Chapter 4: Dares from Hell

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A/N Guys, I actually need some dares, you know! If I keep getting dares from my friend SeikoLover, someone is gonna end up 6 feet underground. XD So send in your dares and questions, please!!!!

Jewel: Okay, what do we have today? Okay, they're both from SeikoLover.... First, we have.....oh. Uhhhh........... wellllll.........

Mayu: How bad is it?

Jewel: ......It's inappropriate enough that Sachiko isn't involved......

Yoshiki: Oh that's bad.....

Jewel: Yeah, I think you guys would be better off in Heavenly Host...... well, except for Seiko. She'll be excited for this dare. Actually, you know what, I can't read this. Seiko, you wanna read it? ;-;

Seiko: Heehee, gimme, gimme! *takes paper from Jewel* .....YASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! OMG BEST DARE EVAR!!!!

SeikoLover: I KNOW, RIGHT?!

Satoshi: Hey, when did you get here?

SeikoLover: I crawled through the window!

Jewel: *snaps fingers* *all exits are sealed* Well, now that you're heeeerrreeeeee..... *grins evilly* Why don't you play with us?

SeikoLover: ......fuck you.

Seiko: Yeah, play with us!!!! PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSEEEEEEE!!!!

SeikoLover: *sigh* Only cuz the exits are sealed.....

Jewel: :3 OH FUCK!

Everyone: What?

Jewel: ....Does Ms. Yui have to do the dare, too?

SeikoLover: Well, I did say everyone.....

Jewel: This is unacceptable.....

Seiko: Actually, I'm quite excited!!! :3

Ayumi: God, I hate suspense.... just read the dare!!!

Naomi: Let's just get it over with....


Jewel: Yeah, we already established that.........

SeikoLover: HEY!

Jewel: *shrug*

Seiko: Okay, all girls except Sachiko have to take off their shirts, and the boys have to take off their pants! Oh, and we all have to remain this way for the entire game!

Everyone except Sachiko, Jewel, Seiko and SeikoLover: WHAT?!

Jewel: *sigh* You heard her. Everyone, you know what to do.

Girls: *remove shirts reluctantly*

Guys: *take off pants reluctantly*

Jewel: Oh, and since Sachiko won't be participating in either dare, she can just sit in the corner.

Sachiko: That's boring!!!

Jewel: You really would have been better off without complaining, you know that, right? *snaps fingers*

Sachiko: *turns into a slug in a plastic container*

Jewel: LOL I'm gonna wake up dead. XD

Naomi: Maybe we wouldn't have to do these stupid dares, then....

Jewel: Well, you got everyone back, though! :3

Seiko: Yeah, you have me, Naomiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! *hugs Naomi*

Naomi: Agh, S-seiko, stop! We're both shirtless!

Seiko: I know! >:3

Jewel: Seiko, if I were you, I'd let go of Naomi so she can do the next dare!

Naomi: Oh God, kill me now.....

Jewel: Heehee, it's one of my ships, actually.....

Naomi: Well, I'm fucked.

Jewel: YEP! You and Satoshi have to do the tango while Seiko records it!

Naomi and Satoshi: *blush* WHAT?!

Satoshi: B-but, we're not exactly.......

Naomi: Dressed.

Seiko: SO? giggles* *pulls out phone* Hey Naoooomiiiiiii, smile!!!! *starts taking pictures*

Naomi: SEIKO!!!!! Stop itttttt!

Seiko: :3

SeikoLover: *starts playing the Tango on her phone* NOW DANCE!

~A very awkward 4 minutes later~

Yoshiki: *laughs* You 2 look like tomatoes*

Ms. Yui: Well, who in this room doesn't?

Yoshiki: Ehh, fair enough.

Jewel: *sigh* Well, thankfully, that was the last dare, so we're FINALLY done!!!!!

All girls except for Seiko: *put shirts back on*

Boys: *put pants back on*

Ayumi: Ummm, Shinohara, you can put your shirt back on now.

Seiko: Awwww, do I have to?

Everyone except Seiko: YES!

Seiko: Fiiiinnneeee..... *puts shirt on*

Jewel: Only you..........

Seiko: :3

Jewel: Anyways, that was all for today. Which is good, cuz I'm just..... I'm done. Leave your dares and questions in the comments down below, and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!!

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