XIV: Minaden

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D'yuq 2, 2095

If there was one harder thing than taking care of a small child (which Aaron and Danny had done once and would never do again), it was mining. 

He arched his back, raised his pickaxe and threw it down imagining the scientist as the rock. It was easy and fun. 

The sun had finally risen when they had started work here. Now, the sun was at its peak and it wasn't as cold as it was here on the mountains. Endless clunks echoed everyday. This was becoming a routine he wished he wasn't a part of. During mornings, mining; noon was for lunch, which only lasted half an hour and there was a whole bunch of people to feed; at dusk, they end their mining and return to their cells. 

A loud siren stopped everyone from their job. Aaron let go of his pickaxe and bent his back backwards. He heard some bones pop giving him a satisfying relaxation from the tiring work he'd done. The siren was a signal for lunch, and he had been under the sun waiting for it. He walked up the jagged path towards the Aluction Facility. Guards were stationed to watch everyone walk up the path.

Maybe walking was an understatement. Some were running up the path, knowing that they'd get served first during their half hour break. Among these people were some faces that were familiar to him that he had met back at the Rejects. The postman James; Flo, a baker; Zamina, the kind cloaked woman who was in her thirties. Tabitha appeared beside him and he smiled. 

At first, Aaron thought that cooperating with Tabitha would be hard. She was noisy, took everything with careful calculations, and loud. But she really listened intently when Aaron thought of some ways to escape this facility and find Danny and Fiona. Although she was very reluctant at the whole sphere fiasco, she finally gave in and decided to join him. 

As for a final plan, they really didn't have one. Everywhere, it was well guarded by the guards. Every night during their discussions, they'd eventually end up countering their main plan. 

After a silent trekking, they had finally reached the main facility of the Aluction. It was at the peak of the Minaden mountains that the Aluction decided to build their main building. The facility consisted of four buildings surrounding a central dome, which was where the most activity took place. Aaron and Tabitha took a step inside the dome and felt the cold surge remove the heat from them. The dome was as high as the sun could get. Its floor was tiled and there wasn't much talking inside. Windows from the four buildings line up the wall and the guards with their blank expression monitor everything they do. At the right side of the dome, the queue was already long, but it wasn't really a bother to the both of them. There were no tables or benches, they got to eat on the floor.  

The menu served an unknown green soup and a cupful of soft potatoes. After some minutes, they were able to serve themselves the food and went to sit at a far corner away from everyone. Aaron ate in silence while listening at what Tabitha was saying. 

"So what are we mining for again?" she said, her mouth full of potatoes.

Aaron took a sip of the hot soup and suddenly spat it out. The taste was horrible, it tasted like some herbal tea and its flavor was something he'd remember until his death. 

"What is this?" Aaron said, ignoring Tabitha's question. 

Tabitha took a sip as well and swallowed it while grimacing. "I think it's some sort of cheap diluted soup. Let's just throw this away. Never putting that thing in my mouth, no. No."

They put the soup aside and continued with their potatoes. 

"What are we mining for, again?" Tabitha said, a bit too loud causing some people to look at her. 

"A barren object that is," Aaron answered.

"You're not answering my question."

Aaron looked at her with a slight annoyance. "The second half of the Life Sphere. One of the essential ingredients in making a Draught of Mata."

"Why is it barren?"

"Because its first half should be activated before it, you'll see it soon."

"How? And why the hell is it split into two? Were the others like that?"

"Yes," Aaron said, trying to end his conversation with Tabitha. They then continued to eat in silence. Tabitha looked shunned by what Aaron said. She continued to eat in silence until she looked again at Aaron. 

"I have a plan," Tabitha said, her voice full of determination. 

"Sure, and then what?" Aaron said, not realizing how hopeless he already got. 

"No, I think I've found out where your kid is."

Aaron held a spoonful of mashed potato near his mouth and gave Tabitha a questioning look. He raised his eyebrows and said, "what do you mean?"

"Danny. I think I've found him."

Aaron felt a surge of hope run inside him. "H-how?" he stuttered.

Tabitha looked around for any eavesdroppers but all guards were by the doors monitoring the entrance. They're brain dead anyways they wouldn't hear her. She started, her voice strong but soft, "Here's the thing…

"So you see, I'm stationed nearby hall A-- the largest building and the main facility, but the least secured by men because they use machines for doing it. Thermal scanners, cameras, and the like. I was mining, then a man walked out who was the palest I've ever seen in my life which was weird since I've been with anemic people and they can't--"

"Hurry. We're running out of time," Aaron said.

"As I was saying, he walked out and he was clearly mad! His walk was out of composure and he really stuck out his chest as if that can prove his worth. But since he was mad he kept on muttering, 'what's the business with that kid? Should be glad I ended it. I'll show him who's dumb.' Of course, based on the direction of the ship, it came from the west. Dalikamata. I got curious."

Aaron now faced Tabitha. Tabitha threw a smirk and put down her empty plate.

"And… you got in?" Aaron asked. 

"I did. They use the same technology found inside Minaden and I knew how to tamper with those things. Easy."

Aaron smiled, then held it back, hoping no one would divert their attention to them. 

"There were no guards, only those machines. I got to the nearest door that wasn't a cupboard in the facility and ducked behind some casing which gave me cover. I heard two men talking, one sounded beaten up and the other was interviewing. Most of their discussions were about some journal and deciphering the codes within it until they came upon some magical kid that can shoot beams. The beaten up dude denied knowing him, but I think that was the same room where the pale man came from, so there was really a chance that that was Danny."

