Silver blades

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The Characters of Clayton, Rya, Kennedy, Dallas, and the Valentines belong to Rachelle. The character of Cora is expanded on with Permission from Rachelle, and is written for the pleasure of the International Wildflower Pack, the WhiskeyQueenn fandom. #WildflowersUnited #iwp

 ::Much APPRECIATION!!! to Whiskeyqueenn Rachelle  for your inspiring story - CLAYTON ::

Silver Blades

Mark's POV

In the last two months, I have discovered a whole new level of pain and patience.

"Ready, Chef Cora," a young wolf says. Holding a timer, young eyes are bright and eager, I can see Mandy's admiration for my mate shining in them. "Go!"

I watch as Cora debones  three whole chickens in just over a minute. It is impressive. Slowly, she repeats the process, teaching young pups how to do it. Some are slow and neat, others try to hurry it up and their birds look like their wolves mangled them. She observes and instructs each. I just watch, I learned to never approach my mate when she is holding her knives. The newly remodeled pack kitchen is filled with preparations for tomorrow's pack gathering.

"Take your time, speed will come with practice. You cannot hide a mangled piece of meat. Your knife skills are important to making food look presentable, annddd they offer a unpleasant surprise for any opponent if you are forced into fight and can't shift." She winks outlandishly at the young wolves who laugh, as she twirls the blade through her fingers without getting cut. I've seen Martin do the same with a pencil.

"Cora, it's time to go," I interrupt.

She gives me this look that says she would rather do to me what she did to those chickens than go. I once saw her debone a wild boar in under an hour. Pregnant she-wolves and their knives are not something any male should be fool enough to get the wrong side of.

"Mandy will show you how to season and marinade these for tomorrow. I do not want to hear anything about her being disrespected, in this kitchen SHE outranks all of YOU! Am I crystal clear?" Cora's tone leave no doubt who is in charge.

"Yes Chef." They chorus as Mandy comes forward, head held high. The gentle Omega has come into her own courage under Cora's care and training.


Session number eight of our mandatory couples' counseling is not going well.

Cora's standard answer is always "I don't want to talk about it." And Aurora has finally lost her patience. Honestly, I lost mine six weeks ago.

"Cora, we haven't moved forward in almost two months, you can't talk about it because you won't and it isn't fair to your mate. He has a right to an answer." Aurora sounds shrewish.

Cora doesn't trust her because she is an old friend of the Luna's. "Aurora, I don't want to talk about it because I can't," Cora snaps. I can feel her wolf's agitation and my wolf's protectiveness stirring.

"Can't because you won't, you mean." Aurora counters. "You can't keep holding on to negative things, Cora, it will eat you. You shouldn't be living this way. It is harmful to your mating. You need to talk about the things that affected you negatively. It is time for your suffering to stop."

"Aurora, I can't because I can't. On HER birthday, Alpha Adams put me under an Alpha Command to not speak her name or of that day or ill against his son SO I can't because I can't or I will hurt my pup!" Cora growls, she would shift and attack this wolf if she wasn't six and a half months along. I am glad I made her leave her silver knives in the truck.

"What are you talking about? Her who?" Aurora looks genuinely confused.

"The one whose silver lashes you let scar so everyone would see her shame forever, because you cared more about your status with the Alphas than an injured 16 year-old pup who was whipped after her rejection, Coun-sel-or," Cora accuses. Her silver tongue is the only blade she will always carry and it cuts the deepest. 

Aurora's pale green eyes go wide with realization, they remind me of pears or green apples. For a few minutes, she says nothing. She looks to the side, talking to someone through the pack link, before looking back at us. "The Alpha never removed his command concerning Rya?"

"No. Why would he? I am the only one in the entire pathetic pack who stood up for what was right. Like her, I was punished, I am still punished. So I can't talk about it because I literally can't talk about it," Cora has that tone she gets before she goes in for the kill. She had said things to me that made my wolf curl up on himself or try to use me as rawhide. She always apologizes to him, but never to me.

