Coraline X Male Reader

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Me “so we’re moving where?”

(ignore the guns)

Coraline "pink palace apartments"

Me “the what now?” My pet Kuroka sat on my lap as Coraline’s parents were driving

(Imagine with two tails)

Coraline "you’ll see when we get there" after a while of driving we arrive at a pink house in the middle of nowhere

Me "wow in the middle of nowhere, great"

Coraline “think of the adventure.”

Me "that and being with you are the only upsides to this other then that this is a horror movie waiting to happen.”  we walk inside as her parents tells the movers where to put everything

Me “wow even boring on the inside”

Coraline “then let’s go outside.” we grab out raincoats and head outside with Kuroka on my shoulder

Me “hey, let’s see if we can find a well.” Coraline grabs a branch from a bush and points it north

Coraline “this way my knight.”

Me "of course my princess" the two of us ran to the north as we stop after rocks feel and landed in front of our feet

Me" hello? "

Kuroka “there’s another cat over there.”

Coraline “let's see” she grabs the rock and throws it as we hear a cat meow

Me “hey Kuroka, if it’s a boy think you want to date him?”

Kuroka" depends on if he's cute, but if I was human I would definitely date you"

Coraline “then I would get jealous.”

Kuroka "that would be fun" they hear a motorcycle revving as the wind picked up while a storm was forming

Me "come on" they see a kid doing a wheelie as he zooms towards us while I kick him in the face causing him to fall off his bike

Kid "ow"

Coraline “my boyfriend doesn’t appreciate stalkers especially the ones that stalk me.”

Kid "I wasn't stalking"

Me “then what are you doing here?”

Kid "I was just driving around, you two are from Texas or Utah someplace dry and bare?"

Me “look kid we’re just trying to find a well.”

Kid "you guys are standing on it, stomp too hard you'll fall in it" Coraline pulls me back while she took a few steps back

Kid "it said to be so deep, that if you look up from the bottom you'll stars in the middle of the day"

Coraline "huh"

Kid "I'm surprised she let you move in, my grandma, she owns the pink palace, won't rent to anyone with kids"

Me “why? Is the house haunted or something?”

Kid "I'm not supposed to talk about it, I'm wybie, wybie lovat"

Coraline “Wybie, that’s a strange name.”

Wybie "short for wyborn, not my idea of course, what you two get saddled with?"

Me “Y/N L/N.”

Coraline “Coraline Jones.”

Wybie "doesn't sound scientific"

Me “I think someone is calling you.”

Wybie "I didn't hear anything"

Coraline “I can definitely hear someone calling your name., why were you born"

??? " wyborn!"

Wybie "grandma" he gets on his bike and rode off

Me "weird " I look down at the cat and crouch down to him as he purrs and ran of after Wybie

Kuroka “not my type.”

Me "well at least you got me"

Kuroka “Aw. You’re melting my heart.” She licks my cheek as Coraline drops a rock in the well

Coraline “it’s deep, very deep.” we then hear a splash as it starts raining

Me “let’s go home, Kuroka doesn’t like to get wet.”

The next day Coraline and I are at the kitchen window

Coraline "Y/N and I almost fell in a well yesterday mom.”

Mel “that’s good honey.”

Me" we could've died"

Mel" that's nice "

Me “she’s hopeless and that stick was poison oak.” Coraline scratches her palm

Coraline" so can we go out I think it's perfect weather for gardening "

Mel “I’m busy you two, and plus rain makes mud and mud makes a mess"

Me “it’s ironic how you two wrote gardening catalogs and never garden at all.”

Mel "Y/N, I don't have time for you and Coraline right now and you two have unpacking to do, lots of unpacking"

Coraline “great, come on Y/N.”

Mel "oh by the way, some kid left this on the porch" she puts a package on the table

Me “it seems I might have competition.”

Coraline "relax" she grabs the note

Coraline "dear jonesy and Y/N I found these in my grandma's trunk, look familiar" she opens the package and inside were doll versions of her and me

Me “I knew he might had feeling for you but I didn’t know he was bi.”

Coraline " if I kiss you will you chill out?"

Me “I’m just joking around dear.”

Coraline "I know" she kisses me as we walk to her dad's study and see him typing

Coraline “hey dad, can we go outside to plant flowers?”

