28 | who you are

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That night, after Damon had spilled some disgusting secrets about himself, Marinette had kicked him out of her house and then threatened to call the police. When he had scoffed at that, she had said, "Oh wait, I am the police."

Damon had took off running after that, and she couldn't help but grow satisfied that his eyes had gone very wide out of fear of her.

But now that Marinette knew Damon was the shooter, she still continued to walk in a circle around this case. It still didn't explain who was behind all this, who the leader of this whole operation was, and who was the one who stole that jewel.

Marinette quickly grabbed her coat and slipped her arms into it. Grabbing her hat on the hook above, and her keys from the counter, Marinette stumbled out the front door of her apartment in a rush. She needed to get to the police department immediately and let her superior know that she had discovered a shooter. Who knows, maybe Damon was somehow tied to the missing jewel case.

She wouldn't doubt it.

Although Marinette had no car, that didn't stop her from speed walking down the sidewalks. Only one lamppost every two hundred feet lit the way, and at this point, she wasn't afraid of any robbers or thieves looking for prey.

Finally, as Marinette turned the curb, she had come face to face with the front of the police department. However, the whole area was surrounded with police cars and people, crowded all outside the front.

Marinette cautiously approached them all slowly, wondering what on earth was going on. When her eyes landed on Alya however, she didn't even bother to send her a second glance.

How could Alya still be here? She wondered to herself, That low life traitor.

Wait....Alya was here?

"Officer Marinette!" Her superior called out to her, and soon Marinette's attention was focused on the man coming her way. The look of confusion never washed off of her face as he approached her, "I was meaning to call you."

"What's going on?" Marinette asks, eyebrows knit in confusion at the sight, "Why is everyone out here at such a time?"

"That's what we need to speak of," her superior informs her, "I'm afraid someone tried to break into the police department trough the back this evening."

Marinette couldn't help but gasp, "Oh! Do you know who?"

"Ah yes, this is why I had wanted to call," he explains merely, "We believe the culprit is no other than the famous Chat Noir himself."

Suddenly, the look of confusion is washed away from Marinette's face, and instead, a look of slight annoyance replaces it. "You believe it was Chat Noir? So in other words, you are not for sure at all?"

He nods, "Oh, I am ever so certain it was him." Then he adds, "Who else could it have possibly been?"

Marinette couldn't help but scoff at that. Whether her superior had heard it or not, it didn't matter to her, "There are other criminals in this city you know. For example, I came here to inform you of a man to tried to kill another. A shooting to be exact."

However, her superior shows no sign of concern for her story, and simply waves his hand in the air, "There's no time to discuss that now. We will soon be departing in search for Chat Noir." He then adds with almost a tone of disgust in his voice, "This mutiny will be dealt with later."

And suddenly, Marinette isn't sure where her superior's priorities lie anymore.

"Very well sir," Marinette replies, because she knows she can no longer argue over the fact, "Have you gotten cameras in the back to see who in fact could've tried to break in?" She adds.

He must've not been expecting that question, for her superior turns back on his heel to face her; a look on his face she couldn't quite read, "Ah, that's very clever of you. But, I'm afraid not. The camera we did have out back was in needing for repairs."

That sure did sound like a coincidence.

"Of course sir," is her response, and he simply nods before leaving her to join some other men by their vehicles.

Marinette groans, and before she can even get the idea of leaving the scene, she soon realized the woman she had been trying to avoid was coming her way, "Well Marinette," Alya purrs once she had approached Marinette close enough, "I didn't expect to see your face here ever again."

"Well you thought wrong," Marinette snaps, turning to shoot an ugly glare Alya's way.

Alya chuckles, "No need to keep a grudge. Just because we may not be on the same page, doesn't mean we can't speak to each other."

"The last thing I want to do is have any kind of interaction with a traitor." Marinette spats.

Alya raises an eyebrow, "Oh? Is that so? Well, what about Chat Noir for example?"

The mention of her partner's name suddenly had Marinette's eyes soften, "Isn't he the one who caused all this madness?" Alya asks, gesturing to all the police officers parked outside the front of the department. "What kind of loyal partner would go behind your back and do such a thing?"

"Hmm I wouldn't know," Marinette playfully replies, "Other than you, I haven't met such a human being."

Alya smirks, "Ah, but I never labeled myself as a loyal person."

Marinette's eyes suddenly go wide at the comment, because in all honestly, Alya is right. "It's about time Marinette, that you realize Chat Noir is the bad guy. All clues point to him. What proof do you have of me being a traitor other then the fact that you found me in that run down apartment complex?"

What can Marinette say? Everything that Alya is saying is the truth.

"B-but you had said you joined there after your visitation with Nicolas!" Marinette brings up the lost detail, "You admitted that when I confronted you!"

Alya simply shrugs her shoulders, "Oh, I didn't know we just connected random incidents to completely different ones."

Marinette frowns at that reply. The thought of Chat Noir suddenly being the bad guy all along rushes into her brain faster than the speed of light. But no, Marinette shook it away immediately; she was not about to assume like he had done to her.

She trusted him. Even after he had doubted her.

Marinette wanted to say something back to Alya to defend her partner. Anything, just anything to almost convince herself that Alya was the bad guy or indeed knew who the thief was, but she could think of nothing. Nothing at all.

And just as Marinette had hung her head low in defeat, and would allow whatever Alya had left to say, she suddenly heard the cry of a voice she thought she would've never heard again.

"Help me! It's my mother!"


Oops sorry, that's one heck of a cliffhanger right there. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please don't forget to leave a vote and/or comment below!

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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