Moving In

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Identical twins (Y/n) and Coraline walked out of their new home, The Pink Palace, and Coraline closed the door behind them. Then the two girls made their way down the stairs, and walked towards a bush. Coraline grabs a stick, and closes her eyes as she holds onto it, then hands it to (Y/n), then grabs another branch, doing the same thing. Then she opens her eyes and looks to (Y/n), and nods. The two of them walk through the gate, not noticing a small black cat following them.

Coraline and (Y/n) walk up some stairs, and begin heading into a path. The two girls walk down the path together, holding their branches they got from the bush. The cat watched them from above some rocks. (Y/n) and Coraline both heard the sound of rocks crumbling and stopped when a rock lands in front of them. They both look at the rock, then towards the rocks above them. "Hello?" Coraline asked. "Who's there?" (Y/n) asked curiously. Coraline grabbed the rock and threw it towards the other rocks. A loud hiss was suddenly heard.

(Y/n) gasped, and both girls quickly ran through the rest of the path, and past an old tractor and into an orchard. Coraline and (Y/n) ran onto the well, looking around frantically. The cat runs past them in the tall grass, making Coraline gasp. The cat stepped onto a stump, and meowed loudly, scaring them. They screamed, and turned around to see the black cat on the stump.

"You scared us to death, you mangy thing!" Coraline said. Then she took off her pink bag and tossed it on the ground. "We're just looking for an old well. Know it?" (Y/n) asked. The cat only blinked. "Not talking, huh?" Coraline asked. The wind picked up, and (Y/n) and Coraline hold onto their branches and hold them into the air. "Magic dowser, magic dowser: show... us... the well!" They chanted. Suddenly a loud horn was heard. (Y/n) and Coraline gasped as they looked above, to see someone riding a motorcycle. The person rode towards them.

"Ah! Get away from us!" (Y/n) shouted. As the person rode towards them, (Y/n) and Coraline fell into the mud. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed as the person looks at the girls. Coraline and (Y/n) got back up, looking at the person nervously. The boy suddenly took off his helmet, and smiled. "Hoo! Let me guess, you're from Texas or Utah; someplace dried out and barren, right?" Coraline glared at him, and (Y/n) just sighed. "I heard about water-witching before but it doesn't make sense;

I mean, it's just an ordinary branch." The boy held both branches. "They're dowsing rods!" Coraline snapped, then she smacked him, causing him to drop the branches. Coraline grabbed them, and gave (Y/n) hers. "And we don't like being stalked, not by psycho nerds, or their cats!" Coraline said. The boy crouched, to scratch the cat behind his ears. "He's not really my cat; he's kinda feral you know, wild? Of course, I do feed him every night and sometimes he'll come in my window and bring me little dead things." The boy said.

Coraline sighed. "Look, we're from Pontiac." She said. "Huh?" The boy asked. "Michigan? And if we're "water witches", then where's the secret well?" (Y/n) asked. "You stomp too hard and you'll fall in it!" The boy pointed at the well beneath. "Oh!" (Y/n) said as she and Coraline quickly jumped off. The boy scraps at the ground, revealing a circular covering made of wooden planks. He wedged a fallen branch under one side, and, using a rock for the fulcrum, pried up the covering.

"See? Supposed to be so deep if you fell to the bottom and looked up, you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day." The boy said. "Huh" Coraline said. "Surprised she let you move in. "My Gramma. She owns the "Pink Palace" Won't rent to people with kids" the boy said. "What do you mean?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh... Uh... I'm not supposed to talk about it." The boy lifted a gloved hand to shake. "I'm Wybie, Wybie Lovat." Whybie said. Coraline shook his hand first, then (Y/n). "Whybie?" Coraline asked skeptically. "Short for Wyborne. Not my idea, of course. What'd you get saddled with?" He asked.

"I wasn't saddled with anything, it's Coraline" Coraline said. "And I'm (Y/n)" (Y/n) said. "Caroline what?" Whybie asked. "Coraline. Coraline Jones." Coraline corrected. "It's not real scientific, but I heard an ordinary name, like Caroline can lead people to have ordinary expectations about a person" Whybie said. Coraline growled and (Y/n) glared. "Wyborne!" A voice called. "I think I heard someone calling you, Wyborne" Coraline said. "What? I didn't hear anything" Wybie said,

looking around cautiously. "Oh, I definitely heard someone, Why-were-you-born." Coraline said. A distant bell clanged. "Wyborne!" The voice called again. "Grandma!" Whybie held up his hands in surrender, forcing some laughs. Coraline glared at him. "Heh. Well, great to meet Michigan water witches." He picked up his bike, wheeled it around, then held up his gloved hands. "But I'd wear gloves next time." He said. "Why?" Coraline asked.