Charlie "hello Y/N, Coraline and Coraline and Y/N dolls, and it's pouring out there isn't it?"

Me “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?”

Charlie "what did the boss say?"

Coraline and me “no.”

Charlie "then there's your answer"

Me “then what are we supposed to do?”

Charlie "this house is over 150 years old, explore and write down everything you see, just let me work.”

Me" alright, let's go" we take off our raincoats and start walking around the house

Coraline “twelve leaky windows.”

Kuroka “I feel bad for you two.” She jumps on my head

Me "yeah I was hoping for something more exciting "

Coraline “let’s check my room.”

Me "you mean our room"

Kuroka “let’s go to our room.” The three walk to their room as they see bugs in the shower

Me "ugh! " we start squashing the bugs

Coraline “oh this is so disgusting.”

Me "let's wash it off" I turn the bath faucet and the shower sprays us

Coraline and Kuroka “turn it off!” I turn the faucet off as we shake like a dog while the water flies off us. We then walk to the basement to find a light switch

Me "one rusty water heater"

Coraline “I wonder what this does.” She presses a bottom as the lights go out and we hear Charlie yell in frustration

Me" yikes "I press the button and we quickly leave the room

Kuroka “this place is so boring, hey does that wallpaper look strange?”

Me" let's look "we put our dolls down and look at the wallpaper

Coraline “it seems like some type of door, hey mom what does this door lead into?!”

Mel" I'm really really busy! "

Me “if you help us we won’t bother you anymore!”

Mel" fine!" She comes to the room with a key as she takes the wallpaper off the door while  unlocking it, she pulls it open to see bricks

Me" bricks, I don't get it"

Mel “they must have been set when they divided the house.”

Coraline "then why's the door so small"

Mel" we made a deal, zip it!" She leaves as the three of us sigh

Kuroka “her parents really suck.”

Me" yeah but they're good people "

Coraline “well I think we explore everything.”

Later at dinner

Me “I’m 100% sure this is what they serve to the people stuck in prison.”

Coraline" why don't you ever cook mom, or let Y/N cook "

Mel" Coraline we've been through this, your dad cooks, I clean and you and Y/N stay out of the way, I swear I'll go food shopping when we finish the catalog, try some of the char you two need some vegetables.”

Coraline "it looks more like slime to me"

Charlie "well it's slime or bedtime fussputs so which is going to be"

Me and Coraline "think they're trying to poison us?" we make our dolls nod their heads

Me "well good night" we walk into our room as we laid on the bed and Kuroka got between us

Me" hopefully something cool will happen "

Kuroka “yeah, good night Coraline, goodnight honey.”

Me and Coraline" goodnight " I put the cover over us as we close our eyes and fall asleep

Kuroka “Guys, I found mice!”

Me" huh? " we sit up and hear mice and look under the bed and see them

Coraline “uh, Y/N, grab your sword or whatever’s and get ready to strike.””

Me" babe it's a mouse " the mouse jumps away as we follow it

Coraline “if you say so.” we see the mouse enter the small door

Kuroka “should we enter?”

Me" of course " I open the door as we see a glowing tunnel

Coraline “last one in is a rotten egg!” we crawl in the tunnel as when we get out we are in the living room while a smell of food fills the room

Me" something smells good "

Coraline “this isn’t normal.”

Me" let's check it out "

Kuroka “this seems strange, I’m going to head back.”

Me" ok" she licks my cheek as she ran back

Coraline “this must have given her a very bad feeling, she has never left our side.”

Me "we’ll worry about that later "

Coraline “then let’s go.” They walk to the kitchen to see Mel cooking

Coraline "mom?, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

Mel “I’m cooking for you two.”

Me “you have button eyes.”

Mel “do you like them, I'm your other mother silly "

Coraline and me “other mother?.”

Mel" go tell your other father that  suppers ready "

Coraline “other father?”

Mel" go on, he's in his study " we walk to the his study to find him playing piano

Coraline" hello? "

Charlie" hello Y/N and Coraline "

Me “Charlie? When did you learn how to play the piano?”

