3 | home sweet home

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"Well, this is it!" Alya exclaimed as she unlocked her apartment door to reveal her cozy, little home. She stepped inside, and Marinette followed closely behind her as she pulled in her luggage. "It's not much, but it'll totally work for the both of us!"

Marinette chuckled nervously as she followed Alya down the small hall. "You'll be sleeping here," Alya said as she pointed into the small, guest bedroom across from hers. "I've always wanted a roomie! This is literally fate!"

Marinette didn't say a word and instead pulled her luggage into her temporary bedroom. Alya followed in shortly after, and when Marinette was able to lift one of her suitcase onto the bed, Alya frowned slightly, "You're not much of a talker are you?" She asked.

Marinette tensed just a bit. This topic usually always led to her accent, and that was the last thing she wanted to talk about. Sighing, she turned to face her so called 'roommate', and for the first time in meeting her new colleague, she recognized a frown on her lips. "Not really," Marinette admitted.

Alya pouted, "Am I annoying you?" She asked, and it seemed as if she was now suddenly being cautious about how she acted. "I'm probably making you feel super uncomfortable, aren't I?"

At first, Marinette had to admit Alya had been a bit too friendly for her comfort zone in the beginning. But, she didn't want the ombré haired girl to know that, so instead, she replied, "It's fine."

Alya didn't seem too convinced. "Are you sure?"

Marinette nodded. Talking wasn't really her thing, and it wasn't because of Alya at all. It was because of her insecurities.

"Well, make yourself comfortable," Alya smiled, "After all the excitement today, I'm sure you'd like some dinner."

Dinner sounded nice, but Marinette didn't want her temporary roommate to do all the work for her. "Do you want any help?" The ravenette asked quietly.

"Don't worry about me," Alya giggled, making her way under the doorframe of the room. "I've got dinner covered."

Marinette nodded, watching as Alya smiled and disappeared around the corner and down the hall. She turned her attention back to her suitcases, which were in dire need to be unpacked. The ravenette was having such a rough day so far, and her first day in Paris wasn't exactly how she had hoped it would be.

Marinette sighed somewhat sadly. She hated how she was always so quiet with other people because of the accent she was so ashamed of. She concluded her accent was probably her biggest insecurity. Once, her parents had asked why she hated it so much, and she really never had an answer for them.

Or... was it because she didn't want them to know her true answer?

She shook off those thoughts when her phone began to ring, catching Marinette by surprise, and she dug through her coat pocket to fish it out. Bringing it out for her to see, her eyes landed on the contact name.

Mama and Papa

She sighed, mentally cursing herself. They were already calling her? Why couldn't they wait, just for a day or two, just so that she could give them some good news about her life?

Was this a coincidence? She had been thinking about them, and they had decided to call?

She sighed before letting a fake smile spread across her lips. She swiped the answer button, and brought the device up to her ear. "Hello?"

"Mari? Honey?" She heard her mother speak first. "Hi sweetie! How was your first day?"

She cringed, and was silently thanking god that her parents could not see her face. "Good," she replied, wishing she didn't have to lie. "How was yours?"

"I just woke up not that long ago," her mother laughed, but Marinette was in no mood to laugh along with her. "Besides, I called to hear about your day not mine. Meet anybody new?"

"Everyday I meet someone new."

"Oh honey, that's wonderful! How's work on the field?" Her mother continued on, and although she was meant to have patience, it made Marientte more annoyed.

"Mama, I told you over a thousand times before I left home that I was starting work tomorrow." Marinette huffed, clearly annoyed with her mother. She was so preoccupied with her mother's enthusiasm, that she didn't even realize the figure who had entered her room.

"Oh sweetheart, I apologize," and there, right there, was her mother's sympathy. "I'm upsetting you, aren't I?"

The one thing Marinette hated the most was the painful truth. Just like she had spared Alya's feelings with a lie, she would do the same for her mother. "It's all right, mama. You didn't know," she tried to sound apologetic and sincere as she rubbed one of her temples. "It's just stress eating me up. Nothing more."

"Is there anything you need?" Her mother asked, "Anything I can do to help?"

Marinette just shook her head, even though her mother couldn't see it. "I'll be fine," she assured, "I just-um... need some time to adjust."

"Alright dear," her mother answered, "Well, I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you were okay."

"Thank you," Marinette replied, even though half of her wished her mother hadn't called.

"Have a good night, sweetie. Talk to you soon." Her mother cooed, and right after Marinette had replied with a goodnight, the call was cut.

Marinette sighed and threw the device onto her bed. Bringing both hands up to her hair, the ravenette tugged on her short braids.

"Are you okay?" An all-too-familiar voice asked, and Marinette zipped around to find Alya under her doorframe shooting her a concern frown. "You don't look too good."

"How long have you been standing there?" Marinette asked first, a little hurt by the fact that her new roommate was kind of spying on her.

"Just got here," Alya said with a soft smile. "I just... saw you kinda stressing there. Dinner's ready by the way."

Dinner. Now that was something that would definitely lift some of the stress off of her shoulders. A good meal was probably all she needed.


I hope you all like chapter three. If anyone has any questions or comments, that's what the comment section is for.

Also, I don't know if I'll post the next chapter tomorrow. I feel kinda down and since one of my chickens died yesterday. My chickens are my family and it's really hard for me when we loose one of them.

Thanks for understanding.



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