He pointed to her dowsing rod. "'Cause those dowsing rods of yours? Uh, their poison oak." Whybie said. "Ah!" Coraline quickly dropped the stick onto the ground. (Y/n) flinched, and quickly dropped hers as well. Whybie zoomed away on his motorcycle. Coraline stuck out her tongue at him as he rode off. Then she smirked at the cat, who just shook his head, then ran after Whybie. Coraline looked down at the covering to the well. (Y/n) found a pebble and dropped it through a tiny hole on the well. She leaned towards the well, listening for the sound the pebble would make at the bottom. Suddenly she felt rain drops dripping on her.

Time Skip

It's pouring outside. Coraline and (Y/n) look out a window at the dead looking garden, and Coraline placed packets of seeds, pumpkins, squash, snap dragons, bleeding hearts on the sill. Coraline and (Y/n) developed a rashfrom the poison oak. Their mother, Mel, is on her computer, working. "We almost fell down a well yesterday, Mom." Coraline said. "Uh huh." Mel said. "We would have died." (Y/n) said. "That's nice" Mel continued to type on her computer. "Hmmm. So can we go out? I think it's perfect weather for gardening." Coraline said. "No, Coraline. Rain makes mud. Mud makes a mess" Mel said. (Y/n) turned to her. "But Mom, we want stuff growing when our friends come to visit. Isn't that why we moved here?" She asked. "Something like that. But then we had the accident" Mel pointed to her neck, which had a cast on it.

"Wasn't our fault you hit that truck." Coraline said defensively. "I never said it was." Mel quickly said back. "I can't believe it. you and Dad get paid to write about plants, and you hate dirt" (Y/n) muttered. Mel stopped typing, losing her patience. "(Y/n), I don't have time for you right now. And you two still have unpacking to do. Lots of unpacking." Mel said, raising her voice. "That sounds exciting." Coraline said sarcastically. "Oh, some kid left this on the front porch for you." Mel grabbed something and handed it to them. Coraline took it, and saw a note. "Hey Jonesy, (Y/n), look what I found in Gramma's trunk. Look familiar? Wybie." The note read. Coraline groaned, and opened the newspaper to see two dolls.

Coraline looked confused. "A little me and (Y/n)? That's weird" she said. "What's his name, anyway?" Mel asked. "Wybie. And we're way too old for dolls." (Y/n) said. Coraline gave her the other doll, and (Y/n) took it anyway, despite her statement, Coraline kept her doll. Coraline and (Y/n) left the room, and walk to where their dad Charlie is also writing on his computer. Coraline opened the door. "Hey Dad, how's the writing going?" Coraline asked. Charlie ignored her and kept typing. "Dad?" (Y/n) asked, clearly trying to get his attention. "Hello (Y/n) and Coraline. And (Y/n) and Coraline... dolls?" Charlie turned around to look at the dolls in their hands. Charlie shrugged it off, then went back to typing on his computer.

"Do you know where the garden tools are?" Coraline asked. "It's pouring out there, isn't it?" Charlie asked. "Humph, it's just raining." (Y/n) said. "What'd the boss say?" Charlie asked. "Don't even think about going out, (Y/n) Jones!" (Y/n) said in a mocking like matter, as she held her doll in the air with her hands, and Coraline snickered. "Then you won't need the tools." Coraline groaned and stomped her feet. Pouting, Coraline made the door squeak, opening and shutting it till he can't take any more. "Ugh" he said.

Charlie spun around in his chair to look at them. "You know, this house is a hundred and fifty years old." Charlie said. "So?" Coraline asked. "So explore it!" Charlie grabbed a pen and pad, and held it out. "Go out and ... count all the doors and windows and write that down. List everything that's blue! Just let me work." Charlie begged. Then he turned around and went back to typing. Coraline sighed, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes. They took off their raincoats, and tossed them on the floor.

Then (Y/n) followed Coraline out of the room. Coraline nearly tripped on a bump on the carpet. Coraline looked down. She tried to flatten it, but the bump just moved to the left. Coraline jumped on the bump again, which just made two of them. Coraline rolled her eyes, and went over to a window. (Y/n) followed her. (Y/n) wiped off the misted glass so she and her doll can see out the window. (Y/n) wrote in her pad: 7 leaky windows. A drop of water lands on the pad, smearing the ink.