Charlie" no need " hands pop out of the piano

Charlie" this piano plays me"

Coraline “this is amazing.” Charlie starts playing

Charlie "🎵 making up a song about Y/N and Coraline, they are peaches, they are dolls they are pals of mine, they are as cute as a button in the eyes of everyone who ever laid their eyes on Y/N and Coraline, when they go around exploring mom and I will never ever make it boring, our eyes will be on Y/N and Coraline 🎵"

Me “I don’t like this place.”

Coraline" excuse me, she wanted us to tell you the foods ready "

Charlie “great I love her dinner.” we heard to the dining room as Mel puts the chicken on the table

Charlie" we give our thanks and hands to bless for our mothers golden chicken breast"

Mel “Charlie.” me and Coraline grab a drumstick and take a bite

Me “this food, it’s amazing!”

Mel "hungry aren't you?"

Coraline "do you have any gravy?"

Mel “here comes the gravy train.” a train comes to us and pours gravy on our mashed potatoes

Mel “want more bread, corn on the cob, or some more chicken.”

Me "we're real thirsty"

Mel “order what you want.”

Me and Coraline "mango milkshake?" The lights goes down as two drinks of mango milkshake were tied with it

Me"cool " I grab the milkshakes and give one to Coraline as we drink them

Coraline “it’s so delicious.” Mel takes our plates and puts a cake In front of us as the candles light up and welcome home appears on it

Me “is it chocolate?!”

Mel" of course "

Coraline" home? "

Me “what do you mean home?”

Mel" we've been waiting for you Coraline"

Me “that’s a freaking weird.”

Coraline "I didn't know I had another mother"

Mel"of course, everyone does"

Me "then where's mine?"

Mel “I’ll make yours later child, now eat up.”

Me ‘weird’

Coraline “open up, here comes a piece of cake.” I open my mouth and Coraline feeds me a bite of cake

Mel “Aw, you two are the best couple.”

Me" I tell Coraline that every day "

Coraline “we have always been together and we have always had a crush on each other.”

Mel" I can't wait till you two get married "

Coraline “we’re just kids.”

Mel" when you get older "

Me “I can’t wait.” I yawn while stretching

Me" I'm really tired "

Coraline “that makes the two of us.”

Mel" I'll tuck you two in"

Coraline “really?”

Mel "of course, come on" we walk to our bedroom as Mel tucks us in

Mel" see you soon " we close our eyes and fall asleep

The next day

Me “good morning my Coraline!”

Coraline" morning "

Kuroka" hi"

Me “how do you feel my little kitty.”

Kuroka "better" she licks my face as I pet her

Me “I’m glad girl.”

Coraline “you just wanted Y/N’s attention right kitty?”

Kuroka "yep, but I still like you" she licks Coraline’s face

Coraline “I like you two.” She pets Kuroka while she purrs

Me " hey look your poison oak it's gone"

Coraline “our other mother?”

Me "your other mother if she says that everyone has one, then where was mine?"

Kuroka “maybe she died with your real one?”

Me " gee thanks kitty I really needed that"

Kuroka “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t trying to hurt you!”

Me" gotcha kitty "

Kuroka “you jerk!!!” She head butted me

Me" ow, I'm sorry kitty "

Kuroka “hmph!” She looks the way

Me" alright no head pats then "

Kuroka “you monster! You wouldn’t dare!”

Me" try me"

Coraline “Kuroka, he means it this time.”

Kuroka "ok I'm sorry please pet me" I pet her while picking her up

Me “let’s go to the kitchen and I’ll make breakfast.”

Kuroka "ok"

Coraline “think mom will believe us?”

Me "doubt it" we get up and head downstairs

Coraline “and I can’t wait to eat your cooking.”

Kuroka "me too"

Me “well, I’ll do my best to satisfy you all.” I start to cook as Coraline tells Mel about our dream

Coraline "it was so real mom and you weren't really you, you were my other mother"

Mel “other mother?”

Me" yeah and you had buttons for eyes "

Mel “buttons for eyes?”

Me and Coraline" yeah"

Mel “you’re crazy, how about you go and meet the neighbors.”

Coraline "ms Spink and forcible? But you said they're dingbats"

Mel “exactly.”

Me “food is ready.”

Coraline "yes!" I put the food on the table as we start eating everything

Coraline "so good"

Kuroka (whisper) “if I was human I would kiss you right now.”