Aaron processed Tabitha's information. He stared at his food and looked around before saying, "did they mention anything about activating him? You know like removing his wits from himself?"

She shook her head. "They need him. If we're going to take him with us, there's still time."

The siren roared and everyone stood up quickly. "Alright, we now know where to go. All we have to do is find some sort of way out of here," Aaron said.

Tabitha gave another smirk. Aaron looked at her and asked, "you got it covered?"

All she did was wink. Aaron frowned and opened his mouth as if to say something, but he closed it again afterwards. He wasn't used to this kind of spontaneity. Whatever was the meaning behind Tabitha's mischievous wink, Aaron was very skeptical. If this was Tabitha's way for getting back at Aaron's oblique answers, well, she did it.

They stood up and put their plates and utensils by a stacked sink, and went back to their work. Aaron had almost forgotten how the hot sun felt like when he walked outside. He trod down and went back to his station. Tabitha took a turn and separated herself from Aaron. She smiled as she walked around the building and to her station.

If what Tabitha was saying was the truth, then not soon he'd be able to see Danny. 

Hang on a bit, Danny. I'm near. 

Just as when he was about to throw down his pickaxe, a dead shrill voice boomed behind him. 

"Subject 00172, come with us."

Aaron turned around and saw a man with a tough build. His bald head shone brightly beneath the sun. His face was as sullen as the stone behind him. 

"Why?" he answered. 

The man didn't respond. He took Aaron's arm and pulled him, he resisted and punched the man on his abdomen. The man barely responded and slapped Aaron hard enough on the face to send him tumbling down. He can hear whispers of panic behind from everyone. His face felt sore and everything felt hazy. He felt his heart beat faster than ever. 

"Please don't resist." The man took his arm and slumped him over his shoulder. Aaron watched as eyes followed them. 

It took a while for Aaron to realize that they were headed towards Hall A. He saw Tabitha's soaking back, mining. She stopped arched her back and looked at the loud stomps the big man was making. At his peripherals, he noticed her shocked expression. 

He didn't know what to do, he felt helpless and embarrassed at the same time. He'd only just hoped that they weren't going to harm him or anyone. 

The loud clunking of the pickaxes hitting the ground faded and only the booming footsteps of the man could be heard. The hallway was dark and only small lamps lit it. It was wide, and there were no doors on either side of the walls except at the end, which they entered. 

The room inside was small but bright. The man threw him down and Aaron felt his knees wobble. He looked around and was astounded with the minimalistic objects found in the room. A table, which was barely large enough for dining; two metallic cushionless chairs, and a bright bulb. Some sort of counter surrounded it good for cover. This was the interview room Tabitha talked about. How he sneaked behind the big man was something he couldn't imagine even in his years being a burglar.

There was a door on the other side of the room and a pale man stood, his figure petite and his ears were pierced with animal fangs. Danny would call him awesome though, except for the way he said, "I'll call him, cstay here, csourbrain."

The man grunted and stood by the door behind Aaron. 

Aaron felt his own breathing turn more rapid. He felt something would turn out wrong in the next thing they're about to do.

The door opposite him opened and the man in the lab coat that greeted him and Tabitha days ago appeared. His smile reached his ears and he opened his palm towards the chair, signalling Aaron to sit. He turned around and the bald man was still standing at the same spot where he dropped him. There was no use resisting. 

He sat down in front of the man. The man raised a clipboard from his coat and said, "Subject 00172, you have been suspected of planning an escape plan with your cellmate, Subject 00171." There was a long grave pause as the smile from the man faded from his face. "Is this true?"

Alex swallowed and said, "no," in a very quick tone.

The man put down his clipboard. "Of course, not." He then took out a small transparent piece of glass from his pocket and placed it between them. "Of course, not," he repeated. "Then what's keeping you up at night? This?" He tapped the glass and a voice record played. Right at the very first words, he knew that it was his voice and Tabitha's.

"How about Hall A?" Aaron said. 

"I'm stationed there. The hall's not very secure, so that's not a problem but the gates there are wide open and heavily guarded. Not a good option really."

"Hmm… I'm nearby Hall B and B2. There are fences, but they would activate whatever's inside us immediately when they noticed that we used that route."

"I see… we can fly? Can you handle a ship?"

"Nope. Their tech is w--"

The man pressed the screen and turned it off. Aaron cringed in fear at what he heard, although it was good they weren't doing Tabitha any harm… for now. The scientist looked at him in the eyes. "Now, let me rephrase. Why do you suppose an escape would be successful?"

Aaron averted his gaze and looked at the screen. He wanted to scream, to tell him of their plans and to never meddle again with their lives. Of course, what was an adventure without some antagonism? He wanted to tell him he has a friend that was stuck in another land that needed him. But all he did was whimper and said, "...none of your business."

The scientist nodded and grinned more, showing his gums. "Ahh… maybe a friend waiting outside the walls?" He stood up and whispered to Aaron's ear, "a kid? Perhaps one with supernatural capabilities?"

That was when Aaron lost it. He slammed the glass on the table on the man's head and punched him on the face causing a loud smack to be heard. The man, who flinched in pain, fell on his back on the counter behind. The man instantly threw his hand on his forehead and rubbed it as if it was his first time experiencing pain. "Take this man…. into a seperate…. cell. He won't be working…. out anymore," the scientist stammered. 

The man was becoming more unbearable, he wanted to do more than throw a glass on his head. Aaron raised his fist at the man until he heard footsteps approaching behind him. A hand grabbed his left elbow. He waited for another arm to wrap around the other but he only felt being tased before passing out.

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