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This chapter is a collaboration with sethadler !!



Days passed and Marinette kept her word. Every day the authorities received a single request for a reduced sentence. Well... they received two actually... though she wasn't sure how much of an impact a criminal's request could make. But nonetheless, Nino pitched in to help as always, determined to free his friend for however long she remained certain.

Then, there were three. Felix began to pitch in. He seemed to be driven by remorse, and every time he would send a request in, Marinette could see the obvious guilt and fear that fogged his green irises at the thought of his efforts all being in vein... or somehow being traced back by his request and being arrested himself. But he remained faithful to it, despite his fear. So long as she and Nino remained confident.

After that, more requests were sent. By her example, the rest of the men decided to help free their leader. From five, to ten, to twenty, to fifty, and eventually past one hundred, from just their men alone, were being submitted daily. Within a year alone, the numbers had grown from a single heartbroken girl to an unimaginable 5,832 daily requests. Word of Chat Noir's somewhat unjustified arrest had spread numerously to the public (and that hadn't even been her goal), yet much to her surprise, some people seemed to actually have sympathy for him. She hadn't expected the public to help, not since she knew Chat Noir's reputation to them was a skyrocketing negativity.

But the requests continued to flood in, and the numbers continued to grow. Tales of heroism from eyewitnesses (mostly from Plagg, whom Marinette realized was the 'talking cat' Adrien had told her about as soon as she started wearing his ring), but also from other civilians who began to step out and claim that Chat Noir, this so called 'criminal', was more like a hero who rescued innocent, would-be victims, from dark alleys, or scared off thugs with inhuman growls to protect the streets at night. In fact, with the praise he was receiving, a lot of people hardly saw him as a criminal, but as some sort of 'vigilante' who protected the city.

But not even that was enough. Until the internet caught wind of the story, that is. A small website known as The Ladyblog hit the news. Millions of supporters arose to defend Chat Noir as a so called 'hero', who was unjustly imprisoned after devoting his changed heart to undoing the crimes of Gabriel Agreste, his own father and blood. People even claimed that a man who could go against his own blood, as far as wanting to kill them to end the suffering of others, didn't deserve to suffer himself.

The story of Chat Noir's bravery became the story of the century, prompting movies, tv shows, books, cosplays, games, and even fanfictions. Marinette couldn't believe it. In fact, the sight of it all seemed like a miracle in itself. For the first time since she last saw Adrien, the sight of all the support brought not only hope for herself, but for everyone else in Chat Noir's gang who was fighting on his behalf.

He was even called the first superhero.

Then, after three years, seven months, and thirteen days, Chat Noir was released. Unable to bear the strain any longer, the French government had pardoned Chat Noir from all of his crimes, and much to Adrien's surprise, he was released to the welcoming cheers and applause of citizens who had once been fearful of him. They watched as the disheveled blonde stumbled forward in confusion, unable to fully grasp—or accept—what was happening. But when he saw his brother, his best friend, and the girl who had started it all in the midst of the crowd, his blank expression quickly morphed into the brightest smile she'd ever seen him wear. Marinette wasted no time in running forward, pushing and shoving her way through the crowd in order to reach him. Adrien grunted and almost lost his balance when Marinette threw herself into him, and he was given no time to utter a single word before she was pressing her mouth to his.

As soon as her lips touched his, Adrien melted like pudding into her embrace. His eyes instantly fluttered closed, and his gentle, calloused hands came up to hold her face, pulling her even closer to him. His thumbs fondly caressed her cheeks as they further reunited with each other, and his head quickly slanted to deepen the kiss. Marinette sighed pleasantly into his mouth, and as her arms came around his waist, the cheers around them only grew louder as the crowd celebrated his release and their reunion.

Marinette was the first to pull away, entirely breathless, as she then pulled him into a hug. Adrien embraced her just as passionately, and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"I love you." He whispered so softly that it was impossible for anyone else to hear, but it was only for her, and that was enough. Just him being in her arms was enough. The wait had been worth it if this was the result.

"I love you too." Marinette said as she pulled away from him, only so that she could surge forward and kiss him again.

"I missed you." He breathed into her mouth, continuing to further prove to her just how much he missed her by bruising her lips with every needed kiss he gave her.

Marinette smiled against his lips, and only pulled him closer to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close, savoring his warmth, relishing in his touch.

She did it. He was free... because of her. She had won.

"I missed you too, Chaton."


Well... this is the official end of Cops and Robbers. Finally finishing this book was like a big weight lifted off of my shoulders lol. It was started back in 2017 and in 2021 I can finally say its been completed. Thank you to arcana_fuse and sethadler for helping me complete this book. Without your guys help, I honestly don't know if I would've been able to finish this story. I'm definitely grateful for your devotion in helping me. Thank you to everyone else who stuck around in order to finish this story. Your patience is not only super admirable, but super appreciated. I hope you enjoyed the ending, as well as the entire story of Cops and Robbers!

{ votes, comments, and shares (for the last time) are highly appreciated }


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