Me(whisper) "thanks"

Coraline “thanks for food.”

Me "you're welcome "

Mel “now go.”

Me "let's go" we go put on our clothes and head outside with Kuroka on my head

Kuroka “up or down?” I feel mail fall on my feet and pick them up

Me" bobinski, Bobinski, bobinski" we smell something awful

Coraline “stinky cheese.”

Me "looks like we're going up" they walk to the second floor as they knock on the door to see it open on it’s own

Me "wow a small circus"

Kuroka “I see mice!”

Me "resist it Kuroka"

Bobinski “are you spies? You were smart to use the miss up as an excuse.”

Me "no, we came to give you your cheese "

Bobinski “thank you, for that you’ll be the first one to see my show after it’s finished.”

Me "thanks "

Bobinski “here’s a beet, it’ll make you strong.” He gives Coraline a beet

Coraline "uh thanks"

Me “we better get going.” we head down the stairs and grab our suitcases from top of the car and open them and put on our hats

Coraline “looking good if I say so myself.”

Me "same thing, let's go see the old ladies"

Kuroka “they have dogs.”

Me "just stay on my shoulder and you'll be fine" Kuroka jumps into his hoodie as her head popped out

Kuroka “better.”

Me "let's go" they walk downstairs to see a poster of young women

Me “not a bad rack if I say so myself.” Coraline hits me upside the head

Me" ow, kidding "

Coraline “jerk.” She pulls me to the door as dogs barked from the other side of the door

Me" you love me even though I am "

Coraline “I do.” The door was opened by an old lady with a walker

Spink" oh hello dears"

Coraline “we just moved in before yesterday and we wanted to say hi.”

Spink "oh come in dears we were just playing cards"

Me “I’m really good playing Blackjack.” we head inside

Spink “Miriam, put the kettle on! " forcible puts toffee on the table as I try to take one as the whole bowl sticks to my hand

Me" note to self, never eat old candy " he puts his leg on the bowl as he tries to push the bowl off his hand

Caroline “so, are those dogs all real?"

Spink " oh yes, such wonderful angels, but I hate to part from them so I had them stuffed"

Me "I'll be sure to do that to Kuroka when she dies" Kuroka meows while scratching his chest a little

Me "ow, kidding"

Spink “now let’s read your fortune.”

Me "how? "

Spink “drink this tea but leave a little.” Coraline and I drink from our cups and give them to Ms Spink

Spink “great danger is coming.”

Forcible "you're reading it wrong, Coraline, i see a tall handsome beast in your future"

Coraline “I already have Y/N.”

Me “and I’m not gay to want a handsome beast!”

Coraline "she specifically said me"

Me “oh.”

Spink “grave danger.”

Me "we should get going "

Coraline “yeah it’s getting late.” we get up and leave as we look outside finding the whole place filled with mist

Me (whisper) “stalker alert.”

Coraline (whisper) "let's surprise him" we both nod as we walk up to him and pull his mask off

Coraline "the village stalker"

Me “what do you want? And why did you make dolls looking like us?”

Wybie "I wasn't stalking you, we were hunting banana slugs"

Coraline “banana slugs?”

Me" and what do you mean 'we'? " Cat comes out of Wybie's jacket

Coraline “hey why did you give us those dolls?”

Wybie" I dunno, they were in my grandma's looking like you two"

Me “I knew this place was haunted!”

Wybie "it's not haunted, though it does have bad history"

Coraline “well, we have to go.”

Me" bye" we leave to our home

Kuroka “you know I’m only going to die when you die.”

Me" yeah I know "

Coraline “so you’re like his guardian angel.”

Kuroka" more like his guardian devil "

Coraline “that would explain the black fur and split tail.”

Kuroka" yep, meow, I just wish I could find my little sister "

Coraline and me “little sister?”

Kuroka" her name is Shirone" they hear a small meow

Coraline “another cat, but I can’t see anything.” I look at a bush and remove the branches to see a small white cat

(I know this is Shiro but imagine her as Koneko)

Kuroka “Shirone!”

Koneko "big sis?"

Me “that was easy, man that was lazy writing.”

Zander sama " better than writing a whole book!"

Kasai sama “I think he was making a Deadpool reference.”