"I am sorry you feel that way about me, but I did not cause Rya's scars. It was a mistake," Aurora says softly but her eyes hold a hidden pain. Cora and I both see it, but to Cora it is raw meat held out to taunt a starving wolf.

"A 'mistake'" Cora uses her fingers to emphasis the word mistake. Here it comes. Her icy tone is vicious. "A 'mistake' you don't have to suffer, Aurora. Silver scars you don't have to wear on your skin for the rest of your days. Gretchen always left you a supply of her oils. Was it a 'mistake' you chose not use them that night or in the days after? Was your 'mistake' a favor to the Luna, your oldest friend, to let a child suffer as an example to the pack, or did the Alpha order you to not use them and that was your 'mistake'? Tell me Aurora, was your 'mistake' worth it because I don't think it was. And I am sure SHE would agree. She was innocent but she is still suffering."

Cora always said the one lesson she valued from her mama was this viscous silver tongue. I almost felt sorry for the counselor. Almost, I was told what had been by Gretchen. Aurora can't hold Cora's eyes. Then I smell Cora's blood and pull a bandanna out of my pocket. Her emotional and traumatic pregnancy has weakened her ability to resist the Alpha Command, but she works against it once week, through the headaches and nosebleeds but she fears hurting Corina. I rub soothing circles on her arm and place my hand over her belly, it is the only time she lets me touch her, and only because Gretchen told her she has no choice.

"Oh Goddess, Cora," Aurora sounds alarmed. Wolves don't get bloody noses unless they've been hit in the face. "Let me get Dr Valentine."

"He can't help me. It's the Alpha Command. Tell Catherine whatever you want, Aurora, I won't be back until after my pup is born." Cora mumbles, holding her head back. Trembling as she stands, she sways unsteadily. Pain radiates off her like heat from a fire, it is the only time I feel anything through our mate bond. To me, she says, "Take me to Gretchen, we're done here."

I lift her into my arms, without a word, carrying her out to the truck, and drive us to the old she-wolf's cottage. The frail, old midwife is waiting, fussing, and carrying on. I hold Cora while she drinks some awful smelling concoction. In a few minutes, she is asleep in my arms. I inhale her scent, calming my wolf who wants to go back an eat the therapist. Gretchen demands to know what happened.

"Aurora got her riled up again, only this time, Cora bit her head off. Told her about the Alpha Command. Accused her of letting Rya's lashes scar on purpose. Almost made her cry." I explain.

Gretchen snorts, "Her mother's tongue has always been her most vicious weapon."

"Don't I know it," I say regretfully. I rise and take her home.

Gretchen pushing me back down, "Just stay 'till she wakes up so I can check Corina. I'll make you some iced tea. Besides, I think your wolf needs this as much as you do." The old wolf's eyes are sad as she pushes a lock of Cora's hair from her face. "Be patient Mark, she's getting there."

I listen as she busies herself making tea. I kick off my boots carefully and shift on the old couch, adjusting Cora in my arms. I have grown to love her more each day in spite of our fights. Neither of us is right and neither of us is wrong, neither will yield, and so we go in a vicious circle. She won't leave and I don't want to stay. I hate this place, this pack filled with weak, underhanded wolves all clawing for status none of them has earned. They are nice enough to socialize with, but can't be trusted to do what's right, even their future Alpha. Clay has a choice mate only because he rejected his moon mate. Since finding mine, I can't imagine why he would do that. While Kennedy was a real looker, she has this sly meanness that reminds me of a sleeping rattlesnake, just when you think you've made it past, it bites you. I didn't care for her and my mate hates her.

Cora shifts, putting her nose in my neck, taking in my scent in her sleep, I can feel her wolf's contentment. I discovered she was stealing my shirts and putting them over her pillows. Gretchen says it was something pregnant she-wolves did because they needed to smell their mate. I would sleep with her if she'd let me but she won't. She felt so good laying there in my arms, like this is where she is supposed to be, where we are supposed to be. I can imagine us at my cabin in the high country, looking out at a view that stretches for hundreds of miles. It would be perfect... it could be perfect if she would just listen. I fall asleep, holding my mate for the first time since I left her to finish my competition circuit.

