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Maryam and Hannaan were just like any other siblings , they played together, created nuisance together and fought with each other only to get back together in a matter of time .But when this time they fought as Hannaan mistakenly broke Maryam's hand painted clay pot, they didn't patched up like everytime .Even after Hannaan's apology and Maryam's acceptance of that apology, couldn't seem to erase the sense of aloofness and silence that now existed between them.
Motherhood had made silence a luxury for Madiha but when this time she experienced this luxury ,she felt no comfort rather she felt apprehensive about  the silence that now pervaded the siblings relationship. She missed her Chip & Dale. Determined to know the cause of this silence,she lured Hannaan to tell him .And after she had heard the entire tale ,she decided to give her daughter some gardening lessons.

So Maryam,do you know anything about sowing of seeds? was the first thing Madiha asked her daughter as they stood at her favourite place in the house ' her mini garden' to teach Maryam some  gardening lessons or to be more accurate life lessons. At the corner of her eyes,Madiha could see Hannaan trying to hide behind the car but utterly failing to do so  because of his curiosity .To her question ,Maryam nodded  in negative. As they squatted around the pot Madiha began to explain. ' The first and most important thing about sowing of seeds is knowing the right depth at which they must sowed . Different seeds have different right depth, some are to be sowed shallow and some deep. But what common to all seeds is if they are not sowed at their right depth, they do not germinate and die ,no matter how much water and sunlight you give them. So these tomato seeds we have are digged deep and covered with soil' .

As Maryam started sowing tomato seeds ,Madiha asked her ,' Maryam , do you know that sowing of seed teaches us something very important ?' .Maryam looked  confusingly at her mother and nodded in negative. 'Just as seeds must be sowed at right depth to germinate and grow into a plant similarly a person must learn to forgive  from the right depth of the heart to bloom into a good believer. Suppose if we had sown these tomato seeds in a shallow depth then despite having potential to grow into an healthy plant and despite having given water and proper sunlight, it still wouldn't have grown but rather died. ALLAH SWT has also provided every individual with a potential to be a good believer but if the person holds grudges and malice and does not forgives from the depth of the heart and then despite all the prayers, fasts and charity, the person would feel agitated ,furious and depressed' .

Maryam in order to become a good servant of ALLAH SWT forgiving someone is as much important as seeking HIS forgiveness. And when you find yourself in a position where you have to forgive someone imagine yourself standing in front of AR RAHMAN SWT  on the Judgement Day and forgive that person as readily as you want ALLAH SWT to forgive you. So Maryam now do you understand the importance  of forgiving?.Maryam nodded in affirmative. Madiha smiled at her daughter as she said ,' Do you want to become good servant of ALLAH SWT ? Maryam nodded her head ja vigorously .Madiha patted her face lovingly and said, ' So then you know what you have to say to Hannaan? Maryam nodded again. But seeing her a little hesitant ,Madiha called Hannaan who came running towards them as if he was just waiting to be called .And before Maryam could say anything to him ,he hugged her and Maryam hugged him back .Madiha smiled and muttered Alhamdullilah as finally her Chip & Dale had reconciled. When suddenly Hannaan innocently asked Madiha, ' Mamma wont you also teach me gardening? Madiha smiled at her son and said ,' Of course baby, I will teach you .But you have to promise you will not end up making them eaten by cutworms.' Listening to this ,Hannaan shyly looked down . Madiha smiled and took in Hannaan's hand lovingly and said ,' But I know my this baby will take care of my other babies, won't he?.Hannaan nodded his vigorously and ran to one of the plants and said , ' I promise to take care of them Mamma ' while softly patting the plant as if it was really a baby causing both Maryam and Madiha to burst out laughing.

Let's not the grudges and malice deprive us the benefit of our good deeds. Let's not forgiving someone deprive us from getting forgiven by AL-GHAFOOR. This Ramadaan let's forgive and forget the hurt given by someone just as we want ALLAH SWT to forgive and forget our sins.🍂


Do remember me and ummah in your precious duas.

Faqat e Abd

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🍂

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