Zander sama "yeah and I'm just saying"

Kasai sama “let’s get back to the story before we get distracted.”

Coraline "you're cute" Coraline picks up Koneko and pets her as she purrs

Koneko “this feels good.”

Me "now you have a cat Coraline"

Coraline “yup, but yours is a bit sadistic.”

Kuroka "meow~"

Me “it really doesn’t matter, she’s just a cat.”

Coraline "I know"

Koneko “is there something to eat?”

Me" come on I'll make us something "

Koneko “I like him already.”

Later that night

Me “I left cheese at our door so the mice will lead us to the door.”

Coraline" ok" Coraline and I get in the bed as Kuroka snuggles with my chest as Koneko does the same with Coraline

Koneko "guys"

Coraline “yeah.”

Kuroka "the mice are here"

Me “let’s go.” I grab my Kunai as I put it inside my hoodie

Coraline "put it back"

Me “fine.” I put it back while groaning

Coraline "good boy" she kisses my cheek as we head downstairs and go through the tunnel while arriving to the other world

Koneko “I don’t like this place big sis.”

Kuroka "stay close to us Shirone"

Me “I don’t think they should be here Coraline.”

Kuroka "we'll head back, I'll show Shirone around the house at home"

Coraline “take care.”

Me "yeah" Kuroka and Koneko leave as we head to the kitchen

Mel" welcome back darlings "

Coraline “hello.”

Mel" will you go fetch your father, I bet he's hungry as a pumpkin by now "

Me “at his study?”

Mel" he's in the garden silly"

Coraline “Garden? That’s a joke right?”

Mel" shh shh "she puts a strawberry in our mouths

Mel" go on" we walk to the garden as we swallow the food

Me "pretty good strawberry"

Coraline “it’s the best, I wonder what dad is doing in the garden.” we walk through the gate as we see a beautiful garden Coraline

Me “this place is evil.”

Coraline “you’re just paranoid.”

Me "yeah yeah"

Charlie “if it isn’t my favorite kids in the world.” we see him on big robot mantis watering flowers

Coraline "I love your garden!”

Charlie “thank you,I made it just for you.” we start getting tickled by flowers

Me" hahaha stop!"

Charlie “watch it there.” He makes the grasshopper cut the flowers while grabbing them

Coraline" she says it's time for dinner, breakfast, food.”

Charlie "hop on kiddos I wanna show you something.” we get on the grasshopper as it it starts to fly and we see the flowers light up in different colors to see them shine in the night and create a picture of Coraline

Coraline" this is amazing "

Charlie" mother said you'd like it for she knows you two like the back of her hand".”

Me “well let’s go back to the kitchen, I’m starving.” we head to the house and eat

Charlie "I love dinner breakfast, food" .”

Coraline and me “let’s dig in!” We start eating as the food was delicious.

Me “so good"

Mel “the best way to get close to a man it’s by his stomach, oh by the way you two, Mr b has invited you to see the jumping mouse circus after dinner "

Coraline “let’s go Y/N, It'll be incredible.”

Mel" don't forget to take your friend" she opens the door as we see a Wybie with his lips shut

Me “Wybie?”

Mel “I thought you two would enjoy it if he doesn’t talk as much.”

Me "I like it"

Coraline “so do I.” we leave the house and up the stairs

Me “I wonder what I’ll be like.” We enter to see small cannons as corn fell into the beak of a metal rooster as it turns the corn into popcorn

Me "wonder what this does" I press the button by a cannon as cotton candy shoots out

Coraline “popcorn.” She grabs one as she grabs my arm while pulling us inside the tent

Bobinski "ladies and gentlemen, I Alexander bobinski am proud to present, my spectacular, stupendous and amazing, jumping mouse circus" a small blimp crashes as a bunch of mice burst and make our names

One show later

Me "gotta say that was awesome"

Caroline “I know!!!” She yawns as I hug her

Me "let's go to bed.”

Caroline " yeah, we have to go back to school shopping tomorrow.”

Me "ugh"

Caroline “I know, I don’t want to go back either.” We walk back home as Mel opens the door

Mel" how was it dears?”

Caroline “it’s was amazing!!”

Me" pretty good "

Mel “time for bed.”

Me" ok" we walk inside as she tucked us in while we cuddle and fall asleep

The next morning

Mel “wake up, we have to turn in the catalog and buy your school supplies.”

