she could be leading her cop buddies straight to me. To us."

"She would never do that!" Chat defended.

Felix shrugged, obviously not believing the lame excuse Chat had shouted, "Believe what you want, Chat Noir."

Chat growled at his inconsiderate brother; after everything that had happened and after everything Marinette had done to save his life, how could he treat her so cruelly? Talk about her like she was a backstabber? Never! He would not allow it.

"I should go get the doctor," Chat quickly and drastically changed the subject. The more they continued to talk about Marinette, the more his brother would try and fill his head with nonsense about her.

Felix didn't respond, instead he slumped back into his pillow. However, his eyes never left Chat as the feline quickly exited the room and hastily went to find the nurse.

Chat hastily scurried down the hallway in search for a nurse. He had been in such of a hurry, that he hadn't been paying attention to where he was going,  and slammed into the person who had been walking his way.

"Ouch!" The girl squeaked, and Chat's eyes immediately widened at the sight of Mairnette, on the ground, before him.

"Mairnette?" He knelt down to her level, "Oh Mairnette! I'm so sorry." Chat smiled softly as he held out his hand for her to grab.

She smiled back and took it with ease, and he pulled her back up to her feet, "Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal." She mumbled, "But, thanks."

His smile only grew, "Of course."

However, his smile soon vanished when he remembered the events last night. Marinette had been talking to that idiotic doctor, Damon, and had been absent since this morning. Where had she gone off to?

He couldn't help but ask, "Marinette, where were you? I was slightly worried."

Oh he knew who she was with. But what had they been doing?

What if they had been- the voice tried to give him an idea of what they could've been doing, but Chat Noir quickly ignored it. He did not want to know how that sentence ended.

"Slightly?" She raised and eyebrow and shot him a small smirk.

Chat chuckle at that, "Alright, a lot worried."

"Don't worry Chat, there's nothing you should be concerned about," Marinette smiled, lifting her hand to tap his cheek playfully, "I was with a friend."

Chat frowned slightly, with a friend huh? More like a past lover.

Your jealous, the voice inside his head snickered.

Chat ignored it again.

"Well, it's not that..." What a lie, he could practically hear the voice comment, "It's just that you disappeared and never returned after...well...you know..."

He didn't want to mention the kiss. That would only make things worse, and Chat didn't want Mairnette running away from him again.

However, he was really surprised when Mairnette placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry about that, Chat. It's in the past now; lets just forget about it?"

She had said that in a questioning tone, as if she wasn't sure if he would agree. Chat sighed and tried his best not to protest against it. If Mairnette didn't want to believe the kiss had happened, or she wanted to ignore his feelings, Chat was willing to give her what she wanted.

"Right. Forget it." He murmured sadly, but she didn't catch his disappointment.

Her smiled grew, "Great!" And she punched him lightly on his shoulder, "Come on, let's go check on your brother now."

And before Chat could protest, Mairnette was skipping towards the room he had been desperately trying to escape.


Awe, poor Chat. You've been friend zoned buddy.

I feel bad for both of them tbh; if only Mairnette was brave enough to tell Chat her past, he would understand.

Oh whale🐳

Oh! Guys! I published two new books so please go check them out! One is marichat, the other is Adrinette, but I promise you they'll both be really good!

Ik, you may be asking why I keep on writing new books?

It's simply because I have no life, and because I'd rather do that than homework🙈

Haha okay, I'll be leaving now.

Until next time~

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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