Time Skip

The bedroom door swung into the room, with Coraline hanging on it. (Y/n) walked into the room, and Coraline jumped off the door on her feet. Coraline and (Y/n) walk into the bathroom. When Coraline pulled aside the mildewed shower curtain she found a hundred silverfish bugs. "Ew!" (Y/n) said. "Ah!" Coraline said. Disgusted, Coraline jumped into the tub and smashed as many as she can. Coraline turned on the faucet to wash her hands, only to get soaked with rusty water from the shower head.

"Ah!" Coraline shouted. Coraline turned off the shower and shook the water out of her hair. Coraline and (Y/n) jumped down the stairs. Coraline spotted the carpet bump and jumped on it. This time the carpet flattened properly. (Y/n) came down the stairs. A closet door opened, a light was on inside, and they went to investigate. (Y/n) jotted down "one rusty water heater" in her pad. As she and Coraline left, Coraline flicked off the light switch, not noticing a note taped beside it that says: Do not turn off!

Suddenly lights flickered, and Charlie's computer flickered too. "No, no, no, no, no; GAAAA--!" Charlie screamed. Coraline runs back to the closet and spots the do not turn off note. She flipped the light switch back on and got out quickly, shutting the door and whistling to herself as she awkwardly followed (Y/n). The next room is faded and cold with bare windows looking out on rain and gray. The floor is strewn with moving boxes, a few pieces of furniture, Charlie's old Nordic Track. A few garden tools leaned against one wall;

a cardboard mattress box leaned against a corner wall. Coraline and (Y/n) set their dolls on a low table beside an open moving box and smile. The box is filled with their mom's collection of snow globes. (Y/n) takes out her favorite, the bear fountain at the Detroit Zoo, and shakes it. She studies the globe and sighs. She sets it carefully on the fireplace mantel, then unwraps the rest of the snow globes and places them beside it. Over the mantel hangs a painting of a crying boy in blue, a scoop of ice cream melting on his shirt, his hand holding an empty cone. Coraline adds to her list, muttering aloud. "One boring blue boy in a painfully boring painting ... four incredibly boring windows ... and no... more... doors..." She turns to grab the doll off the table by the snow globe box. They're gone.

"All right, little me, where are you hiding?" Scanning the room, she spots the dolls looking out from behind the mattress box leaned against the corner wall. Perplexed, she walks over and kneels down to grab the dolls and (Y/n) walks over. "How did they get there?" (Y/n) asked, a little weirded out. Coralline shrugs, then she notices something on the wall behind the box. She shoves the box aside, and discovers the outline of a small door that's been wallpapered over. "Huh?" The twins asked, looking at the door. "Hey Mom... where does this door go?" (Y/n) called. "I'm really, really busy!" Mel shouted. (Y/n) tries to open it but there's no handle. "I think it's locked.

Pleeeeeeeeease!" (Y/n) shouted, making Coraline snicker, knowing that this would really annoy their mother. Mel walks over to Coraline and (Y/n), and looks at the outline of the door in the ratty old wallpaper. "Will you stop pestering me if I do this for you?" Mel asked. (Y/n) nods her head quickly, and Coraline snickers again."Fine!" Mel heads back to the kitchen. Mel pulls open a drawer, pushes a bunch of loose brass and nickel keys aside to find a small, sharp black key. She holds it up.

Mel cuts the wallpaper around the door and sticks the key in the lock. Coraline and (Y/n) look on, giddy with anticipation, the dolls at their sides. Mel turns the key, unlocks the door, and pulls it open to reveal ... an unbroken brick wall. Coraline and (Y/n) are disappointed. "Bricks? I don't get it." (Y/n) scratches her wrist rash with annoyance. "They must have closed this off when they divided up the house." Mel gets up to leave. "You're kidding? And why is the door so small?" Coraline asked. Mel turns back to them. "We made a deal. ZIP IT!" (Y/n) rolls her eyes as Mel walks away. "You didn't lock it!" (Y/n) called, and heard Mel's scream of frustration as she puts the key away. Coraline pushes the little door shut, then she and (Y/n) share a glance.

Time Skip

It is dark and raining outside as the small family is about to have dinner. Charlie starts singing. "Oh, my twitchy witchy girls." Charlie uses an oven mitt to protect his hand, takes a burned-up casserole dish from the oven while mom closes up her laptop. Coraline and (Y/n) sit at the table with their dolls. "I think you are so nice, I give you bowls of porridge And I give you bowls of ice," Charlie sets the dish on the table. "cream! Coraline and (Y/n) push it away. "Why don't you ever cook, Mom?" Coraline asked. "For real, this looks disgusting." (Y/n) said.

