Chapter 3:ayushiki (ayumi x yoshiki)

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Pika:welcome back peeps!


Pika:shut up! We got another dare! from CoolGirlSwag!

I dare ayumi to slap yosh on the right cheek then kiss him on the same cheek xD

Pika:ok thats easy,Ayumi! Yoshiki! get in here right now!

Yoshiki:geez don't need to yell


Pika:read the dare hands her dare

Ayumi:reads the dare then blushes I'll pass...

Pika:what was that!? asks in a really creepy voice

Ayumi:fine I'll do it slaps Yoshiki on the right cheek

Yoshiki:why did you do tha-

Ayumi:kisses his right cheek ... blushes then runs away

Pika:fangirls in mind ok now thats over with got anything to say Yoshiki?


Pika:guess not well that's it for now but before we go I just want to say two things 1. Thank you for the 157 views and 11 votes! 2.when I was watching corpse party blood drive on YouTube there was this video that said extra 1 and it had a picture of Morishige on a stage with something on his wrist and Kizami in the background I wanted to see what it was and it was 45 minutes long but I still watched it and even though it was in Japanese I'm glad I watched it because it had a mayushige moment that made me fangirl so hard and really sad I'm not spoiling the video but let's just say that they both say I love you near the end. Bye! :3

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