I slept without dreaming about that day, instead I dream about the day I met her. I looked over to my dad, this was the run that could earn me the championship, and there she was, long dark hair and deep azure eyes like the summer sky with sparkles of golden sunlight. I fell into that blue, then Shotgun turned and I fell into the dirt. I was so surprised I just laid there. Then she was leaning over me, breathlessly asking if I was okay. I kissed her, I couldn't stop myself. My wolf was howling happily in my head. We had waited so long for our mate, she would come home with us and make our life complete...

A knock on the door woke me as Ms Gretchen answered it. It was Dr Dallas, Aurora, Luna Catherine, and Alpha Adams.

Ms. Gretchen turned to me, "Mark, please lay Cora on my bed." I rose and carried her into the old she-wolf's bedroom, I could hear them talking in low tones. Carefully, I laid Cora down. Hopefully Aurora had told them of the Alpha Command and they would finally remove it.

"Gretchen, are you sure?" Luna Catherine sounded horrified. Aurora had her hand over her mouth. The Alpha is wearing an expression of disbelief. Dr Dallas is shaking his head.

"Yes, Luna, the Alpha Command can not be removed until after Corina is born. It has been on Cora for too many years, she has fought it for too long. The recoil pain of removing the old command will hurt her and could kill her pup. If she endures it till after the labor, her pup will not be at risk." Gretchen explains.

"Gretchen, does she know?" I ask, there are so many things that can go wrong with a werewolf birth and Cora has already had a trying pregnancy.

"Of course, she has known since I told her she was pregnant. She didn't tell you?" Gretchen frowns at me as I shake my head.

"YOU did this to her! You were supposed to remove it before she left, why didn't you remove it after she got back?" Luna Catherine's voice is a hiss directed at her mate.

"She never came to me to have it removed, you should have told her to come to me," Alpha Adams snarled at his mate.

"I did not know you did not remove it when I told you too," Luna Catherine growled back.

"I didn't know I couldn't just remove it when I needed to," Alpha Adams makes the excuse.

"My mate has suffered for years for your son's secret that isn't a secret. She almost died to save your pup, and you make excuses!" I am so close to shifting, my wolf is going insane in my head.

Gretchen snorts, and explains in a condescending tone, "An alpha command isn't like a simple command or punishment, it physically hurts the wolf who defies it. Short term, it leaves no lasting effects. That is why it works. However, when one is left on for as many years as this one, when it is struggled against as this one has been, it becomes attached to the wolf's soul, to its very existence. Cora will be weaken for days or possibly months after it is removed."

'Months!' The thought of Cora suffering more was too much for my wolf and he attacked the Alpha, we rolled through the window and out onto the porch. 

Shifting, our wolves appeared in moments, and we fought hard. Our strength matched, but I had Charlie's training. They were shouting at us to stop. I almost had the upper hand when a second Alpha knocked me off the pinned Adams. My wolf rose, hackles raised, Dallas stood between me and Adams. My wolf would not be denied the one who had hurt our mate for so long. So I fought his dark wolf. He was very well trained, better than Adams. Suddenly, Adams jumped me from behind as Dallas had my shoulder, he bit down hard. My hind legs went out, he had broken my back. Dallas backed off whimpering in apology. Adams circled, preparing to end me when a silver blade embedded in the soil between us. He backed quickly away.

"Leave. My. Mate. Alone!" There was great power in those words, it vibrated all of us.

My beautiful, pregnant mate was standing between us. The moonlight pooling around her like a vision. In her hand, she held her silver knives. Her pregnancy had taken her claws, and she had replaced them with something just as deadly in her hands. I have no doubt that she can kill him. He growls at her but she doesn't flinch. "You have tortured me enough for the both of us, Alpha Adams. We may be ranked as Gammas, but at least we know our duty. To protect and care for lesser wolves, not maim them in a demonstration of arrogant power. Your Luna trained me too well, and I will always do my duty, BUT I will NOT allow you to harm my mate."