"Girls, we've been through this before: your Dad cooks, I clean, and you two stay out of the way." (Y/n) sighs, and Mel raises her hand. "I swear I'll go food shopping soon as we finish the catalog." She pushes (Y/n)'s plate back to her. "Try some of the chard, you need a vegetable." She said. "Looks more like slime to me." Coraline held it with her fork, and (Y/n) nodded in agreement. "Well, it's slime or bedtime fusspot, now what's it going to be?" (Y/n) looks to her doll. "Think they're trying to poison us?" She makes the doll's head nod "yes." (Y/n) rolls her eyes, looks up to the heavens and

falls back, washed and dressed for bed, on her pillow. (Y/n) puts the doll on the chair beside her, then scratches at her wrist. Origami dragonflies are strung between the tall, thin bed posts; the turtle shell she found in the garden sits up on a box, their night lamp that projects stars and moons is warming up on the bedside table. Despite their efforts at decorating, their new bedroom feels small and cold, cracked and faded.

Coraline reaches for a framed photo that rests on a toy praying mantis by their night lamp. It's their two best friends from home, posing in the snow by their old school's marquee, its letters rearranged to spell "CORALINE, (Y/N) GOOD BYE!" Coraline touches their friends' faces with her fingertips. "Don't forget about us, guys. Okay?" She puts back the photo, hits the light switch over her bed and, looking over at the dolls, sighs. "Good-night...little me." Her breathing slows and, with the dolls watching her them, Coraline and (Y/n) start to fall asleep.

Mist swirls out their window. Moons and stars slowly move across the walls. Coraline and (Y/n) sit up. Something chitters under their bed. (Y/n) leans over their bedside, head first, peering underneath when a ghost pale kangaroo mouse jumps out and bounds out the door. "Hey!" (Y/n) shouts. (Y/n) gives chase, with Coraline following her, down the upper hall, down the stairs, snaps on the lower hall light, (Y/n) sees it hop into the living room. The mouse edges out from beneath the sofa,

then hops frantically toward the small door behind the wallpaper. Coraline runs and dives, but the door is open a crack, and the mouse escapes. (Y/n) grabs the door's edge and pulls it open. Instead of a brick wall, there is a dark, expanding tunnel, with the hopping mouse heading towards a bluish light at the far end. "Whoa..." the twins said. (Y/n) catches her breath, pulls the door wider and she and Coraline crawl through. They move forward, towards the light ahead. They step out through the same door, into what looks like the exact same living room they left, only something is different, it feels deeper, more dimensional.

They look around, noticing the painting over the fireplace: the crying blue boy is smiling, his shirt clean and his ice cream back on his cone. (Y/n) glances at it in confusion. From across the hall, warm light comes from the kitchen and the smell of delicious food wafts towards her nose. "MMMMM, something smells good." Coraline said. She and (Y/n) go to the kitchen to see their mother cooking at the stove, wearing an apron and rooster-head oven mitts. The light and colors are much warmer and the details more perfect in this kitchen.

Other Mother is facing away as she works. "Mom?! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" (Y/n) asked. Their mother turns from the stove to greet them and they are dumbstruck: she's got BUTTONS FOR EYES. She beams with happiness at their arrival. "You're just in time for supper, dears!" She smiles. "You're not our mother. Our mother doesn't have b-b-buh..." Coraline points to her own eye. "B-b-b-buttons? Do you like them?" She taps one with her nail. 'No' (Y/n) thought. "I'm your Other Mother, silly. Now go tell your Other Father that supper's ready." She opens the oven door. "Well, go on. He's in his study." Other Mother said. Coraline and (Y/n) look at her in confusion for a moment, then go down the hall and open the study door.

The see a back of a man like their father, only with more hair. Instead of tapping away at his computer, he's picking notes on a baby grand piano. "Hello?" (Y/n) asked cautiously. He turns around. He, too, has shiny button eyes. He seems happier and a little more handsome than their real dad, and wears an iridescent robe over polka dot pajamas, with orange monkey slippers on his feet. He smiles broadly. "Hello, (Y/n). Want to hear my new song? I know you like music." He said. "Our father can't play piano." Coraline pointed out, and (Y/n) nodded. "No need to ... this piano plays ME! Dr. Seuss gloves connected with rods and pulleys, pop out of the piano's front and onto his hands. His hands raise up, then drop down to play pounding stride piano as other father sings out.

Making up a song about (Y/n).
She's a peach, she's a doll, she's a pal of mine.
She's as cute as a button in the eyes of everyone who ever laid their eyes on (Y/n)
When she comes around exploring
Mom and I will never ever make it boring our eyes will be on (Y/n).