Me "ugh"

Caroline “do we have too?”

Mel "yes" we grown as we get changed and get in the backseat

Me "bored already"

Caroline “that makes two of us.”

Charlie “it won’t be that bad.”

Me "yeah right" Mel drives to another place as Charlie left while Mel drive off to a mall

Me "end my misery"

Caroline “can I get these gloves? No one in school will have them and it’ll lighten the uniform a little.”

Mel "put them back "

Caroline “they’re just gloves mom, please can you get them for me?”

Mel "put, them, back"

Coraline “my other mother would have bought them.”

Mel "then maybe she should buy all your clothes"

Me “let’s just chill.”

Coraline "hmph" I groan as Mel drives us home

Mel “I locked the door.”

Me "why"

Mel “your dreams and actions all change dramatically since that door was opened and not in a good way.”

Me "oh really prove it?"

Mel “Coraline’s reaction to me not buying her gloves, a grasshopper lawn mower, etc…”

Me "you wouldn't have bought the gloves regardless"

Mel “but her reaction is unusual, that door stays close and it’s final.”

Me "I wish we never moved here"

Caroline “that makes two of us.”

Mel" I wish you two never met"

Caroline “mom!!”

Me "no Coraline, go ahead Mel, say what's on your mind about me"

Mel"ever since you two met you've been nothing but a bad influence on her, I regret taking you with us when your parents died "

Me “wow, just when I started to think of you like a mother.” we arrive back home as I get out and slam the door

3rd pov

Caroline “I can’t believe you would say that.”

Mel" it's true "

Caroline “at least he stands by my side instead of worrying about his work all the time.” She gets out of the car and slams the door

Mel" *sigh* I can't believe this " she gets out of the car as she walks to the kitchen to see Coraline hugging me

Mel" how do two feel about a mustard, ketchup salsa wrap for lunch "

Coraline “no thanks.”

Mel" have to go food shopping anyway, dad's planning something special "

Coraline and me “great.” We said sarcastically.

Mel" you two wanna come along, you can pick out something you like "

Coraline and Me “no thanks.”

Mel" I won't be long" she leaves

Me “I know where the key is, let’s go.”I grab her hand and point up as we see the key

Coraline “let’s go.” I hoist her onto my shoulders as she grabs the key and we ran to the door. We open the door as we go to the other world

Me" I smell something good" we go to the kitchen and see a bunch of food and two boxes with a note on one of them

Coraline “let’s eat!”

Me "let's see what's in the boxes first" I open the first box and find it with clothes

Me "cool" Coraline opens the second box and sees clothes for her and reads the note

Coraline "dearest Coraline and Y/N, ms Spink and ms forcible have invited you downstairs after lunch, I hope you like the clothes I made you, love mother"

Me “are they good?”

Coraline "yep" we put on the clothes and finished our food as we walk outside and burp

Me "that was delicious”

Coraline “one of the best food I ate in a while.” we hear a meow and see Cat on the roof

Me “it’s that same cat.”

Coraline" he must be the other cat though "

Me “yeah, we’ll let’s go inside.”

Cat" when you will two realize that this place isn't a dream come true "

Me “oh I know.”

Coraline" what are you talking about this place is great "

Cat “this place is fake.”

Me" finally someone said it "

Coraline “what do you know, you’re just a cat.”

Cat" you're right but I've been coming here for a while "

Me “the cat is right.”

Coraline" sure come on Y/N we'll miss the show" Coraline pulls me downstairs as we make it to a ophera setting as we sit down and watch the show

Me "hopefully it's interesting"

One show later

Me “wow, they were beautiful when they were younger.”

Coraline "hey!"

Me “but I love you the most.”

Coraline "thank you"

Me “want a kiss?”

Coraline "of course" we kiss as we stand up and get out of the place

Charlie "hey there"

Mel "was it wonderful dears?"

Me “yes it was, um, why is wybie’s face like that?”

Mel" don't worry about honey"

Coraline “um, is this world real?”

Mel "of course it is, do you want to stay forever?"

Coraline and me “uhhh.”