Slowly Luna Catherine came to stand in front of us, head high, before us stood two females to be reckoned with. Alpha Adams' wolf looked at her and whimpered, but she glared back.

The Luna's voice was cold. "Enough of this. Go home." Turning, he loped away. She turns to my mate, who was kneeling beside my wolf, looking at our wounds. "I'm sorry about all this, Cora. I didn't know. But if you threaten my mate again, I will have you both in the cells. You are under contract to the pack and will not leave. But DO NOT forget your place, Gamma."

My mate bows to the Luna, accepting her power over her. "Yes Luna, I'm sorry, Luna."

My wolf whimpered, licking her hand, we did not like that she had to bow to this she-wolf.

Dr Dallas approached us cautiously, hands held up, showing he's not a threat, "Cora, I need to look at him."

"Haven't you done enough damage tonight, Doctor?" She snarls, pointing a silver blade toward him.

"I know, I'm sorry, I was trying to stop the fight. But now, I need to look at his wolf. Please, I am not a threat to you or your pup or your mate." His voice is oddly calm.

I wonder if they teach them to talk like that in medical school. Gretchen stands next to Cora, gently drawing her up and away from me. Her embrace keeps Cora from killing Dr Dallas as he runs practiced hands over me. My wolf whimpers in pain. Luna Catherine is obviously talking through the pack link to someone. Aurora is no longer here. She's just gone, fled  like the weak wolf she is.

Dr Dallas sighs, "Mark, you need to stay in your wolf until you heal, it will take a few days. We need to get you to the clinic."

"NO!" Cora says harshly, "I'm taking him home."

"We can't move him more than once." Dallas says and she snarls at him, baring her teeth.

"You're not taking him anywhere. You caused this. I will take care of him." She screams at him when he doesn't back down, he doesn't realize the danger of my silver-armed mate. I whimper drawing her attention back to me, she drops to her knees again, tears streaming down her face. I feel her wolf whimpering, distressed, and I can feel her fully, it is overwhelming. She is torn between caring for me and killing him.

"Bring him inside, Dr Valentine," Gretchen interrupts. "They can stay here until he heals. After the night's excitement, I need to keep a close eye on her pup."

"Clayton, Bryan, and Beau are almost here," Luna Catherine says.

Dallas nods, then states to Cora, "Your mate's wolf is very strong for being a gamma."

"Yes, he is," Luna Catherine mutters quietly. The Luna knows my father is the Alpha of our pack, she demanded a treaty with us as soon as she found out who I was. I wonder if she is realizing that I inherited my father's power, even though I am ranked as a gamma in my pack.

"I know, he's perfect," Cora's crying into our fur, cradling our head in her lap against our pup. She loves us, is proud of us, is scared for us, and she hates that she feels helpless.

They lay me on the rug in front of Gretchen's fireplace, when Dr Dallas promises to come back and check on me tomorrow, Cora growls at him. She did not like him before and now I know she blames him for my injury. Once we are alone, Cora begins wiping the blood from our fur with a damp cloth. Grooming us, it feels so good. Gretchen gives her some tea and me that horrible smelling pain concoction. In a way, I am glad that lowdown coyote bushwhacked me while I was fighting Dallas. Maybe now she'll see I am right and we can leave. As I fall asleep, she is rubbing my ears and I actually feel happy for the first time in months, since the days we met and first mated, before that it had been years since I felt this content.


9.2018 - CLAYTON is published!!!

Clayton (The Wildflower Series) by Rachelle Mills via @amazon

2.2019- DALLAS is published!!!

Dallas (The Wildflower Series Book 2) by Rachelle Mills via @amazon
Find them on Amazon

::Thank you to Rachelle for allowing this CLAYTON Fanfiction to be published.:: 

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