Preview + Cast and Characters

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I'm way too excited for this book so I have to at least get the cast and characters out there to help calm me down. cx

Cordelia Boarding School for the Preforming Arts: An elite boarding school that is very hard to make it into. However, once you audition and make it in, you don't have to keep auditioning to return. CBS focuses on all kinds of performing arts; dancing, acting, singing, and a lot more. They do have excellent visual art programs, but their main focus is performing. There are all sorts of events year round, but the biggest has to be the Year-End Showcase where selected students are chosen to perform whatever they like. Being chosen is a huge accomplishment at the school since lots of scouts are there, so most, if not all, students strive to be in at least one Year-End Showcase before their time at CBS comes to an end.

Brittany Raymond as Piper McCain

Piper has been dancing ever since she was four, which is how she met her best friend Brennan; in their very first dance class. She made it into CBS after her very first audition, but almost didn't attend because Brennan didn't make it. However, he assured her he would keep trying and that she shouldn't give up on her dream just because he had a minor setback. After he made it in the next year, the two of them couldn't be closer and is normally chosen to participate in the Year-End Showcase. However, during their performance in their sophomore year, Piper had a major injury and was unable to dance for a while. She was cleared to dance again right before the new school year, but she's a bit hesitant to get back into step.

Trevor Tordjman as Brennan Williamson

People are surprised to see that Brennan is quite a dedicated dancer because of his laid-back personality. Brennan normally lets things go with the flow, but he always works hard when it comes to his true passion of dance. He was a bit disappointed when he was rejected after his first audition for the school, but that only made him work harder until the next year where he was accepted into the school. However, being at the school makes him a bit uneasy since most of the dancers has been there since the year before him, so he feels like he has a lot of catching up to do even though he really is one of the strongest dancers, especially when he performs with his best friend.

Alexi Blue as Harmony Fleming

Everyone who meets Harmony assumes she's really into music when they first learn her name. Well, they're right. She loves singing and playing the guitar and has dreamed of going to CBS ever since she was a little girl. Even though she made it into the school, she is constantly feeling dejecting after not being chosen to perform at the Year-End showcase. That doesn't stop her passion for music, and she will keep practicing until she gets to perform, even if she has to perform with another person. As long as she is on the stage and has her moment to shine, no matter how small that moment is.

Alex Zaichkowski as Landon Lodge

Landon tends to be on the quiet side and most people wouldn't think he dreams of performing. If only his stage fright didn't get in the way. It took him a long time to be convinced to audition for CBS, and it was only because he feels like he's letting his sick grandmother down by not doing anything with his dreams when she wants him to shine. Luckily, he won't be heading into the boarding school alone since his best friend, and lifelong neighbor Harmony, already goes there. That doesn't stop him from feeling like he doesn't fit in and that everyone is at a higher level of talent than he is.


Ugh, I think my cast is perfect for my characters and I'm crying just thinking about it. I've had Piper, Brennan, Harmony, and Landon as characters off of Wattpad for years and I'm so happy I can finally use them. :D They all came from different stories though. Well, kind of. Piper and Brennan have always been in the same story, and so have Harmony and Landon, so I thought I'd bring the pairs together at a boarding school for the performing arts.

(but seriously, brittany and trevor are perfect for piper and brennan lol save me im dying whenever i see them and i keep watching jiley moments on youtube now)

I remember seeing Alex Zaichkowski on The Next Star and thinking, "Dang, he's cute and I'm rooting for him to win." Then I saw him on The Next Step and thought, "Dang, he's cute." Then his character from The Next Step was on Lost and Found, then I remembered he was on The Next Star and he was my favorite and I died. cx There's my story for the day.

Lol, I'm too excited for this book so I had to get something up to satisfy for me for now. cx

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