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Sins and only sins had she committed all her life,
Her soul and heart long dead only body alive.
Darkness consumed her to the core ,
Drenched in worldly desires, nothing in her was left pure ,
Impossible it looked her way back to the the straight road,
But how could one be so sure?
When the qayyum of the soul,
From whom nothing is hidden.
Whether it is the matter of world outside,
or secret whispers of hearts inside,
HE knows it all ,
He desperately doesn't cause anyone to fall ,
But rather patiently waits for their call,
To be forgiven and guided,
Oblivious were they to the fact that HIS name unconsciously their heart had always recited.
Impossible becomes possible ,
As when the Rab says Kun ,nothing remains unbelievable.
Where once pride and greed used to bloom ,
That head was now honoured with Sujood
Where she often brood,
That despite all her sins, Lord had her choose,
To be guided back to HIM,
But people are not so forgiving,
But rather rude,
Her every actions to please her lord was judged and critically reviewed.
Strangling her with her past,
With slanders and taunts was how she was thrashed,
While she suffered ,people laughed,
If ALMIGHTY could absolved,
Why was it so difficult for people to forgive, she often asked,
Despondent and dejected,
Broken was what rib cage had protected.
She thought,
Like people, her pleas might also be rejected by Lord.
As all her life she only sinned,
Devil she had followed and to him she had only listened,
Could in heart so black could light of guidance glisten,
But who was she to compare ALMIGHTY with laymen.
WHOSE mercy was vast ,
Much stronger than her dark past,
Repenting &mending ,
The broken heart,
She embarked towards a new beginning ,a new start,
But people didn't stopped,
With their harsh comments and rude remarks,
Thus spurned and burned,
She escaped & Hided from the world,
That was hostile & unconcerned.
O how lonely she felt,
But immediately she prostrated to repent.
As how could she be lonely when ALLAH is near,
And this was enough for her to persevere,
Harsh words of her peers,
As it was not people but to Rab she wanted to become dear.
And HIM knowing her efforts were sincere
Was enough to her,
Cause her life was a love story between her and her CREATOR.
Taunts and insults by people ,she no longer care,
The only thing that now made her scared and tremble with fear,
Was losing HIM and ending up again in Devil's lair,
So in her every dua and every prayer,
Asking for HIS closeness is what she incessantly adhered.


A question for you all amazing souls:

✨)Which surahs are known as
Al -Mu' awwidhatayn?

Please recite Allahu Akbar at least 30 times before you end the chapter

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas

Faqat e abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🌺

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