Mel "what's wrong? "

Me “how?” They take us inside and we sit at the table as Mel gives us a present

Coraline “thank you?” She opens it to find two set of buttons

Mel "black is traditional, but if you prefer pink, or vermillion or chartreuse, though you might make me jealous"

Me “no way!!”

Coraline "you're not sewing buttons into our eyes!!"

Mel “you will!”

Me "we're going to bed, right now!"

Mel “no you're not!” She drags us away and pushes us inside a mirror

Mel "you two may come out when you learn to be a loving son and daughter" she leaves

Me “I hate her.”

Coraline "what do we do?" Three children come out of the bed as they were ghost

Me "who are you? "

Boy “you’re in great danger, she feeds from your lives.”

Me" who? "

Pigtails" the beldam "

Coraline “who?”

Me" I think they mean the other mother "

Girl “you need to get out of here.”

Boy" and if you do, can you please find our eyes? "

Me “we’ll do our best.” hands grab us as we get pulled

Coraline “Wybie.” He shushes us and takes us to the door

Me “we’ll come back.” He pushes us through the door as we hear our other mother shouting a

Me" come on hurry! " we crawls through the door as we reach the other side and quickly closed it

Coraline" we're home! " there was no answer as her parents were missing

Coraline" where are they?"

Me “she must of took them.”

Coraline" what do we do? "

Me “ to the old ladies!”

Coraline" ok" we go downstairs and see Spink sewing an angel costume on a dog

Me “he’s sick?”

Spink "yes I'm preparing ahead.”

Coraline “we need help.”

Spink" of course dear " forcible brings a bowl of candy

Me “how will candy help?”. Spink starts stabbing the candy till it turns to dust

Coraline (whisper) “that has to be as old as time to be that hard.” forcible blows the dust away as a stone with a hole in the middle is there

Spink “this will help you find anything that’s missing.”

Me "thanks" I grab the stone and put it in my pocket

Coraline “bye now.” We leave to our house as we sigh

Me "they didn't help"

Coraline “not one bit.”

Me "what do we do now"  they look at the mirror to see Mel and Charlie inside the mirror  as Mel writes help us

Coraline "mom, dad"

Me “let’s go.” we go to our room and grab our hats, Coraline's bag and my Kunai

Kuroka “we’re going “

Koneko "let's go"

Me “you sure?”

Kuroka and Koneko "yes"

Coraline “you’ll be our trump card.”

Me "let's go" we grab the key as we jump in the tunnel

Me "let's challenge her"

Coraline “good plan.” we hear a meow and see Cat

Cat "she won't play fair but she can't resist a game"

Me “I got the perfect game.” the door opens and we see Mel

Mel "Coraline, Y/N you came back for us"

Coraline “we came back for our parents.”

Me “you certainly got uglier.”

Mel" Y/N sweetie you're hurting my feelings "

Coraline “he’s not lying.” She grows taller and thinner

Beldam" why are you children so rude "

Me “look, let’s skip the chit chat, let’s play a game.”

Beldam" what kind of game? "

Coraline “a scavenger hunt, if we find the three kid’s eyes and our parents you have to let all of us go.”

Beldam" very well, but if you lose, you two will stay here and let me love you "

Me “deal, now, our clue.”

Beldam" in each of three wonders I made just for you two, a ghost eye hides in plain sight "

Me “got it! Let’s go!” I grab Coraline’s hand and run out to the garden

Caroline “where is it?”

Me “use the candy thing.” Coraline grabs the stone from my pocket and looks through the hole

Caroline “there, on the lawn mower.” we walk towards it a s the grasshopper starts attacking us

Me “watch it!” I pull Caroline towards me as a slash barely missed her

Charlie (distorted) "sorry, so sorry, mother making me, don't wanna hurt you"

Me “I’m going to put you out of your misery!” I jump on the blade as I jump towards the lawn mower taking the ball that was controlling it

Me" got it" the garden starts turning gray

Coraline “one down, two left.”

Kuroka “good job you two.”

Koneko “you’re amazing.”

Me "let's see, the theater"

Coraline “hey Y/N, do you think she’ll keep her end of the deal?”

Me "of course not, you heard cat, even if we win she'll never let us go, but if push comes to shove I want you to escape"

Coraline “I can’t and won’t without you.”

