5 | distractions are lethal

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Alya and Marinette both entered the police station right on time that morning. After passing the very grumpy face of the Parish Police Station, Alya lead the way to their new office.

"This is where we'll be working our magic," Alya smiled cheerfully as she opened the door wide for Marinette to see. It was a fairly sized office, enough room for the both of them to share. There were already two desks.

"It's great," Marientte murmured, not because she hated or disliked her new office, but the fact that she was going to have to do a lot more talking than she was comfortable with.

Alya didn't seem to pick up the ravenette's uncomfortableness. Instead, she made her way towards her own desk and plopped down in her swirly, new, leather desk chair.

Mairnette slowly followed, examining her brand new desk as well. She had to say, she had gotten a lot more than she expected.

"I can't wait for our first assignment," Alya chirped from her seat. "Are you excited?"

"I suppose," Marientte replied, her eyes too preoccupied on the desktop setup on her new desk.

Alya pouted slightly, "You know, I'm going to have to get used to your droopy attitude."

Mairnette raised and eyebrow and turned to look at the brunette. "Droopy?" She questioned.

"You always seem upset, and I just met you," Alya responded, crossing her arms playfully. "Something always seems to be on your mind."

"And what's wrong with that?" Marinette retorted.

"It constantly has you distracted from reality," the playfulness in Alya's voice was gone. "And sometimes that's not a good thing."

Marinette frowned slightly and turned her gaze away from Alya. The ravenette knew she had some issues; she also knew she was very distracted with everything on her mind. How was she supposed to be a good police officer if she was too distracted with her emotions?

"You don't have to feel ashamed," Alya spoke after a moment of silence. "I used to have that same problem."

The last statement caught Marinette's attention, and she turned her head slightly to listen.

Taking that as a cue to elaborate, Alya sighed, "On my first year of entering the academy, I was bombarded with many family problems while I was trying to earn my degree..."

"... my mother died the first year I entered the academy," she continued, "I had really hoped she would make it to watch me graduate and finally become what I've dreamed to be all my life. But cancer overtook her life too soon."

Marinette gulped at the story Alya was spilling out to her. How could someone she barely know tell something so personal to her?

"Why are you telling me this?" Marinette swallowed, turning slowly to meet Alya's eyes.

"Because I had to learn how to set the pain aside to fulfill my dreams." Alya replied.

Mairnette sighed, releasing a shaky breath she didn't even know she was holding. Her parents had always been against her coming to Paris to fulfill her dream, and she knew why. Maybe that's what her lethal distraction had been this whole time.

"I'm sorry about your mother," Mairnette decided to reply, knowing nothing else she could say in that moment would make anything less awkward.


Just then, the buzzer on Alya's desk went off and she sent a wide eyed look to her partner before pushing the button and answering, "Yes sir?"

"Officer Alya, Officer Marinette, we have an assignment for you both." The voice spoke from the other end.

Both women's eyes went wide, but Marinette was the first to speak, "An assignment?"



"I don't see why not."



Alya shot her partner and warning glance as babbled for the right words. "What? But sir... this is Marinette's first day. I don't know if—"

"I don't want to hear it. I have already assigned you both to this case," the man on the other end interrupted her curtly. "I expect you both to escort yourselves to my office in five minutes. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes sir," Alya hung her head low before releasing the button she had been holding.

"Okay, we gotta go!" Alya screeched once she knew for sure he could no longer hear her.

"Wait... really?" Marinette was too surprised to believe it. "We're having our first assignment already? But I'm not—"

"We don't have time for buts!" Alya interrupted as she quickly made her way to the door of their office. "We've got five minutes! Let's go!"

Mairnette quickly stood to her feet to follow the running Alya out the door. However, for the first time in a while, Marinette actually had a smile spread across her lips.


"Alright you two," he started as he handed each of the two young ladies the files for their case. "We have gotten an emergency call of a new robbery."

"Oooooh robberies are my favorite!" Alya giggled, only to get a scolding look from her commanding officer in return.

"Um sir?" Marinette asked as if she was trying to get her teacher's attention.

"Let me continue!" He grumbled, causing Alya and Marinette to both gulp and shut their mouths. "Suspects are unknown, resources none, so in other words, you two young ladies have the smallest case file yet!"

He laughed after that, as if it was a joke, and Marinette was the first to scramble through the folder she was given to realize, that it was in fact, practically empty.

She looked up at him once again with wide eyes. "But sir, how will we work with this?"

"Not my problem," he raised his palm at her. "You two are the only two officers who are available for this assignment, and I need someone to look into it."

"What's the name of the case, sir?" Alya asked, gulping down the lump that had formed in her throat.

He sighed and sat back into his large, leather chair. "Have you ladies heard of the case of Paris' Missing Jewel?"


You're probably thinking to yourself, "Finally! The action is beginning!" And truth be told, it kinda is, but I wasn't tryna bore you in the previous chapters.

Just building the story up and hoping you were paying very close attention to what you've been reading😏

Okay bye!



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