Anxious, Coraline taps his shoulder to stop him. "I, uh – sorry – but she said to tell you the food's ready." Coraline said. "Mmmmm! Who's starving? Raise your hand." He sticks his hand up, still in a glove, and his other gloved hand slaps his face. They laugh. Other Mother sets down a huge, roasted chicken near Coraline and (Y/n) on a table spread with candles, fine china and silver and a pineapple centerpiece. Figure eight model train tracks circle twin lazy Susans covered in dishes of potatoes, sweet peas, rolls, and corn. The Other Father makes prayer hands and a solemn face.

"We give our thanks and ask to bless, Our Mother's golden chicken breast!" He laughs with glee then a starting bell rings and it's time to eat. Other Father digs in while Coraline and (Y/n) try some chicken. "Mmmm, this chicken is good." (Y/n) said. "Hungry, aren't you?" Other Mother asked. "D'you have any gravy?" Coraline asked. "Well, here comes the gravy train! Choo choo!" Other Mother giggles as a model train circles round the track, pulling a gravy boat car and blowing its whistle. The train goes in one side of the centerpiece and comes out the other, slowing till the gravy boat lines up with Coraline's plate, where it pours gravy on her potatoes.

"Another roll, sweet peas? Corn on the cob?" Other Mother looks on approvingly, not touching any food herself. "I'm real thirsty." (Y/n) said. "Of course! Any requests?" A beautiful chandelier drink dispenser descends. "(F/d)?" The dispenser spins, stops and fills her glass while Other Mother presents dessert: a cake with candles that pop up and light themselves while the words "WELCOME HOME!" write themselves in icing. Coraline and (Y/n) are taken aback. "Home?" They asked. Their Other Parents squeeze each other's hands warmly. "We've been waiting for you, Coraline, (Y/n)." Other Mother said. "For us?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yep. Wasn't the same here without you, kiddos." Other Father said. "We didn't know we had an Other Mother." Coraline said. "Of course you do. Everyone does." She smiles at them, her button eyes gleaming. "Really?" (Y/n) crosses her arms. "Uh huh, and as soon as you're through eating I thought we'd play a game." She taps her fingers a little too excitedly on the table. "You mean like, hide and seek?" Coraline asked. "Perfect! Hide and seek in the rain." Other Mother said. "What rain?" (Y/n) asked in confusion. She hears thunder and lightning, then rain appears outside the window. "Huh, what about the mud?" Coraline asked.

"We love mud here!" Other Father said. Other Mother rises, walks towards (Y/n). "Mud facials, mud baths, mud pies, it's great for poison oak." She takes (Y/n)'s rashy hand, but she pulls it away. "How'd you know I—" (Y/n) adjusts her tone. "I, I'd love to play, but ... we better get home to our other mother." (Y/n) pointed behind her. "But I'm your other mother." Other Mother leans closer to her, and Coraline steps in front of (Y/n). "She means our other other mother. Mom number one?" Coraline raises a finger, and Other Mother frowns slightly. Other Father surprises

(Y/n) from behind and waves at her. "I think we should get to bed." Coraline said nervously. "Of course, sweetheart, it's all made up." Other Mother approaches her. "But..." Coraline said. Other Father steps in beside them. "Come along, sleepyheads." They lead them from the table towards the stairs to their bedroom. In this world, their bedroom is a dream come true: it is filled with rich color and light; there's a fire in the fireplace, a sheer, lacy canopy over her now beautiful bed. And their favorite toys are alive! "Wow." Coraline and (Y/n) said. Their blue squid greets them with a wave of its tentacle. "What's shakin', babies?" "Hello" (Y/n) waved back.

The turtle shell they'd found circles their feet on clothes pin legs, making panting sounds. They laugh, then hear two voices from beside their bed. "Hey, how zit goin', yupers!" "Where're your swampers and tukes?" Coraline jumps onto the bed, grabs the photo of their best friends from home, now alive in the photo. "Kripes a-mighty, how are our best trolls? We can't wait till summer. You're both comin', right?" Coraline asked. (Y/n) joins her on the bed to look at the photo.

"We're already here, Coraline." "Gone to Or-e-gine!" Coraline grins, then, exhausted, she yawns, stretching out her arms, causing (Y/n) to yawn too. The Other Mother, in the bedside chair, takes her hand and applies some soothing black mud to (Y/n)'s poison oak rash, then does the same for Coraline. "Oh, the mud..." (Y/n) said. The Other Mother gently tucks them in then she and the Other Father smile as they drift off to sleep. "See you soon...."

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