Me "yes you will, I made a promise to myself to keep you safe"

Coraline “fine, let’s go.” They walk to the basement to see batdogs and a giant candy wrapper

Me "it's in the wrapper"

Coraline “you reach inside.” I put my hand in an pull out two hands together, I move the fingers and see the second eye

Me “Coraline, look the other way.” She looks the other way as I cut the finger off while grabbing her hand and running outside as we heard a screeching sound. The dogbats react as we close the door before they get outside as everything inside turned gray

Me "one more left"

Coraline “and our parents, that leaves the rats.”

Kuroka "let's go" we arrive at the second floor as we see rats going into a suit

Me "wow you're even ugly without a head"

Rat “come join us Caroline, it’s fun here.” Kuroka and Koneko tackles the suit while biting the rats turning them to dust

Me" good kitties "I grab the eye as everything starts turning gray and breaking

Me" come on!" we start running downstairs and make it into the house

Beldam “I see you found the three of them, and you brought vermin with you"

Me" no we brought friends "

Caroline “now hold up your end of the deal.”

Beldam" aren't you forgetting something?"

Me “we are.” I grab Koneko and Kuroka as I throw them at Beldam while they get ready to attack

Me" Coraline the new York globe!!"

Coraline “I got it!!!” We starts running as Kuroka and Koneko rip her eyes off while Beldam screams in pain

Me" Kuroka, Koneko come on!"” The two girls jump to my shoulder as the floor turns into a spider web

Me" climb, climb now!!"they starts climbing as they make it to the door while Beldam claw went through the spot open

Me" back off!!" I kick the claw away as we close the door and run through the tunnel as w embale it to the other side

Koneko “close the door!!” I slam it and lock the door as we all breathe heavily

Coraline “it’s over.”

Kuroka “thank the heavens.”

Mel" Coraline, Y/N, we're home!"

Coraline and Me “Mom!!!” We hug her tightly

Mel" Y/N you never called me mom"

Me “I know, I love you mom.” Mel smiles and hugs back

Mel "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean it"

Me “I know you didn’t.”

Mel "I love you too Y/N"

Me “I love you too.”

Coraline “don’t forget about me.” She joins the hug

Charlie "me too" he joins the hug as well

Later that night

Kuroka “hello hero, here’s your pussy~”

Me "chill Kuroka"

Kuroka “fooled you my little hero.”

Me "yeah you did"

Koneko “don’t be such a teaser big sis.”

Kuroka "I can help it, it's fun"

Coraline “yes but it’s inappropriate and only I can tease him.”

Me" of course you can "

Kuroka “let’s get some sleep.”

Me" good I'm tired " we cuddle as we fall asleep with Kuroka and Koneko in the center

Me 'I hope it's over'  

In the dream

Me " huh? ''

Coraline “wait, you’re in my dream?”

Me " of course I am, I'm the man of your dreams"

Coraline “not that way.”

Boy "you two are still in danger"

Me “but we trapped that bitch.”

Pigtails "it's the key, there's only one and the beldam will do anything to get it"

Coraline “I know how to get rid of it.”

Me "then let’s go" we wake up as we grabs the key

Kuroka “it’s the middle of the night.”

Me "yeah but we need to get rid of this"

Koneko “do we have to?”

Me "you girls can stay here"

Kuroka “like I would leave my master alone.”

Koneko "and I won't leave Coraline alone"

Coraline “thanks girls, let’s go.” They hop on our shoulders as we sneak out and head towards the well

Me “we have to get there quick “

Coraline "we're almost there"

Koneko “guys! Hand coming!” Kuroka tackles the hand before it could grab me

Kuroka “go! I got this hand.” Coraline and I take the cover off of the well and drop the key

Coraline “there.”

Koneko “big sister!!” Kuroka throws the hand as I catch it and crush it as I drop it into the hole as Coraline puts the cover on

Kuroka “finally, it’s freaking over.”

Koneko "finally"

Coraline “we can sleep peacefully.”

Me "yeah"

Coraline “I love you Y/N.”

Me" I love you too Coraline "

Kuroka “I love you master~”

Koneko" me too Y/N "

Me “I love you two.” I pet then as Koneko and Kuroka purr

Me 'its finally over '

Kasai-sama “and they lived happily ever after.”

Zander-sama" the end"

End of story

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